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Tender For supply of chest tool kit small,drift brass parallel,file round smooth,file flat second cut,file half round smooth,gauges thickness feeler type,hammer bp,handle files,plier side cutting insulated,punches round,screw driver elect,screw driver elect,screw driver elect,dcrew driver philips head,spanner open jaw,spanner open jaw,spanner open jaw,spanner open jaw,spanner open jaw,spanner open jaw,spanner open jaw,spanner ring type de,spanner ring type de,spanner ring type de,spanner ring type de,spanner ring type de,spanner ring type de,chisel cold flat,vice bench,soldering iron electric
Tender For supply of measuring steel 30 mtrs , boxes pt gp mk-i , rope p lene 3 strand h l og 16mm dia , holes hammer 305mm , handle bamboo , padlocks ig 4 levers 40 mm , cutter folding 300mm , pliers side cutting 200mm , pliers snip nose 115mm , screw drivers electrician 75mm , screw drivers electrician 200mm , hammer engineers bal pein 800g , saw hand cross cutting 650 mm , pliers side cutting 150mm insulated , blade hack saw hand flexible fine , screw drivers cabinet 150mm , screw drivers flat london pattern 300mm , spanner open jaw fixed double ended , bags tool carpenter , squares carpenters 250mm , oil stones fine 200x50x25mm , pincers carpenter 200mm , chisels cold cross cut carbon steel 6 , chisels cold flat carbon steel 20mm , drifts pin brass parallel 12.5 x 160mm , chest tool kit 42x22x18cm , drill stock hand , files flat second cut 250mm , handle files 115 mm , drill twist parallel shank jobber diamet , axes hand 1 kg , wrenches pipe stillson type 250mm , brushes writing large , brushes writing medium , handles files 140 mm , brushes flat paint 50mm tapered nylon , brushes paints and varnishes flat 25mm , vices hand 125mm , spnr pop adj 200 mm , handles files 127mm , padlocks ig 4 levers 50mm , hammer pin ballpen 115 gms , screw driver set of 08 bits , pliers watchmakers fine r nose 100mm , wrenches key hexagonal across flat size , padlocks ig 4 levers 75mm , files taper saw regular second cut 100 mm , hammer engineers ball pen 500g , spanner open 12x13mm , spnr ojde a and u s h nor series am 25 , spnr ojde matric a f sz 21mmx 23mm , spnr o j e d e stl pltd sz 30x32 mm , spnr o j e d e stl pltd sz 24x27 mm , spanner ring 9 16x5 8 56x62 , spanner o j.f d e stl pltd mm 19x22 , ec bamboo supporting large , brushes flat paint 50mm tapered nylon m , screw drivers 12 , screw drivers philips head 3 x150mm , spnr am and up a f 32 am in 19 32 x11 16 , spanner ojde a u spear head normal , spnr ojfde a u s h nor spear head , spnr ring cracked d e sti pltd 13x17 , spanner ring 9 16x5 8 , tape tracing 46 mtr
Tender For tender for providing and fixing open jim upkaran at different gardan in ward no.03 dewas - item details, double chest press product area :-1372mm x762mm x 2134mm safe playarea:- 1828mm x 1220mm double chest presser equipmentmade up of 4inch b class gi pipe;prime stand duly bend, foundationcenter pipe. the handle frame is made of 42mmod g.i. pipe. the remaining frame is made of32mm od g.i. pipe. seating frame support of dimension250 x 150 x 5mm iswelded for supporting the pedal seat. ms seat of size 380mm x 300mm x5mm is used forsupporting the foot. 60mm seamless pipe bushes. permanent lubricated ball bearings6205zz/6205-2rs. foundation plate of dia 225mm and10mm thicknessis welded at bottom. all welded joint are of good quality. high quality rubber grip are also usedfor firm handling. high tensile steel with galvanized nut& bolts to beused. the circlips to be used are of 25mm. allen bolts are also used to tightenthe closing cap. closing cap of hdpe / ppcp plastic isused. the powder coating done with purepolyester powderwith 60 to 70 micron thickness., leg press double - product area :-1676mm x610mm x 1524mm safe playarea:- 2286mm x 1220mm leg press equipment made up of4inch b class gipipe; prime stand duly bend,9506 13800038000foundation center pipe. the remaining frame is made of42mm od g.i. pipe. ms seat of size 380mm x 300mm x5mm is used. 60mm seamless pipe bushes. permanent lubricated ball bearings6205zz/6205-2rs. foundation plate of dia 225mm and10mm thicknessis welded at bottom. all welded joint are of good quality. high quality rubber grip are also usedfor firm handling. high tensile steel with galvanized nut& bolts to beused. the circlips to be used are of 25mm. allen bolts are also used to tightenthe closing cap. closing cap of hdpe / ppcp plastic isused. the powder coating done with purepolyester powderwith 60 to 70 micron thickness., shoulder press / double chest cum -product area :-1372mm x762mm x 2134mm safe playarea:- 1828mm x 1220mm double chest presser equipmentmade up of 4inch b class gi pipe;prime stand duly bend, foundationcenter pipe. the handle frame is made of 42mmod g.i. pipe. the remaining frame is made of32mm od g.i. pipe. seating