Tender For corrigendum : supply of front end wheel loader , air cleaner element , engine oil filter , fuel oil filter , transmission oil filter , hydraulic oil filter , alternator drive belt , water pump drive belt , cylinder seal kits , starter motor , alternator
Tender For corrigendum : supply of front end wheel loader - front end wheel loader powered by indigenous water cooled diesel engine as per data sheet provided , air cleaner element , engine oil filter , transmission oil filter , hydraulic oil filter , alternator or water pump drive belt , water pump , radiator assy , transmission oil cooler , hydraulic oil cooler , cylinder seal kit , starter motor , alternator , wheel disc with tyre
Tender For providing of custom bid for services - hiring of 02 nos hydraulic excavator 20 tonne 01 no motor grader 02 nos wheel loader hydraulic excavator cum loader 01 no soil compactor 10 ton capacity and 01 no concrete mixer self loaded 4 cum drum capacity for road konda..
Tender For proposal for providing 08 nos. of manpower for outsourcing operation and maintenance of hemms hydraulic excavator, loader, dumpers and for crushing and screening plant at sitapatore sukli mine.in general shift
Tender For supply of material for the work of construction of harvesting structure thrashing floor including pucca storage near pottamuckal vaikal at nedungadu village panchayat in nedungadu commune (2nd call) - collection and supply of fine sand including stacking to standard departmental gauage for pre-measurement at the site as directed by the engineer-in-charge., collection and supply of gravel including stacking to standard departmental gauage for pre-measurement at the site as directed by the engineer-in-charge., collection and supply of portland cement, collection and supply of stone aggregate (single size) :40 mm nominal size including stacking to standard departmental gauage for pre-measurement at the site as directed by the engineer-in-charge., collection and supply of stone aggregate (single size) : 20 mm nominal size including stacking to standard departmental gauage for pre-measurement at the site as directed by the engineer-in-charge., collection and supply of stone aggregate (single size) : 10 mm nominal size including stacking to standard departmental gauage for pre-measurement at the site as directed by the engineer-in-charge., collection and supply of coarse sand (zone iii) including stacking to standard departmental gauage for pre-measurement at the site as directed by the engineer-in-charge., collection and supply of common burnt clay f.p.s (non modular) bricks class designation 3.5, hire charges of wall form panel 1250x500 mm, hire charges of 100mm channel shoulder 2.5m long, hire charges of double clip (bridge clip), hire charges of single clip, hire charges of m.s.tube 40mm dia, supply of twisted steel / deformed tmt bars fe-500d, hire charges of flame retardant face insulating , impregnated fibre board 12mm thick, supply of bitumen hot sealing compound : grade a, supply of bitumen solution primer of approved quality, supply of dehradun white lime, supply of welding by electric plant, supply of mild steel tubes hot finished welded type., supply of red oxide zinc chromate primer, supply of galvanised steel j or l hooks 8mm dia, supply of precoated galvanised iron profile sheet 0.5mm tct, supply of mild steel sheetsof 1.00mm thickness for tanks, supply of structural steel such as tees, angles channels and r.s.joists, supply of iron pintels including welded pin, supply of mild steel sheets with bolts and nuts to rest on pintels, supply of synthetic enamel paint in black or chocolate shade, supply of plasticizer / super plasticizer, supply of c.i.pile shoe, supply of m.s.clamps for pile shoe, hire charge for loader including operating staff,diesel& lubricant oil etc,complete., hire charge for hydraulic excavator (3d) with driver and fuel including operating staff,diesel& lubricant oil etc,complete., hire charge for vibrator(needle type 40mm) including operating staff,diesel& lubricant oil etc,complete., hire charges of concrete mixer 0.25 to 0.40 cum with hooper including operating staff,diesel & lubricant oil etc,complete., hire charge of hydraulic piling rig with power unit etc.,complete accessories and shifitin including operating staff,diesel& lubricant oil etc,complete., hire charge for pumping of concrete-h/c of pump, piping work, & accessories etc including operating staff,diesel& lubricant oil etc,complete., hire charge production cost of concrete by batch mix plant(rolling every layer and top-most layer ) including operating staff,diesel& lubricant oil etc,complete., supply and fixing of r.c.c. precast citizen name board size of 3.5 feet breadth, 6.00 feetheight and 2 inches thick with painting, drawing work, lettering the name board work. the rate includingcost of 1:2:4 p.c.c., earth work and refilling for fixing of post, loading unloading and transport charges etc.,complete as per the standard drawing of mord. mgnrega
