Tender For bid to ras supply of emergency resuscitation kit , suction machine high vacuum , oxygen cylinder b type , laryngoscope , infusion pump , mobile xray machine sixty ma , semi fowler bed with saline stand with mattress epoxy coating , bed side locker with epoxy coating , bed side attendant bench with epoxy coating , bed side stool , foot step epoxy coating , dressing trolley epoxy coating , examination couch epoxy coating , stretcher trolley epoxy coating , emergency drug cabinet trolley , bed side screen three fold , installation trolley , patient transfer trolley system , almirah big size , almirah small size , rack superior quality , fridge big size three hundread liter with stabilizer , split ac two ton with stabilizer , autoclave vertical two drum , bp equipment stand model , air curtain , fibre optic head light , pn sterlisation , suturing set , scissors set , allis forcep set , urethal dilator set , suture removal , lp tray , kidney tray , digital thermometer , stethoscope , pneumatic trincular , vacuum cleaner , pulse oximeter multi para , fridge three hundread litre , esr tube cum reader , eso stand , washer and printer for aligner reader , needle destroyer , semi auto analyser , multifunction table with accessories semi auto analyser heater , multifunction table with accessories blood cell counter heater , instrument trolley ss , dressing drum , suction machine , vertical sterilizer , ambu bag , portable shadowless lamp , microprocessor based baby incubator , radiation protection panel for the room bid number/ & ( * ) : gem/2025/b/5936953 dated/ + : 05-03-2025 bid document/ 2 2 1 / 42
Tender For supply of anaesthesia, paed & paed surgery related surgical items to kmcri hubli - sterile disposable spinal needle no 20gx3.5 (1x1), octopus triple lumen //, octopus double lumen ///, dosi flow meter//, laryngoscope fibreoptic paediatric reusable soft grip handle set of 4 blades//, laryngoscope fibreoptic adult reusable soft grip handle set of 4 blades//, baska mask no. 3//, ventilator circuit paed small kit//, spinal anaesthesia kit//, ventilator circuit 3 limb with hme filter//, reusable cuff with artery index marker should connect aneroid sphygmomanometer usfda certificate thigh//, reusable cuff with artery index marker should connect aneroid sphygmomanometer usfda large adult//, reusable cuff with artery index marker should connect aneroid sphygmomanometer usfda adult//, reusable cuff with artery index marker should connect aneroid sphygmomanometer usfda small adult//, reusable cuff with artery index marker should connect aneroid sphygmomanometer usfda certificate child//, reusable cuff with artery index marker should connect aneroid sphygmomanometer usfda certificate infant//, reusable cuff with artery index marker should connect aneroid sphygmomanometer usfda certificate small infant//, pencil point spinal needle paediatric 25x3.8cms//, pencil point spinal needle 25x12cms//, pencil point spinal needle 29x9cms//, spinal needle quinkee paediatric 25gx5cms//, spinal needle quinkee paediatric 25gx3cms//, spinal needle extra long quinkee 25gx13cms//, spinal needle extra long quinkee 25gx15cms//, spinal needle extra long quinkee 22gx15cms//, spinal needle extra long quinkee 22gx12cms//, nerve block needles ultrasound guided with removable polyurythene extension line 3.5 cms//, lma protector airway with cuff pilot, phthalte free no. (3 to 5)//, seldinger arterial line set 20g x 12 cms//, seldinger arterial line set 20g x 8 cms//, seldinger arterial line set 20g x 5 cms//, maccoy blades set no 2,3,4//, magill forceps small, medium, large//, closed head ring 280x240x140 mm//, closed head ring 200x75x45 mm//, closed head ring 140x60x35 mm//, fmt profile soft seal cuff straight /magill curve (5 to 8.5)//, endotracheal tube siliconized without cuff pvc no- 2 (1x1)//, endotracheal tube with cuff sterile no-5.5 (1x1)//, endotracheal tube with cuff sterile no-5 (1x1)//, microcuff rae tube 10 micron thickness (4.0 to 5)//, pressure