Tender For corrigendum : asset mapping of ehv transmission line towers using high resolution stereo satellite imageries and creation of web enabled gis based software application of ehv lines/towers with annual maintenance contract period of 5 years
Tender For providing of gis related survey services - per property; municipal boundaries; 1:10,000; gis and door to door survey for each household with allotment of unique id; shp, kml,gis related survey services - per property; municipal boundaries; 1:10,000; digitalization map of door to door survey polygon and data caterized properties; shp, kml,gis related survey services - per ward wise; municipal boundaries; 1:10,000; complete town map a0 size wards wise map a1 size ward wise computerized booklets and door to door survey booklet spiral binding; hardcopy,gis related survey services - per ward wise; municipal boundaries; 1:10,000; online mapping polygon wise showing online properties separate ward details editing online mapping data and one year maintance; hardcopy, kml, shp
Tender For engagement of agencies for gis based asset survey for water supply system including water consumers and its mapping for bhopal municipal corporation area.
Tender For gis based mapping, door to door property survey and allocation of uid numbers to properties and application development for online tax management system