Tender For hiring of 02 nos hydraulic excavator 20 tonne, 01 no motor grader, 04 nos wheel loader jcb, 01 no soil compactor 10 tonne capacity and concrete mixer self loading 4 cum drum capacity for construction of road tarrem-chutwahi-kondapalli in chhattisgar
Tender For corrigendum : providing of hiring of earth moving equipments, material handling equipments and cranes (per hour basis) - earth moving equipment; hydraulic excavator 20 ton with bucket; below 02 years,hiring of earth moving equipments, material handling equipments and cranes (per hour basis) - earth moving equipment; excavator cum loader backhoe; below 02 years
Tender For corrigendum : supply of material for the work of construction of post harvesting facilility structure and pucca storage facilities at sembiapalayam village panchayat in nettapakkam commune of ariyankuppam block, puducherry. - hire and running charge of loader, hydraulic excavator (3d) with driver and fuel, (psr code no.0983 pdy) fine sand (zone iv), hire charges of concrete mixer 0.25 to 0.40 cum with hopper, hire charges of vibrator ( needle type 40mm), supply of portland cement, (psr code no0295 pdy) supply of stone aggregate (single size) : 20mm nominal size, (psr code no.0982 pdy)supply of coarse sand (zone iii), (psr code no.0293 pdy) supply of stone aggregate : 40mm nominal size, hire charges of diesel road roller- 8 to 10 tonne, (psr code no.0810a pdy) supply of gravel, (psr code no.0297 pdy)supply of stone aggregate (single size) : 100 mm nominal size, hire charges of wall form panel 1250 x 500 mm for centering, hire charges ofdouble clip (bridge clip) for centering, hire charges of single clip for centering, common burnt clay f.p.s (non modular) brick class designation 7.5, supply of twisted steel / deformed bars, (9999a) supply of m30 grade cover block, hire charges of welding by electric plant, supply of mild steel tubes finshed welded type, supply of red oxide zinc chromate primer, supply of precoated glavanished iron profile sheet 0.50 mm tct, supply of galvanished steel j or l hooks 8mm dia, hire and running charges of hydraulic pilling with power unil etc. inclduing complete accessories and shifting at site, hire and running charges of light crane, production cost of concrete by batch mix plant, pumping charges of concrete including hire charges of pump piping work and accessories, supply of c.i pile shoe, supply of m.s clamps for pile shoe, supply of plasticizer / super plasticizer, supply of bitumen hot sealing compound grade a, supply of flame relardant face inslulating impregnated fibre board 12 mm thick, supply of mild steel sheets for tanks, supply of structural steel such as tees, angles, channels and r.s joists, supply of iron pintels including welded pin, supply of mild steel sheets with bolts and nuts to rest on pintels, supply of deharadun white lime, supply of synthetic enamel paint in black or chocolate shade, providing one number of citizen information board of size 0.90 x 1.20m for community work as per the standard drawing of mord. mgnrega (r.c.c. precast), 100mm channel shoulder 2.50m long, m.s tube 40mm dia
Tender For corrigendum : supply of material for the work of construction of fish drying yard for community in panithittu village panchayat in bahour commune of ariyankuppam block, puducherry. - hire and running charge of loader, hire charges of hydraulic excavator (3d) with driver and fuel, (psr code no.0983 pdy) fine sand (zone iv), hire charges of concrete mixer 0.25 to 0.40 cum with hopper, hire charges of vibrator ( needle type 40mm), supply of portland cement, (psr code no0295 pdy) supply of stone aggregate (single size) : 20mm nominal size, (psr code no.0982 pdy) supply of coarse sand (zone iii), (psr code no.0293 pdy)supply of stone aggregate : 40mm nominal size, (psr code no.0810a pdy)supply of gravel, (psr code no.0297 pdy) supply of stone aggregate (single size) : 100 mm nominal size, hire charges of wall form panel 1250 x 500 mm for centering, hire charges of corner angle 45 x 45 x 5 mm 1.50 m long for centering, hire charges of 100 mm channel shoulder 2.5 m long for centering, hire charges of double clip (bridge clip) for centering, hire charges of single clip for centering, hire charges of m.s tube 40 mm dia for centering, supply of common burnt clay f.p.s (non modular) brick class designation 3.5, supply of deharadun white lime, supply of bitumen hot sealing compound grade a, supply of flame relardant face inslulating, impregnated fibre board 12 mm thick, providing one number of citizen information board of size 0.90 x 1.20m for community work as per the standard drawing of mord. mgnrega (r.c.c. precast), supply of twisted steel / deformed bars