Tender For providing of gis related survey services - per property; municipal boundaries; 1:10,000; gis and door to door survey for each household with allotment of unique id; shp, kml,gis related survey services - per property; municipal boundaries; 1:10,000; digitalization map of door to door survey polygon and data caterized properties; shp, kml,gis related survey services - per ward wise; municipal boundaries; 1:10,000; complete town map a0 size wards wise map a1 size ward wise computerized booklets and door to door survey booklet spiral binding; hardcopy,gis related survey services - per ward wise; municipal boundaries; 1:10,000; online mapping polygon wise showing online properties separate ward details editing online mapping data and one year maintance; hardcopy, kml, shp
Tender For providing of hiring of gis implementation agency for survey, software development and master planning related activities - municipal boundries; official web portal with property tax module with payment gateway; 2d; as per requirements; as per service provider sol..,hiring of gis implementation agency for survey, software development and master planning related activities - municipal boundries; water tax module with payment gateway; 2d; as per requirements; as per service provider solution; service provider (on-..,hiring of gis implementation agency for survey, software development and master planning related activities - municipal boundries; trade and licence issuance and management; 2d; as per requirements; as per service provider solution; service provider ..,hiring of gis implementation agency for survey, software development and master planning related activities - municipal boundries; budget monitoring system; 2d; as per requirements; as per service provider solution; service provider (on-premises),hiring of gis impl
Tender For providing of gis related survey services - hectares; railway; 1:1000; topographic survey and contouring, drone survey, photogrammetry survey; geo-tiff, cad format (dxf/dwg), dem
Tender For corrigendum : providing of manpower outsourcing services - fixed remuneration - it expert; as per bid document; as per bid document,manpower outsourcing services - fixed remuneration - social environment expert; as per bid dcoument; as per bid dcoument,manpower outsourcing services - fixed remuneration - ict expert; as per bid document; as per bid document,manpower outsourcing services - fixed remuneration - legal expert; as per bid dcoument; as per bid document,manpower outsourcing services - fixed remuneration - gis expert; as per bid document; as per bid document,manpower outsourcing services - fixed remuneration - office manager; as per bid document; as per bid document,manpower outsourcing services - fixed remuneration - mis expert; as per bid document; as per bid document,manpower outsourcing services - fixed remuneration - site engineer; as per bid document; as per bid document,manpower outsourcing services - fixed remuneration - accountant; as per bid document; as per bid document,manpower outsourcing services - fixed remunerat
Tender For corrigendum : providing of operation and maintenance of electrical systems/electrical installations - operation and maintenance of 230kv and 400kv gis at kknpp 1 and 2
Tender For corrigendum : asset mapping of ehv transmission line towers using high resolution stereo satellite imageries and creation of web enabled gis based software application of ehv lines/towers with annual maintenance contract period of 5 years