Tender For special repair of topiary park sec-6 pkl, ( construction of toe wall of park along service road , earth filling around fountain/ water body construction of 02nos. rain harvesting well raising of chequared of tile path, water body. fount
Tender For special repair of geeta chownk (rotary sec-5,6,7,8) including special repair of water fountain , civil work and running operation maintenance and watch and ward for 12 month complete in all respect as per site requirement
Tender For essential repair and maintenance of existing open well at down stream side of jalpari lake, construction of borewell near bunglow no st-8 and beautification of jalpari lake by provision of water fall/fountain at rampur jabalpur.
Tender For corrigendum : repair/ maint of water supply distribution lines, pump sets, fountain and cleaning of sump/ tank along with connected works at kashmir house and repair/ maint of water supply distribution lines, pumps, fountain, ro system and cleaning of sump/ tank a