Tender For supply of fuels testing equipment - smoke point apparatus , copper cum silver corrosion bath with all accessories digital model , apparatus for estimation of gum content , potentiometric titration apparatus , sulphur by bomb method high pressure decomposition device , petroleum distillation single semi automatic refrigerated , abel flash point apparatus semi automatic model with heating , freezing point apparatus with in built refrigeration system , ultra low temp kinematic viscosity bath -40 c
Tender For corrigendum : supply of hvac system ac plant ref plant for yard 3041 orv - supply of ac plant and its accessories 590100001001 1000055087 3041 , on board spares for ac plant and system 590100951000 1000055087 3041 , instal. and commsng spars ac plant and accesors 590100911000 1000055087 3041 , tool for ac plant and system 590100921000 1000055087 3041 , consumables ac plant and accessories 590100271000 1000055087 3041 , documentations for ac system 590100961000 1000055087 3041 , training ac plant and system accessories ser07406 1000055087 , ser instl stw hat sat ac and sys accs ser07407 1000055087 , consmbl prsrvtn and dprsvtn ac plnt and sys accs ser07408 1000055087 , submission of bd for ac plant and accs 590100961001 1000055087 3041 , ietm documentation for ac plant and accs 590100961002 1000055087 3041 , supply of hvac system wth equipment and accs 597100001000 1000055087 3041 , obs for hvac system wth equip and accs 597100951000 1000055087 3041 , instl and comng spre hvac sys wth equip and accs 597100911000 1000055087 3041 , tools for hvac system and accessories 597100921000 1000055087 3041 , consumables hvac system wth equip and accs 597100241000 1000055087 3041 , documentation hvac system wth equip and accs 597100961000 1000055087 3041 , training for hvac system wth equip and accs ser07409 1000055087 , ser instl stw hat sat hvac system and accs ser07410 1000055087 , consumable for presrvation and depreservatn ser07411 1000055087 , submission of bd for hvac system and accs 597100961001 1000055087 3041 , ietm documentation for hvac system and accs 597100961002 1000055087 3041 , suply and erection hvac ducting wth fitings 597100001001 1000055087 3041 , supply of ref plant and sys its accessories 590300000002 1000055087 3041 , obs for refrigeration plant and accessories 590300950002 1000055087 3041 , instl and comm spares ref plant and accessories 590300910002 1000055087 3041 , standard tool for ref plant and its acesoris 590300920002 1000055087 3041 , consumables ref plant and its accessories 590300270002 1000055087 3041 , documentation for ref plant and its accs 590300960004 1000055087 3041 , ser inst stw hat sat ref plant and acesoris ser07419 1000055087 , ser preservatndepreservtn ref plant and acc ser07420 1000055087 , training for ref plant and its accessories ser07421 1000055087 , 1st submisn of bd ref plant and its acesoris 590300960005 1000055087
Tender For providing of custom bid for services - annual maintenance contract of refrigeration air conditioning equipment at various locations at ofajyil hq camp as per scope of work