Tender For tender for supply of glassware for chemistry - aluminium foil 1kg , beaker 1000ml , beaker 100ml , beaker 10ml , beaker 250ml , beaker 50 ml , beaker 500ml , brushes for glassware cleaning small and large , centrifuge tube plastic 50ml 500 per pack , china dish 4 inches , conical flask b-24 100 ml , conical flask b-24 50 ml , copper water bath 1 litre , crucible with lid 30 ml , dialysis membrane 70 one meter 12kda to 14kda , funnel 75mm 12 per pack , gas pipe line rubber tubing 10 meter , glass capillary tube 100 per pack for tlc , glass condenser b 24 or b 29 , glass dropper graduated 10 mm , glass petri dish 100x17mm , glass stalagonometer , glass test tube graduated 15 ml , glass weighing scoop 10ml , glass weighing scoop 6ml , graduated pipette 10ml , magnetic beads 12x6mm , magnetic beads 20x8mm , measuring cylinder 10ml , micro spatula stainless steel 8 inch , micro tips 100 to 1000 microlitre 1000 per pack , micro tips 10 to 100 microlitre 1000 per pack , museum jar s line 210x170x130mm glass chamber , pastic beaker 1000 ml , ph paper , pipette 10 ml graduated , reagent bottle with screw cap 100ml , separating funnel iso shape 500 ml , separating funnel iso shape 250 ml , slides micro scopic 50 per pack 76x26 , stirring rod 9x255 , test tube stand plastic 20mm dia and 20 holes 4 per pack , tissue roll , utility tray 375x300x75mm , uv cuvette pair quartz spectrophotometer , volumetric flask 250 ml , filter paper sheet odinary 500 per pack , whatman filter paper number 1 125mm 100 perpack , glass condenser b 24 or b 29 , wire gauge 150x150 , aluminium tlc plate
Tender For corrigendum : procurment of lab reagents - cled agar , kit for estimation of cpk , prothrombin time reagents , pttk reagent , occult blood test , d dimer ichroma , kit for estimation of cpk-mb , pt reagent , biofix cytofix spray , pa colifrom kit , snap pack for eletrolyte analyser , kit for csf microprotien , transasia erba h360 control , transasia erba h360 calibrator , transasia erba h360 elit h clean , transasia erba h360 lyse , transasia erba h360 dil , haematology 5 part h560 lyse 1 , haematology 5 part h560 lyse 2 , heamatology 5 part h560 diluent 1 , transasia erba h560 control , combi disk gn1 abst , combi disk gn2 abst , combi disk gp1 abst , erba wash kit , uristix albumin and glucose , surgical spirit , band aid , kit for lipase , microscope lens cleaning solution , haematoxylin and eosin stain , pencil marking glass , hba1c fully automated em 200 xl system pack , ckmb fully automated em 200 xl system , anti hev , ldh fully automated em 200 xl system pack , ada fully automated em 200 xl system pack , erba norm kit fully automated em 200 xl system pack , erba path kit fully automated em 200 xl system , xl multical fully automated em 200 xl system pack , mac conkey broth powder , micro albumin , micro protein , cytochrome stain kit , erba auto wash , erba auto wash fully automated , anti hav
Tender For supply of pac 32 liasion poct - liaison acth 100 test per kit , liaison c peptide 100 test per kit , liaison cleaning kit , liaison control hgh low 2 x 1 5ml high 2 x 1 5ml , liaison control igf 1 , liaison control insulin low 2 x 1 0ml high 2 x 1 0ml , liaison control thyroid 2 4 x 5ml , liaison cortisol 100 test per kit , liaison ft3 100 test per kit , liaison ft4 100 test per kit , liaison hgh 100 test per kit , liaison igf 1 100 test per kit , liaison light check 12 , liaison module 1 x 6 bottle , liaison n tact pth 100 test per kit , liaison n tact pth ii control set low 4 x 2 0ml , liaison stater kit 1 x 6 bottle , liaison syringe , liaison tsh 100 test per kit , liaison wash system liquid 1 x 6 bottle , 3 way valve lia , liaison anti tpo 100 test per kit , liaison control anti tpo control 1 2 x1ml control , liaison prolactin xt 100 test per kit , liaison t3 100 test per kit , liaison t4 100 test per kit , tri level immuno assay control premium plus , liaison insulin 100 test per kit , liaison alitea pump tubes set of 3 piece , cassette pump suction reagent area , liaison needle adapter , liaison pipettor needle , washer needle , liaison lh 100 test per kit , liaison fsh 100 test per kit , liaison testosterone 100 test per kit , liaison progesterone ii gen 100 test per kit , liaison estradiol gen ii gen 100 test per kit , liaison dheas 100 test per kit
