Tender For supplying diff type of material - supplying and providing material, garbage tipper mounted on four wheel bsvi vi ( diesel). container make in 16 gauge m s sheet & c channel frame 75x40, two side foot rest in 16 gauge. container of garbage capacity 1.5 cum .battery operated d.c power pack 12v, 6 lpm motor r.p.m 1400 with 08 ltr oil tank with indicator level solid valve & up & down switch hydraulic cylinder 450 stroke x 40 bore, anti corrosive paint, two coat of synthetic enamel paint., wheel dustbin 120 ltr nilkamal, computer all in one 23.8 screen / 8gb ram /512ssd, dsc setup installation with browser setting, old pc hdd deta recover with shifting new pc, egram soft mdf_deta recovery_ e gram app_installation
Tender For supply of m and l for servicing of dg set by cleaning oiling greasing replacing and topping electrical mechanical parts safety devices coolant hoses air cleaner as directed make kirlosker cap 200 kva 3 ph , m and l for servicing of dg set by cleaning oiling greasing replacing and topping electrical mechanical parts safety devices coolant hoses air cleaner as directed make kirlosker cap 160 kva 3 ph , supply and fixing in replacement hose pipe set with clamp for dg set 160 to 200 kva. , supply and fixing in replacement of oil pipe set for dg set 160 to 200 kva capacity , supply and fixing of fuel pipe set for dg set 160 to 200 kva capacity , supply and fixing in replacement of v belt for dg set 160 to 200 kva capacity , supply and fixing of oil filter for dg set 160 to 200 kva capacity , supply and fixing in replacement of diesel filter for dg set 160 to 200 kva capacity , supply and fixing of air filter for dg set 160 to 200 kva capacity , material and labour in replacement of engine oil 15w40 for dg set 160 to 200 kva capacity , material and labour in replacement of coolent for dg set 160 to 200 kva capacity , material and labour for of pump calibration for dg set 160 to 200 kva capacity , material and labour for repair and cleaning of radiator for dg set160 to 200 kva capacity , material and labour in replacement of avr for dg set 160 to 200 kva capacity , material and labour in replacement for relay 12 volt dc for dg set 160 to 200 kva capacity , material and labour for injector repair and calibration for dg set 160 to 200 kva capacity , material and labour for self starter repair for dg set 160 to 200 kva capacity , material and labour for fuel tank cleaning for dg set 160 kva capacity bid number/ & ( * ) : gem/2025/b/6075079 dated/ + : 21-03-2025 bid document/ 3 3 1 / 14
Tender For bid to ras corrigendum : supply of repair oblic work is required for maruti gypsy veh ba no 02b084662p at det ep 1125 fma jaisalmer , m and l for parts of veh to be replaced , distilled water for bty , gear oil 80w90 make mobil , engine oil 05w30 approx 3 and half ltr make mobil , oil filter , wheel bearing as reqd , coolant , grease , diesel filter pump with fuel pump , hub packing kit , clutch plate , leather break shoes , maintenance and labour work required , transmission oil changing , engine oil changing , greasing of wheel and hub , servicing of vehicle oblic cleaning oblic polishing , fixing of clutch plate of clutch , connection of head light oblic fog light oblic tank meter , auto wiring
Tender For supply of repair to eicher ba no 09d 182075 - labour charge for replacement of oil and filters , engine oil 15w40 , oil filter , diesel filter , gear box and differential oil , air filter , break oil , labour for replacement of quarter glass , quarter glass , labour charge for dismantling the complete four wheel frontom the vehicle and repair and replacement of under mentioned work to be carrried out , front oil seal , rear outer oil seal , rear inner oil seal , front wheel cyclinder assy , rear wheel cyclinder assy , hub grease , front wheel bearing big , front wheel bearing small , rear wheel bearing big , rear wheel bearing small , front and rear break inner set , front and rear break liner lock kit , labour charge for complete dismantling of steering frontom , replacement of steering center line assy , replacement of steering center line pin kit , replacement of steering lock kit , m and l for dismantling and servicing of radiator assy and replacement of water pump , radiator hose pipe set , radiator hose clip , coolant , water pump assy , labour only for complete burnt starter from the vehicle , solenoid switch , carbon brush set , bushing set , fitting kit , labour charge for complete dismantling of fuel tank and refixing , labour charge for checking and tightening all fastners as per given engine pheriperals drive line electricals , fasterners with acessories , labour charge for checking electrical system ensure usage of genuine fuses with corearect ratings condition of fuse and relay holding , labour charge for checking suspension shock absorber for leakage damage leaf sprins for damage sagging bushes wear out u bolt suspension arm for damage etc and rectify and replacement as necessary , material and labour for check external clogging of intercooler and radiator and clean with compressed air and water , material and labour for check all drive belts condition and frontee rotation damage as water pump belt tensioner , labour charge for wheel alignment and cambering of wheels , m and l for servicing washing and greasing of veh
