Tender For supply, testing, commissioning and training of thermal imaging camera with 6-deg telephoto lens for condition monitoring of power supply installations (psi) and overheadequipment (ohe) insulators for nagpur metro rail corporation ltd.
Tender For biennial contract of house keeping and equipment cleaning at pragati power station 1 for two year. - 1st year housekeeping at pps-1, clng entire flr area gt#1& 2, dustingclng wall door window gt#1&2, clng drain & road around gt#1&2, mopping of floor of gt s& washing road, clng of roof of gt#1& #2 building, dusting clng structural member gt#1&2, clng entire flr area gbdpu, dustingclng wall door window gbdpu, dusting clng structural member gbdpu, clng entire flr area gt & lt trs bay, dusting clng wall door & window trs bay, clng road drain around gt & lt trs bay, washing flr & road s around trs, dusting clng structurl membr gt< trbay, clng entire ground area dsb, dusting wall door window dsb, clng road & drains dsb, washing flr area & roads dsb, cleaning of roof of dg set buildung, cleaning visitor room & x-ray floor area, dusting / cleanings of doors, windows, g, cleaning of drains and roads, cleaning of roof, cleaning the ground & first floor area, dusting / cleanings of doors, windows, g, cleaning of roof, clng entire flr area awb, dusting clng wall door & window awb, clng drains & roads around awb, cleaning of roof of washer building, dusting clng structural member awb, cleaning of drains &.roads, clng drains & roads around s&m, washing roads around s&m, clng entire ground flr area hrsg i&ii, dusting clng structural hrsg i&ii, clng drains & roads around hrsg i&ii, washing roads around hrsg i&ii, clng entire flr area gar gt#1&2 hsd, dusting clng wall door & window gar gt, clng drain & road around gar gt#1&2 hsd, clng entire flr area & washing ff cooler, clng pipe road around ff cooler, clng structural member ff cooler, clng entire flr area gcs gt#1&2 & stg, washing/dusting / cleaning of railings, clng drain &.road around gcs gt#1&2 stg, clng entire flr from gf-3rd flr bfp bldg, clng structural members bfp bldg, clng drain & road around bfp bldg, cleaning of roof of bfp building, clng entire flr area comp house acw ecw, clng drain road around comp house acw ec, cleaning of roof of compressor building, clng entire flr area stg hall bldg, dusting clng structural member stg hall, clng ccr flr area ddc/das/ups room, clng stg flr area i/c switch gear room, cleaning of roof of stg operation, clng entire flr area mcc room, dusting clng structural member mcc room, clng entire flr area inergen gas room, clng of roof of inergen gas room, clng drain & road around o&m store, clng entire flr area gf, dusting clngs door window ceiling gf, clng entire flr area 1st flr, dusting clng door window ceiling 1st flr, clng entire flr area 2nd flr, dusting clng door window ceiling 2nd flr, clng entire flr area 3rd flr, dusting clng door window ceiling 3rd flr, clng entire flr area 4th flr, dusting clng door window ceiling 4th flr, cleaning of roof of facility building, cleaning with broom / brush and scrubbin, clng equipments mcr, clng steam flr & equip on flr, clng tac gt#1&2 aop & oth equip, clng off base skid & other equip, clng gas turbine compartment gen ex, vent fan & its motor airpress gt#1&2, clng dg set & its switchgear room, clng air washer pp motor & pipes v/v, hpbfp lpbfp cphrc pp & its auxiliaries, swass panel mcc panel chemical dosing pp, cleaning of ecw overhead tank etc, ecw acw pp & air compressor dryer, seal airfas both guillotine gate & equip, diverter damper actuator, hp & lp feed station pipe & v/v, cbd & ibd tank connecting pipe & v/v, cw pps & its skids connecting pipe v/v, hsd/ naphtha skid, hsd/ naphtha unloading pp pipes v/v, toilet cleaning, housekeeping of control room area round, emergency work beyond working hrs, waste oil cleaning and removing,collecti, daily supervision of work, iind year housekeeping at pps-1, clng entire flr area gt#1& 2, dustingclng wall door window gt#1&2, clng drain & road
