Tender For set of rib & channel for strengthening bogie frame arrangement of 13t on icf coaches to drg. no. cg- 17066, alt-4 consisting of 03 (three) ite ms 1. channel to drg.no. cg-17066, alt-4 for 13t on icf bogie (lh)= 04 nos. 2. channel to drg. no.17066, alt-4 for13t on icf bogie (rh)= 04 nos. and 3. rib to drg.no. cg-17066, alt-4, item no.1= 08 nos. as per annexure attached. sample to be approved before bulk supply. [ warranty period: 30 months after th e date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of canvas covers - canvas cover for starter of davit winch , canvas cover for mooring capstan , canvas cover for hatch h6 on main deck , canvas cover for accommodation ladder winch 2 deck , canvas cover for master controller of mooring capstan 2 deck , canvas cover for anchor capstan , canvas cover for master controller of anchor capstan 1 deck port and stbd , canvas cover for flag lockers , canvas cover for pyrotechnic locker , canvas cover for ammunition box , canvas cover for lmg , canvas cover for rib and davit winch 1 deck port and stbd , canvas cover for pr boat davit winch 1 deck port and stbd , canvas cover for accommodation ladder control panel and motor , canvas cover for obm 30 hp , canvas cover for crn 91 gun mount , canvas cover for sop , canvas cover for srcg , canvas cover for shore connection box 1 on 01 w dk , canvas cover for shore connection box 2 on qtr dk fr 58 60 port , canvas cover for ss stowage box for auto telephone system qtr deck , canvas cover for weather proof shore connection on qtr deck port and stbd , canvas cover for weather proof shore connection on helo deck , canvas cover for stainless steel stowage box for autotephone system on foxle deck , canvas cover for weather proof shore connections on foxle deck , canvas cover for ss stowage box for autotephone system on bridge wing port and stbd , canvas cover for weather proof shore connection on w h top , canvas cover for explosion proof operator panel 5 zone bh with alarm on qtr deck , canvas cover for explosion proof re entrant horn type speaker 15w on qtr deck , canvas cover for stowage box weather proof cabinet with operator panel 5 zone bh 4 on foxle deck , canvas cover for re entrant horn type speaker 15w with junction box on foxle deck , canvas cover for loudhailer speaker 50w on foxle deck , canvas cover for stowage box weather proof cabinet with operator panel 5 zone bh on bridge wing port , canvas cover for re entrant horn type speaker 15w with junction box on bridge wing port , canvas cover for stowage box weather proof cabinet with operator panel 5 zone bh on bridge wing stbd , canvas cover for re entrant horn type speaker 15w with junction box on bridge wing stbd , canvas cover for stowage box weather proof cabinet with operator panel 5 zone bh on w h top , canvas cover for re entrant horn type speaker 15w with junction box on w h top , canvas cover for explosion proof communication system for internal communication system on qtr deck , canvas cover for external explosion proof audio visual indication ip 56 system on qtr deck , canvas cover for stowage box for headset with 7 pin plug and ptt switch for internal communication system on qtr deck , canvas cover for bhd mounting communication system on foxle deck , canvas cover for external audio visual indication ip 56 with junction box on foxle deck , canvas cover for stowage box for headset with 7 pin plug and ptt switch for internal communication system on foxle deck , canvas cover for bhd mounting communication system ip 56 for internal communication system on w h top , canvas cover for external audio visual indication ip 56 with junction box for internal communication system on w h top , canvas cover for stowage box for headset with 7 pin plug and ptt switch for internal communication system on w h top , canvas cover for stainless steel enclosure ip 44 fitted with bhd mounting intercom station on foxle deck , canvas cover for 15w horn loudspeaker with jb for navigation circuit of intercom talkback system on foxle deck , canvas cover for flasher with footer for navigation circuit of intercom talkback system on foxle deck , canvas cover for stainless steel enclosure on bridge wing port and stbd , canvas cover for 15w horn loudspeaker with jb for navigation circuit of intercom on bridge wing port and stbd , canvas cover for flasher with footer for navigation circuit of intercom talkback system on bridge wing p and s , canvas cover for stainless steel enclosure ip 44 fitted with
Tender For bid to ras bid to ras supply of ribbon and ink - inkjet printer , ribbon epson , tvs ribon , ricoh toner , hp inkjet , gn ink , printronix , rib lipi , lipi ribon , head for pinter , printer head