Tender For repair to tata lpt ba no 20d 210248y - labour charge for replacement , engine oil 15w40 , oil filter , diesel filter , gear box and differential , air filter , break oil , labour charge for dismantling the complete four wheel from the vehicle and repair and replacement , for oil seal , rear outer oil seal , rear inner oil seal , fr wheel cyclinder assy , rr wheel cyclinder assy , hub grease , fr wheel bearing big , fr wheel bearing small , rr wheel bearing big , rr wheel bearing small , fr and rr break inner set , fr and rr break liner lock kit , m and l for dismantling and servicing of radiator assy and , radiator hose pipe set , radiator hose clip , coolant , water pump assy , labour charge for complete dismantling of steering , replacement of steering center line assy , replacement of steering center line pin kit , replacement of steering lock kit , labour only for complete burnt starter from the vehicle , solenoid switch , carbon brush set , bushing set , fitting kit , labour charge for complete dismantling of fuel tank , labour charge for checking and tightening all fastners as per given engine pheriperals drive line , fasterners with acessories , labour charge for checking electrical system ensure usage of genuine fuses with correct ratings , labour charge for checking suspension shock absorber for leakage damage leaf sprins for damage sagging bushes , material and labour for check external clogging of intercooler and radiator and clean with compressed , material and labour for check all drive belts condition and following for free rotation damage as water
Tender For supply of labour charge for complete vehicle drain out and refiling of engine oil comma , engine oil , diesel oblique fuel filter , oil filter , coolant water , steering oil , brake oil , clutch oil , air filter , labour only for dismantling and overhauling of front suspension and repair oblique replacement , stabilizer linkage , suspension metal busing kit , suspension rubber bush kit , tie rod end set , upper arm boll joint set , lower arm boll joint set , center drag link rod assy , labour charge for complete dismantling of four wheel for alignment and wheel balancing and refixing the same , labour only for complete servicing and overhauling of brake system , rear break liner set , rear break liner lock kit , fr break pad liner set , rear wheel cylinder kit , labour charge for complete dismantling of fuel tank and refixing the same after cleaning all as directed by eic , labour charge for complete dismantling of propeller shaft assembly and refixing , labour charge for complete dismantling of steering and repair replacement of worn out spares cost of spare paid separately , steering center line assembly , steering center pin kit , labour charge for complete servicing repair of dash board hanging parts , labour for complete checking of wiring harness , head light assembly halogen bulb , indicator light bulb , indicator light cover box , labour charge for checking tightness of oil bolts and nuts comma cracks and signs in differential housing , labour charge for dismantling the silencer from the vehicle cleaning the same , silence packing , silence rubber , mufflar assembly , tail pipe , labour charge for servicing of radiator assembly and water pump assembly , radiator hose pipe set , radiator hose clip with locking , water pump assembly , labour charge for complete servicing of door , m and l for servicing washing and greasing of vehicle
