Tender For operation and maintenance work of jugsalai water supply scheme consisting of main features such as w.t.p of capacity 16.0 mld, back wash recovery system, intake works at kharkai river, raw water rising mains up to 450 mm dia d.i. k9 1.587 kms. fro
Tender For operation and maintenance of intake structure wtps pump houses at tarna new sector storage tanks other civil works raw water gravity main sector gravity mains entire distribution system entire fire fighting network including hydrants for 3
Tender For for carrying out the civil mtc works including cleaning of colonies office complex rest camp, intake forebay power house including cutting of bushes minor colonies mtc works cleaning of drains regulation of drinking water system and mtc of
Tender For corrigendum : providing of custom bid for services - annual rate contract for maintenance of ht lt switch gear ht lt motors ht lt cables lt bus duct distribution transformers etc under btg entire ash package plant water system including barrage intake and bop area of u1 to 6
Tender For corrigendum : providing of repair, maintenance, and installation of plant/ systems/equipments (version 2) - mechanical maintenance activities for construction water supply pumpingsystem at intake well other allied mechanical maintenance activities for 02 years at tfl talcher..
Tender For corrigendum : survey, soil investigation, design and execution of various works for augmentation of water supply system which includes construction of an intake of 1650 mld capacity with rawwater pump house, water treatment plant of capacity 400 mld
Tender For corrigendum : work of construction of intake well in side chambal river including approach bridge, construction of rwr including all works required for inlet inside rwr, outlet system from rwr to outlet chamber, construction of cwr and cwph near wtp clear water