Tender For corrigendum : supply of chain and sprocket kit , clutch plate , clutch friction plate , gasket set complete , air compressor rep kit , hose air , air filter primary , two pole isolator switch , solenoid valve , parts kit brake chamber , hose assy , parts kit pressure regulating valve , sa hose stg to reservoir m22xm22
Tender For corrigendum : tender for supply of ac and ref plant spares - connecting rod nut , crankshaft & keyway , heat exchanger for air handling unit , heat exchanger for air handling unit , discharge valve disc , suction valve reed , bearing (s/s 451-std-pkg of 4) , piston ring (oil) , discharge valve guide assy , rod , complete gasket set , plate (s/s bvit-10601) , guide lock washer , element power unloader , oil filter screen assembly , seal cover plate , sleeve cylinder with hole , non-adjustable oil regulating valve package , suction valve (reed) , cylinder sleeve with hole , bearing insert , connecting rod bolt , compression ring (piston ring compression) , washer seal end bearing , washer seal end thrust , valve plate package , element power unloader , control oil strainer (screen) , oil screen plug , roatry seal pkg (standard) , valve lifter spring , gasket set , crankshaft for 5h80 compressor , pump cover , felt filter on 5h80 , strainer assembly suction , coupling assy , switch , low pressure , coupling assy , switch oil pressure , shock mounting for a/c compressor , seal cover plate cap screw , air handling unit , air handling unit , fan coil unit , fan coil unit , fan coil unit , control fuse , low limit temperture switch , seal lock plate
Tender For supply of kit for limiting valve of c3w distributor manifold as per m/s ftrtipl part no. 790017 106 . kit consists of 07 items. 1). regulating valve as per part no.016 1025 00 ---1 no./set. 2). o- ring as per part no .010703 000a --- 3 nos./set. 3). o- ring as per part no.0037035 00a--- 1 no./set. 4). gasket as per part no.0 17701000 ---1 no./set. 5).diaphragm as per part no.001705000 ---1 no./set. 6)regulating valve seat as per part no.017401000 ---1 no./set. 7). seal as per part no.016 7065 00a --- 1 no./set. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For corrigendum : tender for supply of keltron make sadc power cylinder model no- a0404 112210 consisting of cylinder and piston assy. 04 inch bore x 04 inch stroke positioner , model class - 1a air filter regulator air lock relay 1by4 inch od pvc sheathed copper tubing , seal kit for power cylinder of sadc , make- keltron , power cylinder model no. a0404112210 , kc code- 14 1000113 , bellow for power cylinder for sadc , make-keltron , power cylinder model no. a0404112210 , kc code- 31 1002032. , sleeve and spool assembly for pneumatic positioner for sadc , make- keltron , kc code - 14 1101105 , sleeve and spool assembly for pneumatic positioner class 1 , end plug assembly for pneumatic positioner class 1 for sadc , make- keltron , kc code - 14 110 1104 , keltron make pneumatic positioner model - class - 1 , kc code - 11 110 1110 , seal kit for power cylinder for burner tilt , make- keltron , power cylinder model no.a1418 562239 , kc code - 14100 1701 , bellow for power cylinder for burner tilt , make- keltron , power cylinder model no.a1418 562239 , kc code- 31100 2020 , pneumatic positioner , make-keltron for burner tilt and id fan , class-5 , kc code- 12 1101500 , position feedback transmitter , make-keltron , type-kr 2w , bellow for power cylinder for fd fan and pa fan , make- keltron , power cylinder model no. c0408 242232. kc code- 31 100 2031. , seal kit for power cylinder for cold air damper , make-keltron , power cylinder model no. c0608 242232 , bellow for power cylinder for cold air damper , make- keltron , power cylinder model no. c0608 242232. , seal kit for power cylinder , make- keltron for hot air damper , power cylinder model no. c0816 342232 , bellow for power cylinder for hot air damper , make- keltron , power cylinder model no.c0816 991290 , bellow for power cylinder for id fan , make- keltron , power cylinder model no. c2214542232 , seal kit for class-1 positioner kc code-141101103 , keltron make stand mounted regulating type pneumatic actuator model no- c0408 991290 consisting of-cylinder and piston assy. 04 inch bore x 08 inch stroke smart positioner , limit switch assembly air filter regulator 1by4 inch od pvc sheathed copper tubing , spring holder assembly , make- keltron , model- kjclass-1a , kc code- 14 1101107 , diaphram assembly for positioner , make- keltron , model- kj-class-1a , kccode- 14 110 1106 , valve block assembly for class-5 pneumatic positioner , kc code- 12 110 1102 , bellow assembly for class-5 pneumatic positioner , kc code- 12 110 1104 , bellow assembly for class -3 pneumatic