Tender For maintenance and repair of x-ray baggage scanning machine, under vehicle scanning system, visitor management system, pole detector installed for 03 years from the point of view of the safety of the nmmc headquarters building
Tender For detailed estimate for carrying out annual maintenance service contract for servicing, repair works on skf engineering and lubrication (erstwhile m/s.lincoln helios) make centralised lubrication system at elecon make stacker reclaimer machine of chp/ktps-v and vi stages for the year 2025-26
Tender For (i) maintenance of electrical installation & fans in central sectt. building at south block, new delhi. (ii) replacement of fused lamps & tubes at common places at min. of defense & ext. affairs at south block, new delhi. (sh: (i) providing services for electrical maintenance and special repair works in respect of services electrical work, lift machine room i/c lift control panel in mod mea side south block. (ii) providing services for mts in sub division office.)
Tender For repair of fully automatic plc based mechanised organic waste convertor / compostor machine and ei equipments installed at ihm kufri, shimla (h.p.).
Tender For major and minor repair of machines and equipments, day to day purchase of spare of vehicles of malaria deptt. and ph in auto/malaria workshop. sub head- repair of rpf-10/sp half resonator portable fogging machine at health and malaria autom
Tender For providing of custom bid for services - one time repair and preventive breakdown maintenance of isgec 1000 t rubber press at sheet metal shop ardc for a period of 03 yearsii preventive breakdown maintenance of godrej shearing machine