Tender For repair, maintenance, and installation of plant/ systems/equipments (version 2) - npcil office cum transit accom at noida; as per scope of work; as per scope of work- operation and maintenance of various systems, equipment and fittings and supply of items at npcil office cum transit accommodation at noida - 1.1 providing supervisory services for operation & maintenance activity of office cum transit accommodation for o&m work of 11 kv/415v/240v systems, domestic water / fire water/ r.o. water/, air conditioners, water coolers, d.g sets, lighting systems, earth pits, , telephone. lines distribution systems, maintenance of lawns, flowerpots, rectification of deficiencies related to civil work like plumbing, carpentry / masonry work and office work etc. cleaning of underground water tanks, and overhead water tanks. regular check of lighting system of the building and repair and replacement of bulb, choke, holder starter and office work etc. one activity shall be considered completed by deputing one highly skilled manpower as per qualification given in tech. spec. for 9 hours in a day as per work requirement. due to sensitivity of nature of work required round the clock 1.1 highly skilled supervisor will be available round the clock for any instance and requirement as the case may be. 1.2 providing services of technician in skilled category round the clock for o & m activity at noida office cum transit accommodation for following activities :- (i) operation & maintenance of 11 kv system/equipment & transformer:- cleaning and area up keeping of 11 kv switch gear panel and transformer and replacement of silica gel in 315 kva transformer if colour changes. ht drop out fuse and condition monitoring of complete switch gear area, 315 kva transformer oil level in conservator will be checked in one month. the oil level must be maintained between 25%-75%, if it reduces it should be topped up by new tested insulating oil of hv grade per is-335. bushing are to be examined for crack and dirt deposit and are to be cleaned or replaced as necessary once in six months or earlier if required. noise/humming sound, temperature rise (over heating) and crack in bituminous compound once in a month, general cleaning of the transformer to keep it free from dust and soot s quarterly or as required. (ii) preventive maintenance of two (02) nos. 415 volts air circuit breaker, 11 kv vcb (01 nos.) and switch gear area up keeping. the contractor is also responsible for maintaining 230 volts ac distribution systems in healthy condition. the scope of work includes maintenance of db s panels, & switchgear to ensure the functioning of fan, light, distribution of electricity within noida office cum transit accommodation building. the required spares shall be provided by npcil however consumables & hard wares e.g. lubricant, petroleum jelly, tb nut bolt, lugs etc shall be provided by contractor. (iii) operation & maintenance of domestic water/fire water system: the scope of work includes operation of bore well to maintain fire water tank level. preventive maintenance of domestic and fire water system, routine testing of fire water hydrants/pumps both diesel operated and electrical pumps. dewatering and cleaning of underground fire water tank and domestic water tank six monthly. (iv) cleaning of 2 no s of overhead fire tank of 5000 liter capacity and one no. domestic water overhead tank of capacity 5000 liter and one number of solar water tank six monthly, servicing and lubrication of 2 number of domestic water pump, 3 no. sump pump. servicing and lubrication of jockey pump, main hydrant pump, fire engine pump. the required all spares parts, hardware s e.g. lubricant, petroleum jelly nut bolt, gasket etc. shall be provided by contractor. (v) operation and maintenance of solar water heating system will require weekly cleaning of solar water panel, heater replacement and maintaining temperature with heater, repair and replacement of rubber
Tender For supply of name of work repair oblique replacement of sewage cum jetting machine at 270 t camp entered in prb no c5vol ii page no 24 under ge 860 ews , disconnecting dismantling and taking out the following old unsv items for replacement from the sewage cum jetting machine and reassembling the same , disconnecting dismantling primary and secondry filter for the sewage cum jetting machine supply and fixing , b repair of dg set and changing engine oil complete service to the diesel engine fitted with suction machine including head repair , c painting both exterior and interior of the tank will be cleaned prior painting the tank exterior shall be spray painted , by replacing the following old unsv items disconnecting dismantling and taking out the vaccum pump from the sewage jetting machine , a vaccum blade , b bearing , c oil seal , d lathe machine metal work , e welding , f incorporated check valve , g forced lubricant pump , h incorporated 4 way valve , j high temperature resistant asbustus freevanes , serviceing oblique cleaning the body of the vehicle with kerosene at any washing point so that all sluge is removed then cleaning the body with water when the vehicle is totally cleaned , dismantling gate valve 80 mm dia from the sewage jetting machine supply and fixing the new of same size complete all as specified and as directed by engr-in- charge