Tender For providing of custom bid for services - scope of consultancy services for carrying out a detailed integrated feasibility study fsr fr for augmentation of railway siding infrastructure and systems including overhead electrification and signaling telecommunication ..
Tender For corrigendum : expression of interest (eoi) for empanelment of design consultancy servicefor preparation of feasibility study detail project report and procurementfor water supply & sewerage works at various locations in the city ofahmedabad on qcbs basis.
Tender For engagement of consultancy for carrying out a feasibility study for development of identified seven new ski destinations in the ut of jammu and kashmir.
Tender For providing of hiring of consultants - milestone/deliverable based - technology consultants, pdo2c24289 consultancy services for study of refractory lining in sru mcc for enhancing reliability at paradip refinery paradip odisha; consultancy services for study of r..
Tender For corrigendum : consultancy service for carrying out feasibility study and preparation of dpr for constr of rd new to nhsl on c k rd fm km 0 to 30 comma r d g b rd fm km 0 to 64 comma k d s rd fm km 0 to 23 and n t n rd fm km 0 to 9 under 68 rcc 759 tf pjt dpk hp
Tender For corrigendum : consultancy services for preparation of feasibility study and detailed project report for construction and improvement of roads in the state of meghalaya west meghalaya
Tender For corrigendum : consultancy services for preparation of feasibility study and detailed project report for construction and improvement of roads in the state of meghalaya (east meghalaya)
Tender For corrigendum : expression of interest (eoi) for empanelment of design consultancy service for preparation of detailed design study (detail project report , feasibility study and procurement) for construction of railway over bridges / railway under bridges / fly over bridges/vehicular underpass / box culverts / foot over bridges & special job as above at various locations in the city of ahmedabad on qcbs basis.
Tender For providing of custom bid for services - design detail engg study prof service consultancy servicels,custom bid for services - pmc services for detail study prof service consultancy servicels