frame support of dimension250 x 150 x 5mm iswelded for supporting the pedal seat. ms seat of size 380mm x 300mm x5mm is used forsupporting the foot. 60mm seamless pipe bushes. permanent lubricated ball bearings9506 14500045`0006205zz/6205-2rs. foundation plate of dia 225mm and10mm thicknessis welded at bottom. all welded joint are of good quality. high quality rubber grip are also usedfor firm handling. high tensile steel with galvanized nut& bolts to beused. the circlips to be used are of 25mm. allen bolts are also used to tightenthe closing cap. closing cap of hdpe / ppcp plastic isused. the powder coating done with purepolyester powderwith 60 to 70 micron thickness.seating puller, sky walker / straight trainer/crosstrainer -product area :-l x w x h1778mm x 610mm x 1828mmsafe play area:- 2134mm x 915mm straight trainer/sky walkerequipment made up of 4inch b class gi pipe; prime stand dulybend, foundation center pipe. the pedal frame is made of 3" x 1"rectangular g.i.pipe. the handle frame is made of 32mmod g.i. pipe. footrest frame support of dimension250 x 100 x 2mmis welded for supporting the aluminiumfootrest. aluminium footrest of size 300mm x150mm x 5mm isused for supporting the foot. 60mm seamless pipe bushes. permanent lubricated ball bearings6205zz/6205-2rs. foundation plate of dia 225mm and10mm thicknessis welded at bottom. all welded joint are of good quality. high tensile steel with galvanized nut& bolts to beused. the circlips to be used are of 25mm. allen bolts are also used to tighten9506 14000040000the closing cap. closing cap of hdpe / ppcp plastic isused. high quality rubber grip are also usedfor firm handling., double air walker - product area :-2130mm x785mm x 1390mm safe playarea:- 2590mm x 1024mm double air walker equipmentmade up of 4in
Tender For supply of spnr ojde mertric af 13 17 mm , file contact point , blades contact files , chest tool kit small ms , gauge thickness feeler type 100mm , screw driver elect 165mm , spnr rbde cranked metric 6 into 7 mm , spnr rbde cranked metric 13 into 17 mm , spnr rbde cranked metric 24 into 27mm , pad lock ig 4 lever 40mm , spnr ojde mertric af 13 into 17 mm , piler side cutting 200mm , file flat smooth 150mm , file hand dead smooth 150mm , rule steel engineers type bb 20cm , spnr socket handle ratchet 1 by inch sd , tape measuring steel 30 m , screw driver elect med , spnr socket bihex metric 1 by 2 in sq drive 9mm , spnr box tubular double ended 12mm into 14mm , spnr socket bihex metric 1 by 2 in sq drive 8mm , spnr socket bihex metric 1 by 2 in sq drive 11mm , spnr socket bihex metric 1 by 2 in sq drive 16mm , spnr socket bihex metric 1 by 2 in sq drive 19mm , spnr socket bihex metric 1 by 2 in sq drive 24mm , spnr socket bihex metric 1 by 2 in sq drive 26mm , spnr socket bihex metric 1 by 2 in sq drive 27mm , spnr socket bihex metric 1 by 2 in sq drive 30mm , spnr drag link adjust 1 by 2 in sq drive 47 by 64 in width , spnr socket set midget a 9 by 32 in sq drive american , spnr socket bihex metric 1 by 2 in sq drive 10mm , screwdriver elect 100mm , wrench key socket head screw nominal size 4mm , files flat bastard 250mm hammer , handles file 90mm , handles file 11 point 5mm , hammer hide faced 680g no 2 , screw driver london 300mm , screw driver philips head 150mm , plier sidecutting 200 mm prs , punches round center 100 mm , wrenches hexagonal a by f size 3 by 64 inches , wrenches key hexagonal for socket head screw a by f size 3 by 32 in , wrenches hexagonal a by f size 1 by 4 inches , wrenches hexagonal a by f size 3 by 8 inches , wrenches hexagonal a by f size 1 by 2 inches , wrenches key hexagonal a by f sizes 3 by 4 , drift brass parallel 19mm file , spanner tubler bos double ended metric width across flat 10 into 11 mm , spanner box tubular double ended nominal with across fleet 1 in , spanners socket bihexagon metric 1 by 2 in square drive 18mm , spanners socket bihexagon metric 1 by 2 in square drive 21mm , spanners socket bihexagon metric 1 by 2 in square drive 23mm , spanner socket metric bihexagon metric 1 by 2 inches sq drive 30mm , spnr socket bihexgon american and unified 3 by 4 in sq drive size 15 by 16 in and 0 point 9 inch , spnr socket bihexagon american and unified 3 by4 in sq drive size 11 by 16 in and 1 point 06 in , spanner socket set acessories 1 by 2 inches sq drive set , spanners socket bihexaghon metric 1 by 2 in square drive 17mm , spanners socket bihexagon metric 1 by 2 in square drive 20mm , spnr socket bihexagon american and unified 3 by 4 in sq drive 1 by 8 and 1 point 12 in , punches round 12 mm , spanner box tubular double ended nominal with across fleet 7mm into 8mm , spanner box tubular double ended nominal with across fleet 13mm into 17mm , pad lock ig 4 lever 50mm , screwdriver electrician 165 mm , scriber carpenter , file flat bastd 350mm , brushes steel wire 32mm , pad lock ig lever 50mm