Tender For tender for supply of balance digital portable , glucometer , usb digital microscope , balance digital capacity 10g to 20kh range , weighing balance , sedgewick rafter counting chambers , ultrasonic cleaner , single door minor refrigerator , turbidity meter , high speed homogenizer , electric air blower motor , digital turbidity or nephelo meter , niskin water sampler , air pump bubbler pond aerator , vortex shaker , glass top deep freezer , bulk density apparatus , digital cod digester , microwave oven , water pump , digital ph meter , digital magnetic stirrer hot plate , ion selective electrode water ammonia meter , bowl chopper , meat mincer , silent cutter , tray dryer or dehydrator with stainless steel trays , vaccum packaging machine , steamer , normal sealing machine , mixer grinder , fishing scaling machine or fish descaling machine , double door refrigerator , automatic weather station , dslr camera , digital cup anemometer , wind sock with stand , manual plastic rain gauge , infrared thermometer , secchi disk , portable air quality pollution detector , digital hygrometer thermometer with clock , van veen bottom grab sampler , stainless steel soil core sampler , sunshine recorder with card set , handheld echo-sounder , digital lux meter , pen type fluoride meter , digital ph meter pen types , mechanical shaker , fishing rod , o2 gas sensor , handheld gps , co2 gas sensor , electric water bath with shaker , flame photometer , microcentrifuge , digital heating dry bath , double distillation water unit , basic benchtop centrifuge , boiochar klin , stationary digital dissolved oxygen meter with multi do , serological water bath , rotary flash evaporator with vaccum pump , hot air oven , uv transilluminator , refrigerated centrifuge , digital weighing balance , semi automated biochemistry analyzer , fiber analyzer , compound microscope with camera , thermomixer , food colour analyzer , orbital shaking incubator
Tender For purchase and installation of experimental equipment- prismatic binocular , minerals set , rocks set , weather station , apparatus to make observation of , atmospheric condition in order. , maximum & minimum thermometer , stop watch digital , dry & wet thermometer , prismatic compass with stand , apparatus to find out the hearing of the , traversing angiz between them. , nautical sextant , instruments measure angular distance , between two visible objects. , plane table complete set , surveling simple way to get quick , measurement of specific location. , engineering chain , surveing chain , alidade telescopic brass in wooden case , apparatus sighing plane table surveying , lay off right angle optical square , plumbing fork , lab equipments (geo) , magnetic trough compass , trough compass non magnetic metal box , abney level , instruments for measure height and the , sleepness of hill , ranging rod , rain gauge copper , velocity of air speed meter , geographical physical maps , geographical political maps , globes english , laser light electronic , drawing instrument box , wet & dry bulb thermometer , optical square , set of minerals , circular protector , set square , land measuring tape , black board instrument box , card sorting tray , mirror drawing apparatus , an experimental activity to emphasize key points and generate , discussion. , block design test , experiments to measure in diagnosing age-related cognitive , decline of visuospatial function , general intelligence test , experiment to assess an individual's general cognitive ability. , letter cancellation sheet , to evaluate the presence and severity of visual scanning , techistoscope fall door type , human visual perception test apparatus , pass along test , they are iq performance test apparatus , cube construction test , determination of compressive strength , mohsin's intelligent test , apparatus to measure the level of verbal , intelligence. , human maze , to study spatial memory & learning test , memory drum , apparatus to investicate memory , finger dexterity , apparatus to assess performance decrease , stop clock , jastraw memory apparatus , invention in experimental psychology , aestiometer index , measuring the tactile sensitivity of the skin. , ta.t hindi adaptation , thematic apperception reveal test , p.g.t hindi adaptation , transformed from a source language test , extended project qualification hindi , digital electronie balance