Tender For purchase of other instruments - aphaeresis system (blood bank sci) , deep freezer (-86 degree c) 750-80 itr (blood bank sci) , automated blood donor couch (blood bank sci) , table top centrifuge (blood bank sci) , automatic component processor/extractor (blood bank sci , fully automated random access chemiluminescence (blood bank sci) , table top refrigerated centrifuge ( blood bank sci) , digital microscope with integrated tablet display (pathology department sci) , antigen retrieval system with all accessories pathology department sci) , autoclavevertical microbiology department sci) , bio safetycabinet classii a2 microbiology department sci) , caparoscopic set surgical oncology sci) , iipac machine surgical oncology sci) , ventilator surgical oncology sci) , ag stirrups surgical oncology sci) , &t (micro vascular instruments) , surgical onculegy sci) , ot table (surgical oncology sci) , ther instruments surgical oncology sci) , centrifuge machine (36 tube) , biochemistry department sci) , uto pipettes biochemistry department sci) , lectrolyte analyzer biochemistry department sci) , mi-auto analyzer #lochemistry department sci) , mesthesia werk station for gynae oncology sci)
Tender For supply and installation of 01 no. refrigerated table top centrifuge at the department of life science and biotechnology, jadavpur university main campus