Tender For supply of drill machine minimum - table with marble or stainless steel tops , table with marble half standard size , drill machine , stuls preferabbly metal , brain knife , mortury cooler with arrangement to keep atleast 8 body or suitable alternative arrangement , plastic tank for storing soft and disected parts , movie camera with screen , x-ray view box , slides , dissection instruments , meat cutting machine for thin body sections , microtome rotary , cabinet for 1000 slides , hot air oven for drying slides 450 cc , disarticulated bone set , wet speciemen jar , steel racks , demonstration eye piece , double demonstration eye piece , wesrgreens pipette for esr on stand , hemoglobin meter sahils or helige with space , hemocytometer , thermometer balances microslide and glassware , multichannel physiograph, 3 channels complete with accessories , colorimeter photo electric , digital perimeter , stethoscope , digital spirometer , moses ergograph , clinical thermometer , compass asthesiometer , thermo asthesiometer , algometer , schematic eye , colour pricription lantern , dynamometer , stop watch , venous pressure apparatus , douglus bag complete , basal metabolosim appratus , appratus for passive movments , facoscope , parimeter with charts , madoxx rod , neoton colour wheel , gas analyser automatic for co2, o2 n2 , sherington sterling chemograph , electromagnetic time marker , mayograph stand , electronic stimulator , tuning fork time marker 100sec , elctrodes , morris tembhour , software to demonstrate amphibian and mamilian experience , low voltage unit for tapping 2 and 4 voltage for stimulation , centrifudge high speed , all glass distillation apparatus double stage , step down transformer , urinometer calibrerated , constant temperature water bath tank capacity temp range 5 to 80 deg celcius , ph meters of wide range , complete electrophoresis apparatus with power supply , densitometer with computer , fume cupboard , balance micro , urine strip for glucose and protien , centrifudge tubes graduated , cold plate for modular tissue embedding system , ultrapure water solution distilled water plant , grossing staion , hydrometer milk , salters baby weghing machine , harpenden caliber , height measuing stand , multimedia projector , public address system , muca tapes , water sampling bottle from any depth , iodine testing kit , hemocytometers with red and white pipettes , staining jar for slides , urinometer , graduated cylinders for various capacity ranging from 100cc to 1000cc , cryostat , standalone paraffin dispensing module cold plate holding more than 100 cassete , standalone cold plate , cetrifudge clinical , refrigirator 9 cc ft , ise refrigirator , cloroscope , harroks appratus , hemoglobinometer , sound level meter , vaccine carrier bid details/ 2 / 77
Tender For corrigendum : supply of , strips albumin and glucose bottle of 100 strips (uristix), rapid card screening for hbv (hbsag) detection, rapid card screening for hcv, test for estimation of albumin (semi auta) 5x50 aminalyser erba, test for estimation of sgot erba semi auto analyser reagent (5 x 20ml), test for estimation of sgpt erba semi auto analyser reagent (5 x 20ml), test of estimation of total protein erba semi autonalyser reagent (5x50 ml), test for estimation of triglyceride (semi auto analyser erba) 5x20ml, esr tube disposable, keto diastick bottle of 50 strips, ra factor (50 test/kit), test for estimation of bilirubin (total & direct) 4 x 60ml, jrine culture container 50ml (sterile), jrinometer, rapid test for syphillis tpha (kit of 25 test), cytochrome stain, micropipette fix vol 20ul, distilled water, micropipette tips for 100-1000 ul (pkt of 500), micropipette tips for 5 to 200ul pkt of 1000, direct ldl (one step) reagent with calibretor, drabkin solution with hb standard, wbc diluting fluid, nycocard reader ii reagent hba1c test kit 24 test, nycocard reader ii hba1c control reagent, micropipettes fix volume 10ul, disposable plastic tubes 75x12 mm, salmonella typhi (igg & igm) rapid test, fest for estimation of urea reagent for semi auto analyser (5x20ml), hiv antibody 1 & 2 detection rapid test., dengue igm, igg with nsi ag, replace glass cover microscopic, rectangular pv 16442 22x50 mm made of usp no. glass, pkt of 14gm, replace glass cover microscopic, rectangular pv 16446 22x40 mm made of usp no. glass, pkt of 14gm, biorad level 1 lypochek assayed chemistry control (pack of 12x5ml), biorad level 2 lypochek assayed chemistry control (pack of 12x5ml)
