Tender For survey, investigation, design, supply, installation, testing, commissioning etc, for filling of 45 tanks in madhugiri taluk of tumkur district from madhugiri gravity feeder of yettinahole project comprising of head works, construction of intake channel, pump house, electro-mechanical components such as pumping machineries, power supply including terminal bays, laying of transmission lines, rising mains, gravity mains and delivery chamber, surge protection arrangements, road and railway crossing by pipe jacking or horizontal drilling method, road restoration, nala trimming, tank improvement works, utility shifting, supply of departmental vehicles and qc lab equipment and mobile van, facilitating of land acquisition and crop compensation and other statutory clearances from concerned departments etc., and other allied components including operation and maintenance for a period of five years after successful commissioning of work on turnkey basis work.
Tender For construction of r.c.c one way surge tank supply and fixing of air valves and zero velocity valves and allied works at different chainages for rising main pipelines laid from head works at yargol dam to 13 mld capacity wtp at bangarpete 13 mld capacity wtp at bangarpete to 30.42 mld capacity wtp at kolar for surge protection under combined water supply scheme to kolara city bangarpete maluru towns and 45 en route villages with yargola dam as a source under uidssmt.
Tender For corrigendum : design, materials procurement, manufacture / fabrication, shop testing, painting, packing, transportation, delivery, at site of surge tank along with accessories, required for up-gradation of blast furnace no. 3 at sail, durgapur steel plant.