Tender For corrigendum : tn-5367 hiring the services of oilfiltrationmachine, air dryer generator and transformer testing equipments for power transformers of unit 1 to 7 at kstps, kota
Tender For corrigendum : hiring the services of oilfiltrationmachine, air dryer generator unit and transformer testing equipments for power transformers of unit1 to 7 at kstps, kota.
Tender For corrigendum : procurement, installation and commissioning of portable oilfiltrationmachine for hardcastle petrofer envolubric he46 oil used in hplp bypass system installed at tmd area of 2x660 mw, stage ii,sstpp,mppgcl dongalia
Tender For corrigendum : dr mvr rtpp/stg-ii/bmd-procurement of lube oil filters, air filters for gear box airvent & filters for pall make lube oilfiltrationmachine for xrp#883
Tender For work contract for replacement of power transformer air cell and one number lv turret ct replacement of 200mva generator transformer r-phase with 12 kl oilfiltrationmachine and dry air generator set required at sgtps, mppgcl, birsinghpur.