Tender For tender for supply of xenon spare lamp 300 watt 15 volt , 33 mm haemorrhoid 3point 5 staple , 5mm lap clip applicator preloaded 20 clips , absorbable pgla 5mm mesh fixation device 15 to 30 tacks , absorbable suture coated polyglycolic 910 size no 1 70 to 90 cms rb , black braided silk size 0 alloy needle 3 8 circle reverse cutting size 45mm suture length 76cm 12 foils box , black braided silk size 0 alloy needle 1 2 circle round body alloy needle size 30 to 45mm , suture length 90 to 100cm 12 foils box , disposable proctoscope , dressing opsite small port dressing box of 100 , fibrillar 4x4 box of 10 , hydrofiber dressing 9x10 cm , laparoscopic curved metzenbaum scissors with multifunctional handle 3mm 29 cm length , laparoscopic drape kit consisting of laparoscopic drape with instrument pouch and tube holder , laparoscopic monopolar connecting cable with single pin , laparoscopic multiclip applier 05 mm preloaded 20 to 30 clips disposable , laparoscopic self righting needle holder ss , laparotomy drape 100 x72x120 inch sterile with adhesive incise area 20 cm 33 cm control plus fabric reinforcement tube holders m armboard cover and cautery bag surgiwear , loop ethilon no 1 , loop pds 40mm 1 2 circle rb heavy no point 1 , mer silk l no 1 0 30mm needle round body , monofilament nylon non absorbable suture size 1 48mm 1 2 circle taper point 150cms loop black in colour , monofilament nylon non absorbable suture size 2 to 0 39mm 3 8 circle reverse cutting , 75cm black in colour , multilayer tissue separating composite mesh of pdsii polypropylene and oxidized regenerated cellulose size 15 x 15cm , multilayer tissue separating composite mesh of pdsii polypropylene and oxidized regenerated cellulose size 15 x20cm , multilayer foam dressing with silicone adhesive size 5 point 5 x 12 cm , polypropylene blue monofilament size 1 suture length 70cm 1 2 circle round body alloy needle 30 to 40mm box of 12 foils , operation theatre drape set , polypropylene blue monofilament size 2 0 suture length 122 cm 1 2 circle round body double armed 36mm needle box of 36 foils , prolene polypropylene size no 1 40mm cutting needle , pulv parasafe jar 810gm , size 3 to 0 70cm 1 2 circle round body 20 mm violet polydioxanone pds ii box of 12 , sxmd 1b48 stratafix spiral pga pcl knotless barbed tissue control device 2 to 0 36mm 45cm 1 2 circle tip unidirectional box of 12 , sxmd 1b48 stratafix spiral pga pcl knotless barbed tissue control device 3 to 0 36mm 45cm 1 2 circle tip unidirectional box of 12 , laparoscopic graspers with ratchet handle 5mm disposable , skin staples 35 staples per unit , polypropylene mesh 15 x 15 cms , mesh prosthesis for hernia medium polypropylene mesh size 15cms 15 , polypropylene mesh 30 cms 30cms mesh prosthesis for hernia medium polypropylene mesh size 30cms 30 cms , absorbable suture coated polyglycolic 910 size no 3 to 0 70 to 90 cms rb , anti fog solution with 4 degree alcohol concentration , antibacterial triclosan coated polyglactin 910 circle round body , 30mm 90cm size 2 to 0 vicryl , cautery pencil with edge coated compatible with valleylab , graduated compression anti-embolism stockings- above knee maximum pressure above ankle and least pressure behind knee size mediumlarge xl point us fda approved , laparoscopic anti fog kit , bipolar cautery cord compatible with valleylab bipolar forceps and ft10 generator e 0512 cord 3 point 6m 12ft , antibacterial triclosan impregnated polydioxanone loop suture size 1 suture length 150cm circle heavy taper point round body steel alloy needle size 48mm box of 24 foils , disposable suction tube with nozzle
