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Tender For manufacturing and supply of overriding curved switches 60 kg 1 in 16 conforming to r dso drg. no. t-5692 with latest alterations, complete with all fittings as listed in the drawing excludin g grooved rubber sole plates, insulating liners, fish plates, fish bolts and nuts. elastic rail clips, plat e screws etc. specification: irs specification: irs/t-10-2023 with latest alterations. the term "latest al terations" wherever used will mean the alteration up to the actual date of opening of tender . [ warra nty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For rate contract for manufacture and supply of hvn-66 insulating liner conforming to rds o drg. no. t-8751 alt-3 for use with wider psc sleeper. this is a safety item. specification: irs specifi cation for glass filled nylon-66/ high viscous nylon-66 insulating liners sl. no t-44-2023 (second revi sion). [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For rate contract manufacture and supply of 10125 mm over-riding curved switch 60 kg 1 in 12 conforming to rdso drg. no. t-4219, alt-10 with all fittings as per parts listed in the drawing but excluding ncr grsp, insulating liners, erc, fish plates and fish bolts as per annexure-a. specificatio n: irs specification irs:t-10-2025 this is a safety item [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For rate contract manufacture and supply of 6400 mm over-riding curved switch 60 kg 1 i n 8.5 conforming to rdso drg. no. t-4966, alt-7 with all fittings as per parts listed in the drawing but excluding grsp, insulating liners, erc, fish plates and fish bolts as per annexure-a. specification: irs specification irs:t-10-2025 this is a safety item . [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of del ivery ]
Tender For manufacturing and supply of 6400 mm curved switch with zu-1-60 thick web grade 880 class a tongue rails and uic 60 kg/m, g rade-880, class a / class b prime quality stock rails with elastic fasteners and spring operated setting device (rdso drg. no. t-6216 read along with latest alteration) complete (with check rail) with all fittings for 1 in 8.5 bg 60 kg turnout for fan shaped layout on psc sleeper (i.e. all fittin gs for switch portion as per sub assembly drg. no. t-6280 alt. 06 and confirming to specification irs t-10 as amended up date in accordance wi th drawing no. t-6279 (read along with latest alteration) excluding standard fish plates, fish bolts and nuts erc, insulating liners. pre-curving of tws and lh / rh will be manufactured as per purchaser's requirements. (the alterations in drawing and specification issued by rdso up to the date of tender publication shall be applicable.) [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For manufacture and supply of 10125 mm curved switches with zu-1 -60 /60e1a1 thick web tongue rail for 1 in 12 turnout bg(1673 mm) for 60kg (uic)/60e1 on psc sleepers to rdso drg no. t- 6155(alt-10) or latest alteration/modification if any up to the date of tender closing with supplier's rails, compl ete set with all parts and fittings, bolts & nuts, plate screws, cast steel/ mild steel plates and nylon cord reinforced grsp etc. as listed in the drawing t-6155 alt-10 or latest and excluding standard fish plates, fish bolts and nuts, elastic rail clips, insulating liners/metal liner and sleepers. (specification: irs -t - 10-20 23 & t -62 -2022, str: tdg 0038, rev.'0' or latest) note: - the responsibility to procure rails will solely lie with the manufacturer (bid including rail cost/per s et) in terms of railway board letter no. 2022/track-i(p)/fabricators dt. 24.01.2022. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For hose flexible for tm ventilation of 3-phase locos as per clw drawing no.1209-11.339- 037 alt-1 or la test and as given below: 1).material shoud be neoprene rubber with nylonring 2mm thick shore a hardness 50 +/- 5 2). hose mus t be collapsable type 3). rubber shall be properly vulcanised note: a). material test certificate (physical & chemical) to be submitte d by the firm to ensure the product. b).supply by sources as per clw item id: 2100225 in ireps vendor directory. c).one sampl e to be got approved before effecting bulk supply. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For running contract for one year for supply of combination high viscous nylon (hvn)-66 insulating liners for use with erc mk-iii flat toe on concrete sleeper for 52kg rails confirming to drg. no. rdso/t-3707 (gauge side liner) & t-3708 (non gauge side liner) (or latest alt. if any)
Tender For rate contract for fabrication and supply of 6400mm over riding derailing switch 60 kg 1 in 8.5 on psc sleepers conforming to rdso drg. no. t-6068, alt-4 with latest alterations if any, complete with all fittings as per parts listed in the rdso drawing but excluding grsp, insulating liners, erc, fish plates and fish bolts conforming to irs t-10-2023 with latest alterations and amendments if any. valid for 01 (one) year