Tender For corrigendum : supply of group tender of medical equipment for histopathology, pathology, microbiology and blood bank dept. - grossing station automated , microtome- fully automated , lab incubator , hot air ove , ph meter , hot plate , semi automatic microtome , esr analyzer , embedding station with hot & cold table & paraffin dispenser , tissue floatation bath , lab refrigerator , electronic balance , slide filing cabinet , block filing cabinet , centrifuge , microscope binocular , microscope binocular with illumination & photography , hematology analyzer-3 part , semi automatic coagulometer , fully automated coagulation analyzer , elisa reader with washer , vertical gel electrophoresis system , ultra deep freezer -80 deg c , cytospin , blood donor couch , blood collection monitor , dielectric tube sealer, handheld , refrigerated blood component transport box , (-40) degree deep freezer , vertical deep freezer - 20deg , ultra high speed centrifuge , plasma thawing bath , blood bank refrigerator , blood bag weighting balance- single pan , water bath , blood gas analyser , autoclave , bacteriological incubator , co2 incubator , anaerobic incubator , laminar air flow , bio safety cabinet class ii type b2 , ultrapure water purification system , fully automated colony counter , technical specification for compound microscope for microbiology
Tender For corrigendum : tender for supply of water quality analyser(toc) , water quality analyser(toc) , training for group a , pwamc for group a , mandatory spares for group a , supervision for group a , water quality analyser(conductivity) , water quality analyser(ph) , water quality analyser(orp) , mandatory spares for group b , supervision for group b
Tender For corrigendum : e-tender for supply of various medical equipment of physiology department of govt. medical college haridwar - experimental physiology -demonstration set , electric time markers 100/sec, tuning fork time marker 100/sec., spirit lamp, marys tambour, demonstrations eye piece, double demonstration eye piece, stage incubator, perimeter pristely smith s/lp .984 b & t, haemoglobinometer, sahlis or hellige (with space), haemocytometers, sphygmomanometer digital, stethoscopes, stethoscopes, demonstration with mutipleear pieces, polygraphs, venous pressure apparatus, spirometer, ordinary, gas analysis apparatus, haldanes students type, van slykes apparatus manometric, gas analyser automatic for co2, o2,n2, douglas bag complete, basal metabolism apparatus, erogographmosses, clinical digital thermometer, compass aesthesiometer, thermo esthesiometer, algometer, apparatus for passive movement, knee hammer, stethograph, bicycle ergometer, olfactometer, ophthalmoscope, schematic eye, phakoscope, perimeter with charts (listers), colour perception lantern edridge green, maddox rod, newtons colour wheel, tuning forks to test hearing 32-10,000 cps(sets), dynamometer, otoscope (47), sterilizer electric, instrument trolley, stop watches, centrifuge, high speed with tachometer, colorimeter photo-electric, ph meter, oxygen cylinder with trolley, co2 cylinder with trolley, electronic stimulator, water distillation still, all glass distillation apparatus double stage, voltage stabilizer, weighing machine, height measuring machine, digital student physiograph, thermometer, ishihara colour vision chart, snellen chart, near vision jaegar
Tender For corrigendum : supply of online chloride and sulfate analyser for boiler blow down water chemistry analysis , installation and commissioning of online chloride and sulfate analyser for boiler blow dow
Tender For supply of spare parts for toc analyser of analytikjena make and model no 2100s - spare parts for multi n/c series toc analyser of analytikjena make & model no: 2100s as follows (sl. no. 1 to 6): part no. 11-0108-001-14 - cooling unit nc-series for multi n/c series toc analyser of analytikjena make & model no: 2100s, part no. 402-810.050 - halogen absorber filling for halogen absorber u-tube, i.d. 11 mm for multi n/c series toc analyser of analytikjena make & model no: 2100s, part no. 402-885.010 - combustion tube, o.d. 26 mm, quartz combustion tube toc/tnb for multi n/c series toc analyser of analytikjena make & model no: 2100s, part no. 402-881.245 - set of tc prefilter and water trap for multi n/c series toc analyser of analytikjena make & model no: 2100s, part no. 402-810.059 - platinum catalyst 80 ml for toc/tnb determination for multi n/c series toc analyser of analytikjena make & model no: 2100s, part no. 402-825.044 - quartz wool for multi n/c series toc analyser of analytikjena make & model no: 2100s