Tender For supply of phosphatizing and chromating residual treatment plant - air blower for arms phosphating and chromating residual treatment plant , circulation pump for arms phosphating and chromating residual treatment plant , activated carbon filteration micron cartridge filteration for arms posphating and chromating residual treatment plant , mcf filteration bottle for arms posphating and chromating residual treatment plant , mixing tank for arms posphating and chromating residual treatment plant , settling tank for pre cleaning of fuel oils by gravity , sludge drying bed for arms posphating and chromating residual treatment plant , holding tank pump for arms posphating and chromating residual treatment plant , ph indicator meter for arms phosphating and chromating residual treatment plant , flow meter for arms posphating and chromating residual treatment plant , connecting pipe line for arms posphating and chromating residual treatment plant , ep with cable and change over switch for arms posphating and chromating residual treatment plant , waste water treatment poly electrolyte for arms posphating and chromating residual treatment plant , alum and etp grade lime for arms posphating and chromating residual treatment plant , installation of arms posphating and chromating residual treatment plant , training on operation and safety precaution of arms phosphating and chromating resiual treatment plant , sodium meta by sulphate mixing tank for arms phosphating and chromating residual treatment plant bid number/ ( ( ) ): gem/2024/b/5641680 dated/* : 10-12-2024 bid document/ 1 1 / 16
Tender For construction of etp stp rwtp civil structure for effluent receiving sump and other civil structures in connection with crude oil import terminal coit project for nrl at paradip
Tender For providing of repair, maintenance, and installation of plant/ systems/equipments (version 2) - industry unit; one time contract for supply of welder gas cutter rigger rigging supervisor helper for various pipeline structural equipment maintenance jobs at etp; as..
Tender For p.d.manikandeswaram devaswom in kottarakkara group- constructing a temporary ramp from the parking area to etp site and relocating the overhead water tank- reg