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Microcalorimeter Tenders

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State Government

CTN :38153281 Due date: 26 Dec, 202426 Dec, 2024 6.43 Lacs
Tender For corrigendum : supply of laboratory material for gsecl hospital utps 2024.(et-5831 hospital) - h 560 diluent., h 560 lyse 1., h 560 lyse 2., h 560 elite h clean., h 560 controls (h,n,l)., h 560 calibrator., pm kit for h 560, blood sugar 10*44ml system pack, cholesterol 10*44ml system pack, triglyceride diagnostic kits lab test, hdl direct system pack, creatinine system pack, uric acid system pack, sgpt system pack, bilirubin system pack, crp test kit, sgot system pack, erba norm, erba path, multical, auto wash, auto wash ac/al, pm kit for em-200, sample cup for clinical analyzer., erba glucose kit, erba creatinine 4x50ml, erba sgpt 5x20ml, erba cholesterol 5x20ml, pm kit, erba wash, stained salmonella antigen set 4 x 5 ml, multistix test strip, glucose stripe, hbsag cards diagnostic kits lab test, hiv-aids card, strip for pregnancy test, pf/pv antigen strip, dengue antigen igm, typhi dot card (ag & ab card), sickle cell rapid test kit, chikenguniya ag/ab kit, anti a+b+d monoclonal aglutinating antisera, edta 3k tube 1 x 2 ml, plain bulb ( tube type & stoppred ), flouride tube for lab use, eliguots (1.5ml)., esr disposable tube lab use., tissue paper roll, urine container, sterile blood lancet

State Government

CTN :37609522 Due date: 24 Dec, 202424 Dec, 2024 NA
Tender For corrigendum : supply of laboratory items for gsecl wtps hospital. - h 560 diluent., h 560 lyse 1., h 560 lyse 2., h 560 controls (h,n,l)., h 560 calibrator., h 560 elite h clean., pm kit for h 560, blood sugar 10*44ml system pack, calcium 10*12ml system pack, cholesterol 10*44ml system pack, creatinine system pack, erba norm, erba path, hdl direct system pack, sgot system pack, sgpt system pack, bilirubin system pack, triglyceride diagnostic kits lab test, uric acid system pack, multical, erba wash, crp test kit, pm kit for em-200, chikenguniya ag/ab kit, clot activatior tube, dengue antigen igm, edta 3k tube 1 x 2 ml, flouride tube for lab use, pf/pv antigen strip, strip for pregnancy test, glucose stripe, urine container, urine multistixs, s widal antigen kit, x-ray devloper, x-ray film 12"x15", x-ray fixer, sodium hypochloride, blood group kit, hiv-aids card, hbsag cards diagnostic kits lab test, antiseptic liquid 1000ml., antiseptic liquid 100ml., pippet tips blue miscellenious items, yellow micropipette tips., digital blood pressure instrument, sample cup for clinical analyzer., ecg roll, ecg jelly, surgical gloves no. 6 gloves

CTN :38488451 Due date: 30 Dec, 202430 Dec, 2024 NA
Tender For supply of dglp re 102 lab - aptt test kit , disposable esr tubes pack of 100 , rapid test for igm and igg antibody to immunochromatography s typhi kit of 50 test , sterile swab sticks with container single pack , readymade gram stain , readymade zn stain , disposable petri dish 90mmx10cm , bio rad chemistry control l1 pack size 12 x 5 ml , bio rad chemistry control l2 pack size 12 x 5 ml , bio rad lyphocheck diabetes control pack size 6x0.5 ml , bio rad liquicheck urine chemistry control l1 pack size 12x10

Central Government/Public Sector

CTN :38497222 Due date: 20 Dec, 202420 Dec, 2024 NA
Tender For supply of lab materials for ntep wing - supply of ntep lab materials, sputum container (pc), basic fuschin dye (25 gm), phenol crystal (500ml), methylene blue (25 gm), sulfuric acid (concentrated) 500 ml, distilled water (5 litre), methylated spirit (at least 98%) (5 litre), tissue roll, lens paper (lenses cleaning tissue)/lens paper booklet, glass rod, microscope bulb, foot operated bucket, dropping bottle/plastic drop bottle, staining rack/tray, permanent marker, immersion oil, filter paper, sticker, diamond marker, broom stick, falcon tube (sterile)

