Tender For lab instruments chemistry,botany,zoology,physics demand list - package1, digital conductivity meter, electronic balance (0.1 grm to 600 grm), digital photoelectriccolorimeter, digiatl melting point apparatus, spectrophotometer 340-900nm range, water bath double wall (6 holes) stainless steel, desk top computer, electronic balance (0.1 grm to 600 grm), graman gps, maximum minimum thermometer, kjeldal digestion unit 6 test, water an soil testin analysis kit (digital), thin layer chromatography apparatus, wilmotts bubbler, flame photometer, centrifuge machine 3500 rpm, blood cell calculator, chart & cds related to syllabus, digital heamoglobinometer, gel electophorosis unit with power supply (vertical), heamocytometer (complete box), micropipette 0.5-1ml, rotatory microtome with accessories, apparatus to study characteristics of tunnel diode, apparatus to study charging and discharging of a capacitor, apparatus to verify newtons law of cooling, bending of beam apparatus to determine youngas modulus, cantilever to determine youngacs modulus, choke of mercury lamp, complete apparatus to determine resolving power of telescope, complete apparatus to verify law of parallel and perpendicular axes for moment of inertia, compound pendulum / bar pendulum, jaegeraes apparatus to determine the surface tension, mercury lamp, newtons ring apparatus complete with travelling microscope, power supply and sodium lamp., sodium vapour lamp, solar cell characteristic apparatus, zener diode characteristics apparatus with built in power supply., zener regulated power supply
Tender For procurement of goods suppy installation testing , commissioning of laboratory equipment tender - package1, binocular dissecting microscope, binocular microscope, camera leucida with filter (micro type), camera leucida with filter (prism type), cod analyser, computer system with licenced operating system internet facility, deep freezer, digital balance (0.1 mg ), digital colony counter, digital tds meter, digital soil thermometer, farmers potometer, ganongs potometer, hot air oven, stage micrometer, water and soil testing analysis kit, uv transilluminator, gel electrophoresis unit, microscope camera, water and soil testing analysis kit, anemo meter, autoclave portable, autoclave vertical cap 50 ltr, abbe refractometer, d o meter, soxhlet extractor apparatus, digital ph meter with electrode (led display ), digital photoelectriccolorimeter, digital potentiometer, distillation apparatus double distillation capacity 5lt, flame photometer and compressor, muffle furnace, oven hot air, vacuum pump oil free, controller based ph system with electrode and temp. prob
Tender For corrigendum : supply of lab equipment - details decription attach in the specfication document ), bench top single beam systronics uv spectrophotometer 340 999 model no 167 covers 190to 1100 nm 4 position cuvette holder automatic wavelength selection 128x64 graphical lcd printer interface usb computer interface with professional scanning software specifications wavelength range 190 1100nm spectral band width, remi cis 24 plus orbital shaking incubator size 580 by 600 mm shaking speed range 20 to 250 rpm voltage 220 240v external dimensions 800 x 1150 x 1300 mm chamber volume 215 ltrs, manual baby mini power pack manual bio world, mini horizontal gel electrophoresis system, advance rotary microtomy latest spencer 820 type with razer, compound microscope, laboratory hot air oven, laboratory eggs incubator capacity 80 lit, ph meter digital, conical flask 200 ml insufficient number available, electronic balance, gel electrophoresis assembly with digital power pack, thermal cycler, cooling centrifuge, gel documentation unit with computer, micropipette, tips of micropipette, eppendorf tubes, pcr tubes, deep freezer, laminar air flow, ph meter, soxhlet apparatus with heating mantle, autoclave, bottle top dispenser with dual inte technology, centrifuge, digital chemical balance, double door refrigerator, d o meter, digital ph meter with electrode lcd display, digital photoelectriccolorimeter, digital potentiometer, distillation apparatus, dryer and temperature controller, blower, chemical thermometer, calorie meter, beaker 50ml 100ml 250ml 500ml and 1000ml catering to various volume crafted from high quality 3point3 borosilicate glass the low form design with a wide base and tapered spout, funnel, pipette, burette, burette stand, mortar pestel, electronic balance, burette brush, test tube brush, conical flask, volumetric flask capacity sg 100 100ml sg 250 250ml sg 500 500ml sg 1000 1 000mlmaterial glass heat resistance with graduation, wire gauze, round bottomed flask, periodic table poster, gas connection and fitting in new lab, water bath digital, digital ph meter, digital blood pressure machine, blower, single needle lock stitch sewing machine, over lock or inter lock sewing machine, usha steam ironpro s13816, notice board, inverter, water coller
Tender For rehabilitation/one time repair of "horiba" make brake dynamometer machine including 03 years camc, installed at brake dynamometer lab. of testing dte., rdso, lucknow