Tender For bid to ras providing of repair and overhauling service - maintenance and painting of tupg antenna; maintenance and painting of tupg antenna; yes; buyer premises
Tender For corrigendum : supply of web camera , surveillance solar camera , trail camera antenna , traffic indication light , luminous inverter repair , ignition coil , stop watch
Tender For providing of repair, maintenance, and installation of plant/ systems/equipments (version 2) - icgs rajveer; l001 following defects observed in 25 kw radar make transs model an 175 aradar anteena rotation rate is found to be slow and radar antenna swapping is bre..
Tender For providing of repair and overhauling service - complete denting painting and repair of tata mct with antenna qty 01; tata; yes; buyer premises
Tender For repair, maintenance, and installation of plant/ systems/equipments (version 2) - industry unit; installation of ibs onboard ins brahmaputra; service provider-1. services - bridge- degutting of existing cabling of nav radars manta and bridgemaster (bridge, bridge top, post 23, ops room and flyco) 2000 mtrs, 2. services -degutting of foundation of existing units of navigational radars, bridge master, ecdis, mr 212 and manta (location- bridge, ops room, post 23 and flyco) 1 job, 3. services- degutting of units of bridgemaster radar, manta and ecdis. (location- bridge, ops room, post 23 and flyco) 1 job, 4. services-degutting and removal of bme radar antenna 1 job, 5. services-bridgetop- degutting and removal of nav radar pedestals/ platforms (qty-02) 2 job, 6. services - bridge manufacturing and fitment of all foundations for installation of mfcs (qty -03), mfds (qty03), optical bearing device (obd) (qty-02), integrated captain console (icc) (qty-02), dgps (qty-02) 12 nos, 7. services - bridge - installation of mfcs (qty -03), mfds (qty-03), optical bearing device (obd) (qty-02), integrated captain console (icc) (qty-02), dgps(qty-02) 12 nos, 8. services- ops room manufacturing and fitment of foundations of mfcs (qty -02), mfds (qty-05), integrated captain console (icc) (qty-01) 8 nos, 9. services- ops room - installation of mfcs (qty -02), mfds (qty-05), integrated captain console (icc) (qty-01) 8 nos, 10. services- post 23 manufacturing and fitment of all foundations for installation including vdr (qty -01), acos (qty-01), mccb (qty-01), ups (qty -03), nddu (qty-02), network switch (qty-02), battery bank (qty-01), transformer (qty-02) 13 nos, 11. services- ops room - installation of vdr (qty -01), acos (qty-01), mccb (qty-01), ups (qty -03), nddu (qty-02), network switch (qty-02), battery bank (qty-01), transformer (qty-02) 13 nos, 12. services - bridge wings/bridge top - manufacturing and fitment of all foundations for installation of mfd (qty -02) at bridge wings (port & stbd) and mfd (qty-01) at bridge top 3 nos, 13. services- bridge wings/bridge top - installation of mfd (qty -02) at bridge wings (port & stbd) and mfd (qty-01) at bridge top 3 nos, 14. services- captain s cabin fabrication and fitment of foundations for installation of mfd (qty -02) at captain s day/night cabin 3 nos, 15. services- captain s cabin - installation of mfd (qty -02) at captain s day/night cabin 3 nos, 16. services - renewal of cable trays (60 mm). (provisioning, installation and renewal of old cable tray including hot work). 500 mtrs, 17. services- manufacuring and fitment of cable conduit 60 sq mm at weather deck 1400 mtrs, 18. services- laying and securing of power cables as per schedule. 1000 mtrs, 19. services- laying of data cable i.a.w cable schedule. 3000 mtrs, 20. services- laying of intra compartment cables as per cable schedule indicated 4000 mtrs, 21. service-termination of old/ unused cables by terminating the shield circumferentially and grounding the core at both ends. 1 job, 22. service for -removal of microtech tiling 1 job, 23. services- surface preparation, deck foundation and deck strengthening for installation of ibs units in all compartments including ops room, bridge, flyco, post, 23, bridge wings (port & stbd), bridge top, captains day cabin/ night cabin and mcr preparation/ strengthening as per drawing. 1 job, 24. services- provisioning of all lagging and welding material during degutting and welding of all devices and compartment. 1 job, 25. services- regutting/degutting of lagging and all other associated units viz firemain line, power supply sockets, cables, trunking etc in all affected compartments due to the installation activities as indicated 1 job, 26. services-fitment of securing brackets on deck head to hold /fasten trunking for cooling system 1 job, 27. services-fabrication and fitment of trunking from deck heads to all cables as per cable route 1 job, 28. services- manufacture and fitment of 10 dec
Tender For supply of 30 k v a generator set armature repair , head gear of dmr motorola , fuel filter tractor sonalika , oil filter tractor sonalika , hydraulic filter tractor sonalika , air filter inner tractor sonalika , air filter outer tractor sonalika , indicator tractor sonalika , libra jammer mounting antenna base , manpack high band jammer mounting antenna base