Tender For yearly maintenance for cleaning, repairing and other allied works of 1400 mm dia np3 pipe line drain for canal c in action area i under nkda during the fy 2024-25.
Tender For tender for canal water based water supply project for construction of 4.0 mld water treatment plant wtp and other related works including 5 years operation and maintenance part-2 and construction of 0.50 lakh gallon ohsr part-2 at khanauri town
Tender For electrification of the head works site by way of supply, installation, testing and commissioning of two no. high mast lighting system with installation of led lights along the periphery of the site of head works at new partap canal
Tender For stage contract phase 1st for restoration and maintenance of zainger canal khareef in respect of isd sopore head works section mh 2701 m and r for the year 2025 26.
Tender For general csind construction of a lock cum bridge in ch 316.728 km of west coast canal at veliyancode in ponnani taluk in malappuram district (phase 2 works) general civil work 1
Tender For dlis head reach package no.4 earth work excavation of tunnel from km 16.525 to km 18.525 ,main canal from km 18.525 to km 21.575 and remodeling of stream from km 21.575 to km 27.900 and excavation of extended dlis main canal from km -1.500 to km 0.000 including construction of cm cd works in nagarkurnool district