Tender For repair, maintenance, and installation of plant/ systems/equipments (version 2) - npcil office cum transit accom at noida; as per scope of work; as per scope of work- operation and maintenance of various systems, equipment and fittings and supply of items at npcil office cum transit accommodation at noida - 1.1 providing supervisory services for operation & maintenance activity of office cum transit accommodation for o&m work of 11 kv/415v/240v systems, domestic water / fire water/ r.o. water/, air conditioners, water coolers, d.g sets, lighting systems, earth pits, , telephone. lines distribution systems, maintenance of lawns, flowerpots, rectification of deficiencies related to civil work like plumbing, carpentry / masonry work and office work etc. cleaning of underground water tanks, and overhead water tanks. regular check of lighting system of the building and repair and replacement of bulb, choke, holder starter and office work etc. one activity shall be considered completed by deputing one highly skilled manpower as per qualification given in tech. spec. for 9 hours in a day as per work requirement. due to sensitivity of nature of work required round the clock 1.1 highly skilled supervisor will be available round the clock for any instance and requirement as the case may be. 1.2 providing services of technician in skilled category round the clock for o & m activity at noida office cum transit accommodation for following activities :- (i) operation & maintenance of 11 kv system/equipment & transformer:- cleaning and area up keeping of 11 kv switch gear panel and transformer and replacement of silica gel in 315 kva transformer if colour changes. ht drop out fuse and condition monitoring of complete switch gear area, 315 kva transformer oil level in conservator will be checked in one month. the oil level must be maintained between 25%-75%, if it reduces it should be topped up by new tested insulating oil of hv grade per is-335. bushing are to be examined for crack and dirt deposit and are to be cleaned or replaced as necessary once in six months or earlier if required. noise/humming sound, temperature rise (over heating) and crack in bituminous compound once in a month, general cleaning of the transformer to keep it free from dust and soot s quarterly or as required. (ii) preventive maintenance of two (02) nos. 415 volts air circuit breaker, 11 kv vcb (01 nos.) and switch gear area up keeping. the contractor is also responsible for maintaining 230 volts ac distribution systems in healthy condition. the scope of work includes maintenance of db s panels, & switchgear to ensure the functioning of fan, light, distribution of electricity within noida office cum transit accommodation building. the required spares shall be provided by npcil however consumables & hard wares e.g. lubricant, petroleum jelly, tb nut bolt, lugs etc shall be provided by contractor. (iii) operation & maintenance of domestic water/fire water system: the scope of work includes operation of bore well to maintain fire water tank level. preventive maintenance of domestic and fire water system, routine testing of fire water hydrants/pumps both diesel operated and electrical pumps. dewatering and cleaning of underground fire water tank and domestic water tank six monthly. (iv) cleaning of 2 no s of overhead fire tank of 5000 liter capacity and one no. domestic water overhead tank of capacity 5000 liter and one number of solar water tank six monthly, servicing and lubrication of 2 number of domestic water pump, 3 no. sump pump. servicing and lubrication of jockey pump, main hydrant pump, fire engine pump. the required all spares parts, hardware s e.g. lubricant, petroleum jelly nut bolt, gasket etc. shall be provided by contractor. (v) operation and maintenance of solar water heating system will require weekly cleaning of solar water panel, heater replacement and maintaining temperature with heater, repair and replacement of rubber
Tender For matarial supply for nrega scheme and other - p.p.c., white cement, fine prechiger, rail/gravel, gravel local, ballast stone brick for other than road work, 400mm measurement hand broken sit boids cart 1/11), 400mm stone broken boids cart 1/11, amin stone broken boids cart 12/10/6 tikesher, samyo for road work, 63-40mm stone broken boids cart 1/11, 63-40mm hand broken stone road boil cut 1/11, 90-45mm. hand broken stone aggregate, kori ravish boyce cart 1/6), yevla boids cut 1/6), binding samayi 14-6) (dal cut 1/, brick (22.5117.50 cm), first class (stassi, second class, solin khareja chilai stone, masonry bera (, masonry ratha (chi, baranja soling (for digging work upto 15cm height), baranja soling (for road paving work 23cm height), arch width of sheet 10-12 length 2-3 morai 2.5-357, stone sheet (flaky materia(3-4" thick & length, 1-2" width, sandstina dpc, sl, coping lintel, tand almira et, 250mm thickness upto 25-40mm thickness, upto 40-50mm thickness, upto 2300 sq. cm, polished kota stone one side side, upto 1000 sq. cm, upto 901 to 2300 sq. cm, upto 2300 sq. cm, marble stone carving mirror 20mm thick, upto 900 sq. cm, upto 901 to 2300 sq. cm, upto 2300 sq. cm, marble chips, marble powder, marble stone (rajasthani 20mm thick), upto 900 sq. cm, upto 901 to 2300 sq. cm, upto 2300 sq. cm, stone grate, single pail 100 x 75 mm, double pail 125 x 75 mm., stone pail, upto 1.5 m length, minimum 40mm thick , 1.5 m to 2.40 m length, minimum 50mm thick , 2.4 m to 3.0 m length, minimum 65mm thick , above 3.0 in length, minimum 75mm thick , precast tiles/rocks , glazed su-30x45 cm , verified size-60x60 cm , interlock tiles/b rick/block for road work , cement interlocking block m-30grade, 80mm thick , fittings with local cash. for doors, windows and furniture), others / teak, factory made doors (30 mm thick, solid and single sheet), structural steel, iron (tor steel fo-415/500 for reinforcement, widing via 18 gauge, iron girders, conia iron square green/leaf angle aman, jage wine and 14 quaestrad/34 jani, barbed iron lar size 12 guage wire and 12 guage strad/12, iron mesh (24 gauge, 14 mesh, module gi box, 2 for soil, 3 for module, module base and cover plate, 2 for module, 3 for module, modular swaying in, 15 marked, sp 5/6 ampere, sp 15/16 ampere, modular circuit outlet, marked, 6 pin 15/16 amp, steel fastener 5 mm 75 mm, scb db, 2+2 way, spn, single door, 2-4 in, spn, single door, 2+6 in, spn, single door, gi pipe (medium thickness., 15.00 mm dia, 40.00 mm dia, copper wire 8 swg (4.00 mm dia) (0.117 kya/m), ci/ms cover plate attached to frame with locking arrangement, pvc water tank body cover (as per 15:12701-1989, diesel road roller 8 to 10 ton, tractor (25-40 hp), tractor trolley, tractor water tanker samta 4000 liter weight, cement ket mixer 5-7 cubic feet, pumping set 15 hp, niddle/plate better mm operator, -grinding machine with operator big, motor i.e.), compressor, hydraulic excavater/cb (bucket capacity 0.4cum), scraper, shuttering ply with beam and other material, shuttering ply with batti and other material, shuttering nohe plate with batti and other material