Tender For corrigendum : purchase of somatic cell counter cum milk analyzer with same specifications, same terms, conditions and all accessories (if any) as mentioned in the dnit.
Tender For tender for supply of hematology cell counter analyzer lt 560 reatents - dilunt (pack size 1x20 ltr) the kit should be compatible on instrument lt-560 , diff lyses(pack size 1x500ml) for 5 part hematology anlyzer lt-560 the kits should be compatible on instrument lt-560 haematology analyzer , lh lyse (pack size 1x100ml)for 5 part hematology analyzer lt-560 the kit should be compatible on instrument supply required from original manufacturer or their authorized distributor & along with iso/ce certification. , lyse(pack six 1x1000ml)the kit should be compatible on instrument abacus 380 hematology analyzer , clean(pack size - 1x1000ml) the kit should be compatible on instrument abacus 380 hematology analyzer. , quality control - normal (pack - 1x3ml) for 5 part hematology analyzer lt-560. the kit should be compatible on instrument 5 part hematology analyzer lt-560 and quality control with supply required from original manufacturer or their authorized distributor & along with iso/ce certification. , probe cleaner (pack size - 1x 50 ml) for 5 part hematology analyzer lt-560. the kit should be compatible on instrument 5 part hematology analyzer lt-560 and quality control with supply required from original manufacturer or their authorized distributor & along with iso/ce certification.
Tender For supply of fuel cell sensor based breath alcohol analyzer with printer one set consistin g of of following items: (1)alcohol breath analyser (2) charger for breathanalyser (3) por table thermal wireless printer (4) charger for printer (5) usb cable (6) paper roll for print er (7) software cd for data transfering to pc (8) instruction manual (9) carry case, as per r dso spec no rdso 2015 el spec 0119 rev2 issued on 15 03 2018. [ warranty period: 30 months after t he date of delivery ]