Tender For procurement of 12k1 instrument specific consumable for svp hospital - adenosine deaminase calibrator biochemistry analyzer (siemens) model no advia 1800, adenosine deaminase control biochemistry analyzer (siemens) model no advia 1800, adenosine deaminase kit biochemistry analyzer (siemens) model no advia 1800, air filter immuno turbinometry machine (mindray)model no bs200, ammonia control level 1 biochemistry analyzer (siemens-biored) model no advia 1800, ammonia control level 2 biochemistry analyzer (siemens-biored) model no advia 1800, ammonia control level 3 biochemistry analyzer (siemens-biored) model no advia 1800, aso ii kit with calibrator immuno turbinometry machine (mindray)model no bs200, blood gas control with lactate level 1,2,3 abg machine abl 80, cleaning detergent reagent automatic urine analyser , model :accurine 1600, crp calibrator immuno turbinometry machine (mindray)model no bs200, crp kit bs 200 ( turbidimetry method ) immuno turbinometry machine (mindray) model no bs200, cuvettes immuno turbinometry machine (mindray)model no bs200, d3 controls two levels biochemistry analyzer (siemens-biored) model no advia 1800, d3 hydroxybutyrate with calibrator ( acetone kit ) biochemistry analyzer (siemens) model no advia 1800, disp cytology funnel cyto -centrifuge machine, disp cytology funnel cyto -centrifuge machine, esr card esr instrument model: roller 20 mc, esr card esr instrument model: roller 20 mc esr instrument model: roller 20 mc, filter card cyto -centrifuge machine, glycosylated hb kit (d-10 dual recoder pack (hba 1c) hplc machine, homocystine contro tri level 1,2,3 288 x advia centaur xpt(siemens-biored), lamp immuno turbinometry machine (mindray)model no bs200, latex control for esr machine esr instrument model: roller 20 mc, liquichek urinalysis control automatic urine analyser , model :accurine 1600-biored, maintance reagent automatic urine analyser , model :accurine 1600, monilisa antihbs plus elisa reader-biored, octoplus forward and reverse grouping card with sub grouping gel system for blood group, pm kit immuno turbinometry machine (mindray)model no bs200, probe immuno turbinometry machine (mindray)model no bs200, rf ii kit with calibrator immuno turbinometry machine (mindray)model no bs200, specific control level 1 immuno turbinometry machine (mindray/ randox) model no bs200, specific control level 2 immuno turbinometry machine ((mindray/ randox) model no bs200, pecific control level 3immuno turbinometry machine(mindray/ randox) model no bs200, specilality immunoassay control level 1 advia centaur xpt(siemens-biored), specilality immunoassay control level 2 advia centaur xpt(siemens-biored), specilality immunoassay control level 3 advia centaur xpt(siemens-biored), urine sample tube automatic urine analyser , model :accurine 1600, wash solution cd 80 immuno turbinometry machine (mindray)model no bs200, water filter immuno turbinometry machine (mindray)model no bs200
Tender For supply of reagent p500 - glucose , alkaline phosphatase , sgot , sgpt , bilirubin total , triglycerides , cholesterol , urea bun , creatinine , total proteen , bilirubin direct , albumin , amylase , uric acid , hdl direct , ldl direct , calcium , ldh , sample cup , cc control level 1 , cc control level 2 , multi calibrator , cleaning sol 1 , cleaning sol 2 , cleaning sol 3 , addicative wash , reaction cuvettes 600 , halogen lamp p500