Tender For operation and maintenance of civil producing potable water of desirable standards from chhogala main head works of panam regional water supply scheme by proper operation and maintenance (06 months) including maintenance to all civil works, pipe-line system network all consumable, existing and additional chlorination plants and incl. proper chlorination, skilled and unskilled manpower, material, t & p articles, vehicles, all type of valve chamber and water meter for continuous and uninterrupted water from various sub head works. proper operation and of different class, type and diameter pipes, pump houses, sumps, sluice valves, non return valve at all various head works.
Tender For operation & maintenance of civil work producing potable water of desirable standards from tarsang main head works of vanakbori regional water supply scheme by proper operation and maintenance (06 months) including maintenance to all civil works, pipe-line system network all consumable, existing and additional chlorination plants and incl. proper chlorination, skilled and unskilled manpower, material, t & p articles, vehicles, all type of valve chamber and water meter for continuous and uninterrupted water from various sub head works.- iind attempt
Tender For construction/repair of rcc slab of existing pump chamber, tile terracing, raising of boundary wall with installation of iron gate and construction of sluice valve haudies.
Tender For construction/repair of rcc slab of existing pump chamber, tile terracing, raising of boundary wall with installation of iron gate and construction of sluice valve haudies
Tender For construction/repair of rcc slab of existing pump chamber, tile terracing, raising of boundary wall with installation of iron gate and construction of sluice valve haudies
Tender For construction/repair of rcc slab of existing pump chamber, tile terracing, raising of boundary wall with installation of iron gate and construction of sluice valve haudies.
Tender For construction/repair of rcc slab of existing pump chamber, tile terracing, raising of boundary wall with installation of iron gate and construction of sluice valve haudies.
Tender For construction/repair of rcc slab of existing pump chamber, tile terracing, raising of boundary wall with installation of iron gate and construction of sluice valve haudies.
Tender For annual tender (empanelment basis) for supply of material for various location of bhopal city zone 01 to 21 - annual tender (empanelment basis) for supply of material for various location of bhopal city zone 01 to 21, providing & laying of p.v.c. pipe for roof top harvesting from roof slabto ground floor (each building higt up to 6.00 metar) including allfittings, jointing material with bypassarrangement.( tee,bend,socket nad clamp )with all lead and lift orhight.etc complet.as par disgin. size of pipe 110 mm dia mack of pipekasta, kisan and plasto .working pressir of pipe 4.00 kg / sqmt, pvc gate valve (size of valve 110 mm dia ) up to 1000 sq.fit, water harvasting filter "water harvasting filter consists of a polyvinylchloride (pvc)pipe 140 mm indiameter and 1.2 metr.long .there are threechambers .the first purification chamber has pebbles varying between2.6 mm ,the second chamber has slightly larger pebbles,between 6 and 12mm and the third chamber has the lagest 12-20 mm pebbles.there is a meshat the outflow side throught which clean water flows out after passingthrought the three chambers. up to 1000 sq.fit", artistic painting work as per design of mandana folk painting art of madhaya pradesh. acrylic colours ofapproved quality two and more coats, preapretion of surface base coatetc. complete job as per directed by engg in charge(with repairing of wall), c.i. bench, r.c.c bench, providing & fixing rcc post, acupressure tiles 50 mm, acp sheet designing fabriating testing installing and fixing in postion curtainwall with amuminium coposite panel cladding with open groovers forlinear as well as curvilinear portions of the builiding for all heightsand all levels etc. including.a). structural analysis and design and preparation of shop drawwings forpressure equalisation or ain screen princilae as required properdrainage of water to mae it watertight including heeking of all thestrutural and functional design.b). providing fabriating and supplying and fixing panels of aluminiumcomposite panel clading in pan shape in metalic colour of approvedshades. the aluminium composite panel clading sheet shall be coilcoated,with kynar 500 based pvdf/lumiflon based fluoropolymer resincoating of approved colour and shade on face #1 and polymer (service)coating on face # 2 as specified using stainless steel screws nutsbolts, washer,cleats weather silicone sealant,backet rods etc.c). the fastening brakests of alumininuim allly 6005 t58ms with hot dipgalvanised with serrations and serrated washers to arrest the wind loasmovement fasteners ss 316 pins and anhor bolts of appraved make inrequired.1. 4mm thick alummininium compsite pannel material consisting of 3.5 mmthick fr grade mineral core sandwiched between two alummininium sheets(each 0.25mm thich), stone dust zero metal, hard copra, rcc post 4"x4" in size 2 meter in hight, fibre glass (frp) ornamental articlefibre glass frp ornamental article as perdesign, frp casted article tobe fixed on c.c. padestal with holdfast, primer and duco painting applyon it.size 6 x3 , inagural stone(graynite stone p&l), writing work on stone, s.s. bench, wooden chair, cement bag, narmada sand, b.s. metal 6 to 10mm