Tender For corrigendum : procurement of jcb spares - 500 00214 element , 123 04561 cable grommetharness , 40 302136 leak off hose , 40 303377 side cutter right hand 3dx super ch ii ch xxxi cdef , 826 01144 7 point 9 inch lg standard cable tie 180 200mm 3dx super ch xiii bab , 730 04072 bulb 12v 60 55w p45t , 3h00712000 joint for lubricant oil cooler , 4h39902000 fuel pipe fuel filter , 320 08547 belt front 8pk 1835 3dx super ch xxiv a , 550 40575 oil filter engine , 696 00453 ignition switch , 827 50070 wind screen , 40 303576 hose clamp 3dx super ch xiii r s ch xxxi p , 48117020 filter fuel secondary mico no 1 451 037 409 , 823 00223 rubber washer , 646 04548 bulb 12v 60 55w p45t , 926 14900r weather seal roll 50 mtr , 4h16510000 fuel injection pump , 4h68101000 alternator 12 volt , 614 27400 613 46600 hose 10bsp hp 690mm b , bsk2587 3 secondary element , 332 y4005 629 02502 radiator cap , 696 01288 hose assy , 2410 0213 grommet std 31 point 8x6 point 5 , 445 19808 washer thrust 3 point 35mm thick phosphated 3dx super ch xxi e , 827 20177 window glazing clear , 2401 0505 2401 0505 o ring , 30 600141 hose radiator top , 816 20070 adaptor 3dx super ch xviii m , 40 304450 screw driver 6 x 150mm 3dx super ch vii d , 40 302921 332 y3852 332 y3852 throttle cable p92 loader 3dx super ch xi a , 904 20230 seal fillter cap , 130 14053 alen key 8 mm 3dx super ch vii d , 130 99560 ring spanner , 40 302709 throttle cable p92 , 506 00007 fuse 10 amps 3dx super ch ix e , 40 303803 tooth loader , 581 05605 581 05605 packing ring , 335 y7271 hose 10 bsp hp 2620 mm b 3dx super ch xiii lx , 40 302075 40 300429 hose bend , 40 303281 liner bearing 3dx super ch iii a , 40 302877 bush , 332 y6630 hose 10 bsp hp 2790mm b 3dx super ch xiii j , 40 303280 liner bearing 3dx super ch iii a , 704 10000 buzzer 12v , 730 01055 starter relay , 730 50310 wiper motor , 831 00117 bearing 3dx super ch x c , 550 42462 2h00601000 rotary shaft sealge , 1406 0014 bonded washer 3dx super ch xiii r , 910 28300 throttle lever and control assy , 828 00346 grommet , 130 99521 adjustable spanner 1025mm , 130 99563 socket 1 by 2 x 1 by 2 sq drive 3dx super ch vii d , 2400 00218 o ring , 25 606112 oil ring , 550 41639 air filter primary , 716 05707 fuse20 amp 3dx super ch ix e , 320 06837 injector mt3 tc 63 by 6 3dx super eng xxxvii c , 831 00099 bearing self lub , 550 42595 001 00114 mud filter , 130 15095 piston bearing , 30 600701 pressure cap , 40 301866 hose , 40 303376 side cutter left hand 3dx super chi ch xxxi cdef , 48117010 filter fuel primary mico no 1 457 431 003 , 1406 0031 seal , 40 303383 switch engine oil pressur , 121 13400 int door lock l h , 130 99512 d e spanner 5 8x9 16 , 130 99556 spanner de 5 by 8 x 9 by 16w 3dx super ch vii d , 331 20550 pad wear upper 5mm thick colour green 3dx super ch iii h , 331 20556 wear pad 7mmblue 3dx super ch iii h , 40 301908 hose04 bsp hp 1300 b , 612 26600 hose , 617 01600 hose , 401 f8476 808 00364 bi metallic bearing 70 60x62 , 320 25108 1 turbo charger , 335 y7269 hose10 bsp hp 2650 mm b 3dx super ch xiii jt , 333 y2921 inner latch assy rh 3dx super ch iv n , 02 100284 32 907600 element oil filter , 130 99517 d e spanner 1x15 16 a f3dx super ch vii d , 130 99557 spanner de , 130 99564 allen key 1 by 8 inch , 2411 3108 piston head seal , 252520156328 fan belt , 332 y6631 hose 10 bsp hp 2520mm b 3dx super ch xiii k , 450 10208 pad thrust 3dx super ch xix c , 40 303813 453 00103 piston brake , 813 00251 gasket , 829 00548 bearing , 904 50000 dual lip seal , 320 06159 turbocharger 68kw ac t3 3dx super eng xxxix a , 116 00822 handle , 130 14122 ignition key , 40 300743 bush , 40 300893 filter element 3dx super ch xvii a , 40 302255 suction hose hydraulic , 40 303956 wiper blade , 445 03206 counter plate , 550 30444 seal kit dipper ram , 730 02502 wiper blade18hd , 904 08200 seal dual lip , 550 42691 910 24901 inner cable , 333 y1376 cap filler breather 3dx super chiii d , 2410 0205 grommet hole dia 12 point 7mm3dx super ch viii a ch x