State Government

CTN :38502026 Due date: 16 Dec, 202416 Dec, 2024 9.00 Lacs
Tender For lab suppy rate contract for chc indergarh - cholesterol des , triglegcerides des , hdlc d.regent and point , minidil - horiba 20 liters , laysobio_- horiba 1 liter , l.d.l.c , d regent , cleaner litter , pepper roll , glucose , sgot , sgpt , s.uria , creatienine , s.billurubin , total protein , s.albumin , anti abo kit , widal test kit , distil water , hiv test card (ready to use) rapid card , preagancy test card , v.d.r..1 card , e.d.t.a tube. (double cap) , plan tube , urine strip alb&sug , urine strip 10 peramete , ice cream sheath , gloves 7*1/2 , marking pencil , syring 2ml , syring 5ml , alkiline phosphate , yellow tips , blue tips , niddle 23 no. , bt.ct. capillary tube , stool regent , immersion oil , dropaling bottle , glass test tube 5ml , glass test tube 3ml , test tube brush , n/10 hcl 500ml , tlc fluid , dlc fluid , j.s.b.stain - a , j.s.b.stan-b , sodium citrate 3.8% , glu cometer strip (code free) , digital hb meter strip , dengue card , rapid blood lancet , cotton bundale , hb - meter tube squre , hb meter shandlya , urine container , cover slip , hb analyzer 301 couvet , phenyl and lyzol , face mask mask stander , stop watch , hand wash dettol liqued , h.d.l. , l.d.l , dvm-01 digital almicro(micro scope) , hb sag card , cbc controlled , mp card , hand dry rub liquid , tissues paper roll , hb scale dairy , micro-pipette , scrub typhus card , test tube stand , drops 1x2ml

CTN :38444696 Due date: 24 Dec, 202424 Dec, 2024 1.00 Crore
Tender For online tender for rate contract of equipments office furnitures instruments consumables lab materials and other items - sputum container, slide for microscopes 1x50 nos, diamond marker pencil, sulphic acid 500ml (98.08%)(fisher scincetific, basic fushsin 25 gm, carbolic acid ( pehenol) 500 gm, methylene blue, phenolic compound phenol crystal, alchol ( absolute) 500 ml china, falcon tube, methylated spirit 4.5 ltr, oxalic acid 500 gm, aurmine, potassium permanganate 500gm, immersion oil 30 ml, marker pens, digital shop watch, rubber bands 100 gm, indutrial gloves latex 1x100 nos, lens paper, drying racks, spatula, stainless steel scissors, discard bucket with lid, para film sealing film, stop watch, cotton 500 gm, filter paper, syrings, bags for waste bin-2 lit, funnels -5 cm diameter, container for stain -250 ml polyethylene, flat bottom roun dflask 1 ltr, measuring cylinder graduated 1000ml, measing cylinder graduated 500ml, measing cylinder graduated 100ml, glass container for stains 250ml, latex gloves (small) 1x100 nos, latex gloves (medium) 1x100 nos, latex gloves (large) 1x100 nos, spirit lamp, beaker 500 ml, hand wash solution, slide box for 100 slide wooden, mask -face 1x100 nos, ice pack, therma coal box, ethamol, purifiiied/distilled water 5 ltr, apron cotan, bio hazard labels, gloves nitrile (size7-8) disposable 1x100nos, gloves nitrile (size6-7) disposable 1x100 nos, broom stick, tissue paper roll, water bath, weighting balance for adult, thermometer guaze, typhoid test card(an immunochromatography assay for the rapid visual detection of typhoid antibody igg/igm in human serum/plasma)(50 test per pack), pregnancy test card(10 card pack), diagnostic strips for urine sugar/albmin packing: amber colored, 100 strips/pkt(packet),, poc kit for syphilis(10 test per pack), hbs antigen rapid test card (10 test per pack), hcv kit card(25 test per pack ), hiv kit card(25 test per pack ), amber coloured bittle 250 ml, grease marking pencil, micro glass slide 1x100, sulphic acid 500ml, imarson oil (30 ml), solubility test kit (for sickle cell), dual testing kit for hiv and syphilis screening, rapid diagnostic test kit(total no. of test 900000)

Central Government/Public Sector

CTN :38366193 Due date: 19 Dec, 202419 Dec, 2024 NA
Tender For supply of plastic wares for acosti lab - tissue culture , maxiamp pcr , maxiamp pcr tubes , pcr rack , pcr tube rack , pcr tubes , skirted , funnel , powder funnel , separatory funnel , funnel holder , separatory funnel holder , sample container , specimen container , tygon lab tube , tygon vaccum tubing , volumetric flask class a , reusable bottle top filter , syringe filter , heavy duty soakers , spilifyter lab soakers , gel scoop , forceps , stirring rod , hand protector , micro pestle , gloves dispenser , spare cup attachment , spare micro tube insert , spare one hand attachment , spare one hand insert , purepack pasteur pipette- sterile