Tender For supply of ent, ophthal, gastro, ortho, urology & other dept disposable items - canister for npwt therapy 600ml//, pu foam dressing kit for npwt therapy (large size. 18x25x3cm)//, pu foam dressing kit for npwt therapy (medium size. 12.5x18x3cm)///, pu foam dressing kit for npwt therapy (small size. 7.5x10x3cm)//, arthoscopy grasper //, arthoscopy meniscos punch//, shoulder arthoscopy cannula 6mm//, shoulder arthoscopy cannula 8mm/, arthoscopy first pass st//, arthoscopy first pass mini //, dise forceps 1,2,3,4,5 (1x1 set)//, kerrisson rangeours 1,2,3,4,5 (1x1 set)//, arthoscopy radio frequency cautery//, arthoscopy shaver burr (stryker)//, arthoscopy shaver blade (stryker)/, needle holder self-righting reusable needle holder conducting auto-correction for needle holding angles 5mm diameter with palm type handle//, diposable lap babcock 10mm 10mm babcock extractor ergonomically designed with 360-degree rotation with ratchet mechanism having 34cm length for laparoscopic surgery/, diposable lap babcock 5mm 5mm babcock extractor ergonomically designed with 360-degree rotation with ratchet mechanism having 34cm length for laparoscopic surgery//, diposable lap dissector 5mm curved 5mm dissector ergonomically designed with 360-degree rotation with universal monopolar attachment having 34cm length for laparoscopic surgery//, diposable lap scissor 5mm curved 5mm scissor ergonomically designed with 360-degree rotation with universal monopolar attachment having 34cm length for laparoscopic surgery/, diposable lap grasper 5mm straight atraumatic 5mm grasper ergonomically designed with 360-degree rotation with ratchet mechanism having 34cm length for laparoscopic surgery with lock//, endo reload 60mm gold endoscopic gold linear cutter 60mm catridge with reload surface having pocket extensions to prevent tissue milking staples with asymetric bent tip for consistent staple formation with an option of closed staple height of 1.8 mm 6 rows of staple line with 3 on each side of cut line//, endo reload 60mm green endoscopic green linear cutter 60mm catridge with reload surface having pocket extensions to prevent tissue milking staples with asymetric bent tip for consistent staple formation with an option of closed staple height of 2 mm 6 rows of staple line with 3 on each side of cut line, endo reload 60mm blue endoscopic blue linear cutter 60mm catridge with reload surface having pocket extensions to prevent tissue milking staples with asymetric bent tip for consistent staple formation with an option of closed staple height of 1.5 mm 6 rows of staple line with 3 on each side of cut line//, endoscopic linear cutter 60mm gun shaft length 0f 44cm endoscopic linear cutter stapler with 360 degree rotation //, endoscopic linear cutter 60mm gun shaft length 0f 34cm endoscopic linear cutter stapler with 360 degree rotation shaft 6 row(3 on either side of cut line) staples offering 60mm staple line and 57 mm cut line//, powered/battery operated vascular endo linear cutter reloads35mm endoscopic linear cutter cartridge having 35mm staple line 30 mm cut line having closed staple height of 1 mm and 4 rows of staple line //, powered/battery operated vascular endo linear cutter 35mm battery operated articulating laparoscopic vascular endo stapler with 4 rows staple line(2 on either side of the cut line)of 35mm and cut line of 30mm 360 degrees rotation 50 degrees articulation on both sides 9mm shaft width and 7mm anvil width//, contour curved stapler reloads curvilinear rows of staples in the width of 30mm space with a 40 mm single cut line in between the staple line of 51 mm// , contour curved stapler gastro-intestinal reloadable stapler with curved head designed for low pelvic access with enhanced visibility delivering four curvilinear rows of staples in the width of 30mm space with a 40 mm// , circular stapler size 33 circular stapler-intra-luminal staplers with 18 cm long curved shaft detachable 33mm diameter head 18 cm shaft length controlled tissue c