Tender For bay modification works in connection with erection of 2nd 50 mva, 132/33kv ptr in the place of existing 31.5 mva, 132/33kv ptr under augmentation scheme at 132/33kv substation, pedavegi in o&m circle, eluru
Tender For work of providing & laying 450mm dia di water line from bangalore nh44 km 535 lane of signature business park nhai coming under yelahanka old town service station of aee n21 sub division
Tender For work of providing and laying 300 mm dia. double wall corrugated hdpe pipeline for conveyance of rainwater excess treated water from private stp,s from different high rised buildings/ apartments from different premises to yelachenahalli lake at yelachenahalli lake road coming under yelachenahalli service station of aeesw-5 sub-division.
Tender For work of providing and laying 400mm dia doubl corrugated hdpe pipe line for conveyance of rain water from prestige apartment, ittamadu and surrounding appartments to hoskerehalli lake coming under hoskerehalli service station of aee sw4 sub division
Tender For (1) proposed trr(p) at i) kms 758.85-759.250=0.400 kms uprd, ii) kms 760.650-761.260=0.610 kms uprd,.... g.total kms-3.803 kms in between itarsi-narkher section.(2)proposed tbr from (a)-i) kms 839.900-840.100=0.100 kms dnrd, ii) kms 911.800-912.200=0.400 kms dnrd,....total=3.938 kms in itarsi-nagpur section, (b)-i) kms 902.300-903.400=1.100 kms sl,... total-5.800 kms in amla-chhindwara single line, g.total= 9.738 kms in den (n) ngp's jurisdiction.(3)proposed tfr from (a)-i) kms 868.530-868.740=0.210 kms dnrd, ....total 0.723 kms in itarsi-narkher section, (b)-i) kms 882.439-889.00... total=37.916 kms in amla-chhindwara section, g.total 38.639 kms in den(n)ngp's jurisdiction. (4) proposed extension of spur line by 60 m. at itarsi end of betul station yard under aden betul sub-divn.
Tender For conducting preliminary & detailed survey for construction of 110 kv lilo line from existing 110kv devapur- shorapur line for a distance of about 50 kms in yadgir dist to the proposed 220kv kembhavi substation. based on the modern survey techniques