CTN :38381475 Due date: 19 Dec, 202419 Dec, 2024 NA
Tender For procurement of lab items - gluco strips accuchek performa pack of 50 test strips , glass cover microscopic rectangular 22 x 30 mm made of usp no1 glass , kits for estimation of creatinine erba , dengue serology rapid kit of ns1ag and igg and igm kit of 10 test , distilled water , gluco strips one touch ultra pack of 25 strips , hbs ag rapid kit , rapid card screening for hcv , kits for estimation of alkaline phosphatase erba , kit for estimation of bilirubin erba , kits for estimation of cholestrol erba , kits for estimation of glucose erba , kit for estimation of hdl cholesterol erba , kits for estimation of uric acid erba , kits for estimation of sgpt of alt of erba , kits for estimation of sgot of ast of erba , kit for estimation triglyceride of erba , kits for estimation of urea of erba , disposable urine container of 60 ml , vaccum blood collection tubes edta 3ml , vaccum blood collection tubes with needles and additives sodium fluoride or sodium fluoride plus k3edta in tubes of vol 02 ml , vaccum blood collection tubes with needles of sterile tube without gel 5ml

CTN :38365493 Due date: 18 Dec, 202418 Dec, 2024 NA
Tender For supply of lab and surgical consumables re 05 - glucose uristick seimens , t 3 i chroma kit , t 4 i chroma kit , test tube 100x12mm per tube , tourniquet plastic , trope t 5 testperkit , tsh i chroma , typhidot jpoint mitra , urine collection container 30ml , uristic 100 strips 10 para , vaccutainer sod citrate with needle , vaccutaner edta with needle , vaccutaner sod flouride with needle , vaccutaner sterile with needle , vit d i chroma , weil felix , widal kit , 10mm disposable trocar , 5mm disposable tacker , accucheck 3point15 ml plastic cart resorvoir , accucheck infusion set 60 cm with pipe , arm sling pouch slarge , arm sling pouch smedium , bone wax pack of 12 , catheter nelson s14 silicon , circumcision stapler disposable s26 , circumcision stapler disposable s28 , circumcision stapler disposable s30 , colostomy bag , cotton 50gm pkt , cotton pad combidress , disposable optical trocar laparoscopic 10mm , disposable optical trocar laparoscopic 5mm , dual mesh hernia 15x15cm , elbow support , endoloop ligatureperethicon laparoscopic chronic catgut pkt of 10 , eusol solution for dressing 400ml , foleys balloon catheter s14fr , foleys catheter 2 way size 16 fr , hand gloves size 6 1per2 , hinged knee cap slarge , hinged knee cap smedium , i v set disposable , iinsulin syringe disposable 1ml , inj insulin novopen needle , intracath size20 , intracath size22 , knee caps sizel , knee caps sizem , knee caps sizexl , lina power blade bi polar forceps , lumber belt slarge , lumber belt smedium , lumber belt ss , lumber belt sxxl , magnifying loop metal frame with light 3x5x , micropore 1 inch , mupirocin plus metronidazole plus collagen granules 10ml , ortho arthritis knee brace , plaster cutting blade ortho , protract fixation device 5mm pack of 30 , roller bandage 10 cm , roller bandage 6 cm , scalp vein set , secure strap absorbable strap fixation device pkt of 25 , shoulder immobilizer all size , silicon balloon catheter size 16 , silver solution for dressing 250ml , soft cervical collar sizel , soft cervical collar sm , sterile gauze 10cm x 10cm x 8 ply , stocking for varicose vein , surgical blade no 11 , surgical blade no 15 , surgical blade no 22 , surgical blade no 23 , surgical cap , surgical mask , suspensary bandage , tissue paper roll , vloc 180bidirectionalbarbedsuture26mmneedlehalf circle absorbablepktof3 , wrist and forarm brace neoprene rtand lt size erba wash , accucheck glucose strip , accuchek active glucometer , anti ccp i croma, anti sera a, anti sera b, anti sera d, aso kit i croma, barium chloride, blood collection needle, calcium kit erba, chicken guniya igg perigm 10 testperkit, cleanac 3 mek 620g 2ltr, cleanac detergent 5 ltr , crp kit latex method erba, crp kit i chorma, crp kit turbidity method erba, dispo lancet needle, dispo micropipette tips 1000 l , dispo micropipette tips 200 1000 micro litr, dispo micropipette tips 5 100 micro litr, dispo microtip 5 200 l , disposal esr tube, distill water can of 5 litrpoint, ethyl alcohol , fouchet reagent, glass slide 75 mm x 25 mm, glucometer one touch ultra machine, glucometer strip one touch, haemolinac 3 n 680g 500ml, hbsag rapid test , hcv rapid test , hiv i & ii rapid test kit , isoprophyl alcohol bottle 500 ml, isotonic 3 dilution 640 g 18
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