positioner , make- keltron , kc code- 12 110 1104 , valve block assembly for class -3 pneumatic positioner , make- keltron , kc code- 12110 1106 , bellow assembly for class -2 pneumatic positioner , make-keltron , kc code- 12 1101104 , valve block assembly for class -2 pneumatic positioner , make- keltron , kc code- 12110 1106 , seal kit for power cylinder , make- ketron , power cylinder model no. c0408 242232. kc code- 14 100 0113 , keltron make pneumatic positioner model - class - 2kc code - 12 110 1200 , keltron make positioner model- class - 3 kc code - 12 110 1300 , keltron make id fan powercylinder model no- c2214 542232 , stand type consisting of cylinder and piston assy. 22 inch bore x 14 inch stroke positioner , model class - 5 limit switch assy air lock relay air filter regulator position feed back transmitter 1by2 inch od pvc sheathed copper tubing , seal kit for id fan igv actuator.model no-c2214542232 , kc code-141002901 , make- keltron , keltron make sadc power cylinder model no- a0404 111214 consisting of cylinder and piston assy. 04 inch bore x 04 inch stroke keltron make positioner , model class - 1a air filter regulator model -fpr- 3a 1by4 inch od ss 316 tubing and fittings , seal kit for power cylinder , make- ketron , power cylinder model no. a0404 111214. kc code- 14 100 0113 , keltron make burner tilt power cylinder model no- a0816 962299 consisting of cylinder and piston assy. 08 inch bore x
Tender For corrigendum : procurement of different types of spares for instrument air compressors - ring piston , valve guard pt no 072480065250 sp , seal ring assembly pt no 95248003465 , plate valve pt no 072460065350 sp , washer thrust pt no 072520051150 sp , bearing main pt no 072520042450 sp , ring guide pt no 072500032450 , strainer oil filter assy pt no 952410180151 sp , ring case oil wiper pt no 952480032550 , packing 3 piece pt no 07248010550 sp for tbtd mm instrument air comprassor ahp unit 4 , ring guide hp pt no 72500038750 , valve suction pt no 072480065050 sp , joint oldhams pt no 952520110850 , rod lp piston pt no 952690030250 sp for tbtd mm instrument air comprassre ahp unit 4 , pin cylindrical pt no 239990954450 sp , valve seat pt no 072480065150 sp , o ring 109991269550 spare for air compressors , pusber valve pt no 072480095250 sp , spring garter pt no 072480100750 , regulating valve assly part no 0910070600 , pin split dely valv assy pt no 239993026050 sp , pin split suction valu assy pt no 239993026050 sp for tbtd mm instrument air compressor ahp unit , filter element complete pt no 0709100 71250 sp , filter air suction assly pt no 070220100050 sp , crank case with main cap pt no 952520043650 , bearing small end pt no 072520052450 sp , bearing big end assly pt no 072520052750 sp , assem of 3 piece packing with garter spring pt no 952480102150 , suction valve assembly part no 072480065050 spares , garter spring 072480100750 spares for tbtd lm compressor , piston ring hp part no 072501034050 , pressure breaker part no 072480100450 , guide ring hp compressor tbtd lm , valve cover suction lp code 72460065750 , unloader piston part no 2460080750 air compressor tbtd lm , unloader o ring 109991269550 spares for tbtd lm compressor , unloader cylinder code no 72460080250 for air compressor model tbtd lm , suction valve 072480065050 spares for tbtd lm compressor , suction unloader assly 90 , oil wiper ring part no 072480031350 spare for tbtd lm compressor , lp piston and piston rod assly compressor tbtd lm , valve holder suction lp code 72460300850 , hp piston and piston rod assly compressor , filter element 070910071250 spares for tbtd lm compressor , valve holder suction hp code 72460300850 , air filter element air compressor tbtd lm , air filter-2460150451 for kirloskar air compressor model-tbtd-lm , assly of 6 piece packing code 2460102050 , valve cover delivery part no 2460075750 , 6 piece packing part no 72480100650 , unloader spring part no. 072460090150 , delivery valve assly code 72480075050 , valve spring pt no 192460067350 , assly of 3 pc packing part no 2460102150 , tube bundle for inter cooler code no 0300062750
Tender For supply of high capacity 1/2 inch fuel oil regulating valve to dlw drg no. tpl- 9864 alt.d to dlw part no.11663716 [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of butterfly valve-pneumatic-nb400-mill seal air isolation , butterfly valve-pneumatic-nb500- emergency scanner air damper , butterfly valve- pneumatic-nb500-scanner air fan delivery , butterfly valve-pneumatic-nb1200-seal air fan delivery , butterfly valve-manual-nb150 w-lso lsc- feeder seal air , butterfly valve-manual-nb500- scanner air fan isolation , butterfly valve-manual- nb1200-seal air fan isolation , regulating valve with actuator