Tender For corrigendum : supply of liquid end assembly p n 20549 07a , power end assembly p n 20549 07b , liquid end asmbly p n 4vddfp50sd , power end assembly p n sd100v4 , power end assembly p n sa100v4 , liquid end assembly p n 4vdd90p50 , power end assembly p n 20534 07b , liquid end assembly p n 20534 07a , liquid end assembly p n 20538 07a , power end assembly p n 20538 07b , power end assembly p n 20544 07b , liquid end assembly p n 20544 07a , liquid end assembly p n 20540 07a , power end assembly p n 20540 07b , power end assembly p n 20565 07b , liquid end assembly p n 20565 07a , liquid end assembly p n 20562 07a , power end assembly p n 20562 07b , liquid end assembly p n 20560 07a , power end assembly p n 20560 07b , power end assembly p n 20536 07b , liquid end assembly p n 20536 07a , power end assembly p n 4vdd90m14 , liquid end assembly p n sa100v4 , power end assy p n 4vdd90m14 wdd 1125 20 , liquid end asmbly pn sa100v4 wdd 1125 20 , wel housing p n1401061 , piston seal o ring p n9937 , liner o ring p n9935 , diaphragm p n9907 , diaphragm p n9906 , piston o ring p n9937 , discharge valve seat p n9915 , suction valve seat p n9912 , connecting rod assembly p n3101030 , wel housing p n3101061 , dscharg vlv pn 9916 wdd 2250 60 swellore , discharge valve seat p n 9915 , discharge valve retainer p n 9914 , suction valve p n 9913 , suction valve seat p n 9912 , suction valve retainer p n 9911 , piston seal o ring p n 9937 wdd 2250 60 , o ring p n 9935 , discharge valve p n 9916 , wel housing p n 3101061 , piston seal o ring p n 9937 , connecting rod assembly p n 1401030 , wel housing p n 1401061 , liner o ring p n 9935 , diaphragm p n 9906 , diaphragm p n 9907 , connecting rod assembly p n 2601030 , wel housing p n 2601061 , connecting rod assembly p n1401030 , suction valve retainer p n9911 , suction valve p n9913 , discharge valve retainer p n9914 , discharge valve p n9916 , wel housing p n 7601061 , suction valve sheet p n 9912 , connecting rod assembly p n 7601030 , suction vlv seat p n 9912 wdd 1125 44 , wel housing swlr p n 2601061 , connecting rod swlr p n 2601030 , liner o ring swlr p n 9935 , piston seal o ring swlr p n 9937 , suc valve retainer swlr p n 9911 , suc valve seat swlr p n 9912 , suc valve swlr p n 9913 , dis valve retainer swlr p n 9914 , dis valve seat swlr p n 9915 , dis valve swlr p n 9916 , connecting rod swlr p n 7601030 , oil relief valve assy p n dahp8831m1912 , oil refil vlve assy p n db9933dm200m1912
Tender For corrigendum : disposable suction liner bag disposable suction pre liner bag 2 liter with inbuilt solidifying agent (super absorption particle) color green disposable suction final liner bag, 2liter capacity with inbuilt solidifying agent an overflow protectio
Tender For corrigendum : procurement of spares for hydrogen recycle compressor and nitrogen compressor at pp unit at iocl paradip refinery - procurement of spares for hydrogen recycle compressor and nitrogen compressor at pp unit at iocl paradip refinery., bushing alignment p/n. w132626, seal oil deflector p/n. 300018ak3im, valve inlet p/n. mlh44432mb32, spring p/n. 9539t16, crab valve p/n. w131493, valve inlet p/n. mlh44432kd5, valve disch p/n. mlh44433kd5, ring packing p/n. r87096c278d24im, ring packing purge,p/n:r87096a278t24im, washer lock p/n. 14a5s36, bush crank pin p/n. 5833c1, bush x hd pin p/n. 5832c1, bush sheave p/n. 166092, crosshead p/n. mlw125207g1, ring scrapper p/n. 27a11b24dim, pushrod p/n. w131775dp3, pushrod p/n. w131775dp4, set screw p/n. x1531t739c, set screw p/n. x1531t742c, setscrew p/n. r83516b8p1, set screw p/n. x1531t735c, pipe suction p/n. 3188e1t2, gasket outer head p/n. 7735d1t132im, seal oil part no 207a11an9044, packing rod comp p/n. mlh65180nbdg5, ring packing set p/n. r87096c298d32im, ringpack purge set p/n r87096e298t32im, crosshead p/n. f38958, washer 3/4 " p/n. 12a5c9, cap breather p/n. 6459b1, dowel pin p/n- 17a13a141, bushing p/n. 3800c1t2, rod unloader p/n. r83517kp1, setscrew hex skt p/n. 109a2s1, bushing main brg p/n. r16430, bushing set p/n. h62654im, bush x hd pin p/n. 5027c1, ring scrapper p/n- 27a11b32aim, spacer packing p/n. w120342, ring packing set p/n. r87096a728t32im, rod packing assly p/n. 1h44450np5t2, rod packing p/n. h44450np5t2, cylinder & liner p/n. 1f30793al2, o-ring p/n. r90244t441im