Tender For repair, maintenance, and installation of plant/ systems/equipments (version 2) - npcil office cum transit accom at noida; as per scope of work; as per scope of work- operation and maintenance of various systems, equipment and fittings and supply of items at npcil office cum transit accommodation at noida - 1.1 providing supervisory services for operation & maintenance activity of office cum transit accommodation for o&m work of 11 kv/415v/240v systems, domestic water / fire water/ r.o. water/, air conditioners, water coolers, d.g sets, lighting systems, earth pits, , telephone. lines distribution systems, maintenance of lawns, flowerpots, rectification of deficiencies related to civil work like plumbing, carpentry / masonry work and office work etc. cleaning of underground water tanks, and overhead water tanks. regular check of lighting system of the building and repair and replacement of bulb, choke, holder starter and office work etc. one activity shall be considered completed by deputing one highly skilled manpower as per qualification given in tech. spec. for 9 hours in a day as per work requirement. due to sensitivity of nature of work required round the clock 1.1 highly skilled supervisor will be available round the clock for any instance and requirement as the case may be. 1.2 providing services of technician in skilled category round the clock for o & m activity at noida office cum transit accommodation for following activities :- (i) operation & maintenance of 11 kv system/equipment & transformer:- cleaning and area up keeping of 11 kv switch gear panel and transformer and replacement of silica gel in 315 kva transformer if colour changes. ht drop out fuse and condition monitoring of complete switch gear area, 315 kva transformer oil level in conservator will be checked in one month. the oil level must be maintained between 25%-75%, if it reduces it should be topped up by new tested insulating oil of hv grade per is-335. bushing are to be examined for crack and dirt deposit and are to be cleaned or replaced as necessary once in six months or earlier if required. noise/humming sound, temperature rise (over heating) and crack in bituminous compound once in a month, general cleaning of the transformer to keep it free from dust and soot s quarterly or as required. (ii) preventive maintenance of two (02) nos. 415 volts air circuit breaker, 11 kv vcb (01 nos.) and switch gear area up keeping. the contractor is also responsible for maintaining 230 volts ac distribution systems in healthy condition. the scope of work includes maintenance of db s panels, & switchgear to ensure the functioning of fan, light, distribution of electricity within noida office cum transit accommodation building. the required spares shall be provided by npcil however consumables & hard wares e.g. lubricant, petroleum jelly, tb nut bolt, lugs etc shall be provided by contractor. (iii) operation & maintenance of domestic water/fire water system: the scope of work includes operation of bore well to maintain fire water tank level. preventive maintenance of domestic and fire water system, routine testing of fire water hydrants/pumps both diesel operated and electrical pumps. dewatering and cleaning of underground fire water tank and domestic water tank six monthly. (iv) cleaning of 2 no s of overhead fire tank of 5000 liter capacity and one no. domestic water overhead tank of capacity 5000 liter and one number of solar water tank six monthly, servicing and lubrication of 2 number of domestic water pump, 3 no. sump pump. servicing and lubrication of jockey pump, main hydrant pump, fire engine pump. the required all spares parts, hardware s e.g. lubricant, petroleum jelly nut bolt, gasket etc. shall be provided by contractor. (v) operation and maintenance of solar water heating system will require weekly cleaning of solar water panel, heater replacement and maintaining temperature with heater, repair and replacement of rubber
Tender For construction of design supply erection testing and commissioning of 25kv 50 hz single phase conventional type overheadequipment sub sectioning and paralleling post and associated modifications associated general electrical work for construction of new line
Tender For corrigendum : engineering, procurement, construction (epc) for supply, erection, testing & commissioning of 2x25 kv 50hz traction overheadequipment, traction sub station, switching stations and scada for railway electrification of double line and other associated modification works of the existing ohe of single line and yards in connection with doubling between ankai station (excl) at 16.00 km and karanj gaon (excl) at 69.01 km (i.e., 53.01 km) on nanded division of south-central railway in maharashtra state, india.
Tender For corrigendum : supply, erection, testing and commissioning of receiving substation with incoming cabling from grid substation including 25 kv-ac traction cum 33kv auxiliary main sub- stations, 25kv overheadequipment, auxiliary power supply and other works for bsrp
Tender For outsourcing of power supply installation (psi) and non-power block overheadequipment (ohe) maintenance activities of ahmedabad division for two years in krcl area