monitoring line m/f 100 cm//, pressure monitoring line m/f 200 cm//, pressure monitoring line m/f 150 cm//, cse cure with lock mechanism 27/18 kit//, i gel (1.0 to 2.0) (1x1)//, scented large adult anaesthetic face masks with hook ring size (0 to 6)//, tube support malleable neonatal//, tube support malleable adult/, ayres t-piece //, gel closed head ring paed/, gel closed head ring adult//, breathing bag 2.0 litre//, breathing bag 1.0 litre//, breathing bag 0.5 litre/, resuscitator.autoclavable with reservoir 500ml (ped) silicon 1x1//, resuscitator.autoclavable with reservoir 250ml (neonatal) silicon 1x1//, resuscitator.autoclavable with reservoir 1000ml /1600ml(adult) silicon 1x1//, south oral murphy eye profile softseal cuff tube (no. 5 to 8.5), anatomical face mask 06 reprocesable autoclavable upto maximum temp 137 degree c (1x1)//, nasopharyngeal airway (12,14,16,18,20,22)//, nasopharyngeal airway (6,7,8)//, open ligaclip applicator//, venturi face mask kit with set of venturi valves (1x1)//, ventilator circuit disposable adult kit ventilator circuit 3 limbs plain hme filter bacterial filter cather mount yankur suction set brush recovery kit nebulizer t-connector airway(size 3&4) (1x1)//, ventilator circuit dual heated (neonatal/paed) compatible to drager & sle machine (1x1)//, urine collecting pouch (pead) (1x1)//, usg machine probe steriled disposable bag (1x1)//, umbilical catheter no 8.0fr (1x1)//, umbilical catheter no 7.0fr (1x1)//, umbilical catheter no 6.0fr (1x1)//, umbilical catheter no 5.0fr (1x1)//, umbilical catheter no 4.0fr (1x1)//, umbilical catheter no 3.5fr (1x1)//, umbilic
Tender For e-tender for supply installation & commissioning of medical equipments for the year 2025-26 - spinal instrument set (cghdvg2025), arthrex bone burr drill system with 4mm,4.5mm and 5mm bone burrs. (cghdvg2025), minimally invasive spine surgery implantation set(cghdvg2025), femoral distractor (femoral distractor). (cghdvg2025), screw removal & broken screw removal set hollow mill set of 3 screw head removal plier screw thread removal plier drill set of 3 conical threaded tap set of 3(2.7mm,3.5mm,4.5mm)square type tap set of 2 ( 3.5 mm,4.5 mm), mippo wire passer (cghdvg2025), bone cement gun (cghdvg2025), counter sync (2.5/3.5/4.5/6.5) (cghdvg2025), bone guage (straight) (cghdvg2025), bone guage (curved) (cghdvg2025), bone holding clamps (large) (cghdvg2025), bone holding clamps (medium) (cghdvg2025), bone holding clamps (small) (cghdvg2025), bone cement removal set (cghdvg2025), bone punch elevator (cghdvg2025), distal screw pointer (1ml/l nail) (cghdvg2025), broad long retractors (cghdvg2025), plate bending forceps (cghdvg2025), teflon exchange tube (cghdvg2025), bone scoops (large) (cghdvg2025), bone scoops (medium) (cghdvg2025), bone scoops (small/medium/large) (cghdvg2025), osteotomes (straight) (cghdvg2025), osteotomes (curved) (cghdvg2025), serreted reduction clamps (large)(cghdvg2025), serreted reduction clamps (medium) (cghdvg2025) , serreted reduction clamps (small) (cghdvg2025), periosteal elevator (large) (cghdvg2025), periosteal elevator (medium) (cghdvg2025), periosteal elevator (small) (cghdvg2025), ss wire passer (cghdvg2025), patellar clamps (cghdvg2025), charnleys retractor (cghdvg2025), lead jackets (cghdvg2025), k wire cutter (cghdvg2025), jumbo cutter (cghdvg2025), bone plier (cghdvg2025), bone nibbler (cghdvg2025), pneumatic tourniquet ( peadeatric and adult- for both upper and lower limbs )(cghdvg2025), k wire set (0.8mm, 1mm, 1.5mm, 2mm, 2.5mm, 3mm, 3.5mm) (cghdvg2025), hand drill cannulated with kwire, screw, reamer attachments plus(cghdvg2025), battery operated hand drill- with saw (cghdvg2025), man man drill (cghdvg2025), cbc machine 3- part (cghdvg2025), cautery machine (cghdvg2025), instrument trolly (cghdvg2025), crash cart (cghdvg2025), laryngoscope -adult and paediatric (cghdvg2025), electric suction machine 1/2 hp(cghdvg2025), portable ultrasound machine (cghdvg2025), portable x-ray 100 ma (cghdvg2025)