Tender For annual maintenance of water supply network duly arresting water leakages, rectification of pollution in water supply lines, clearing chowkages/blockages, replacement of damaged pipes and repair and replacement of sluice valves and addressing various water supply grievances for smooth functioning of system for a period of one year under sainathpuram section, sd-iii, operation and maintenance divn.no.xiii, sainikpuri
Tender For annual maintenance of water supply network duly arresting water leakages, rectification of pollution in water supply lines, clearing chowkages/blockages, replacement of damaged pipes and repair and replacement of sluice valves and addressing various water supply grievances for smooth functioning of system for a period of one year under chanikyapuri section, sd-iii, operation and maintenance divn.no.xiii, sainikpuri
Tender For annual maintenance water supply network duly arresting water leakages rectification of pollution in water supply lines, clearing chowkages/ blockages, replacement of damaged pipes and repair and replacement of sluice valves and addressing various water supply grievances for smooth functioning of system for a period of one year under suleman nagar section sub division-i of operations and maintenance division-xvi .
Tender For annual maintenance water supply network duly arresting water leakages rectification of pollution in water supply lines, clearing chowkages/ blockages, replacement of damaged pipes and repair and replacement of sluice valves and addressing various water supply grievances for smooth functioning of system for a period of one year under budvel section sub division-i of operations and maintenance division-xvi .
Tender For annual maintenance water supply network duly arresting water leakages rectification of pollution in water supply lines, clearing chowkages/ blockages, replacement of damaged pipes and repair and replacement of sluice valves and addressing various water supply grievances for smooth functioning of system for a period of one year under katedan section sub division-ii of operations and maintenance division-xvi .
Tender For annual maintenance water supply network duly arresting water leakages rectification of pollution in water supply lines, clearing chowkages/ blockages, replacement of damaged pipes and repair and replacement of sluice valves and addressing various water supply grievances for smooth functioning of system for a period of one year under mailardevpally section sub division-ii of operations and maintenance division-xvi .
Tender For corrigendum : repair/maint of water supply distribution pipe line, rising main, control valves, cleaning of oh tanks and other connected works and repair / maint of cooling appliances in technical and domestic area at af stn barnala under ge (af) halwara
Tender For corrigendum : repair replacement of damaged worn out corrogated water supply mains distribution of gi ci pipe lines control valves valve and connected works at masimpur under ge silchar
Tender For repair replacement to water supply system including header valves alongwith accessories at stage v stage iv zorawar fort and adjacent area under age em ii of ge 865 ews