Tender For supply of secondary spring outer for generator car side-1 as per fiat drg. no. 1277146 ver.01,confo rming to rdso pecification no. rdso/2017/cg-01, rev-03 (code-f14) (rcf plno. 33 50 0381) [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of log book for memu coaches with multi coloured front page & memu motor coach colour photograph.each b ook contains 06 booklets. one booklet consists of text in both hindi and english languages (bi-lingual) of 32pages in 16 s heets (both sides). the text is as per the sample book and it is to obtained from memu car shed,rajahmundry. one book contains 06 booklets. these 6 booklets together form one book by suitable binding. totalnumber of sheets 16 x 6 = 96 sh eets. one safety sheet (brown or white) shall be provided in front and back side of thebook as per the sample book. a thi ck card board sheet shall be used as front and back cover of the book. the top ofthe front cover is wrapped with color pa ge showing color photograph of memu motor coach. the binding workshould be very neat and shall use good quality bind ing material like calico (cloth), thread, paper, front and back coversheets etc. [ warranty period: 30 months after the da te of delivery ]
Tender For providing c.c.flooring and ppgl sheet roofing car shed at the back side of sri chatravati nilayam in the premises of s.p.l.n.s.temple at penchalakona., rapur (md)s.p.s.r.nellore(dt)
Tender For resurfacing of service road in air side of terminal building, car parking, main entrance at drop gate etc. and special repair of damaged portion of apron at srinagar airport
Tender For corrigendum : supply of interior stickers with braille script for lhb non ac chair car (108 seater)., as per drawing: lj64007 alt b item no. 1, 5, 6, 8, 9,13 to 15,17,19,20,22 & 25 with braille script to icf/md/spec-253,rev.00, packing instruction:pi136 ver 1.0, lettering inside: one complete s et of lettering inside should be packed in cardboard box. different subsets should be made & a list of items should be pasted on each packet of subsets. letters packed in eac h subset under different headings are as under:- plumbing : emergency flush button, p ress for flush, notice for bio toilet moulding:- duties of coach attendant, push, pull, n o smoking, alarm and penalty notice, door closes automatically, safety message near gate, notice for luggage capacity. lavatory:- dust bin, fire extinguisher, soap dispenser , no drinking water, no waste into toilet, western style, press for flush, fire preventio n and safety, marking of lavatories / body side door, notice for lavatories, drinking w ater, unified notice for fire prevention & safety. seat & berth:- sticker for seat number, berth numbers, letter for chaining luggage, notice for unreserved coaches. air brake: - reset emergency brake, feed pipe, brake pipe, closed, open, hand brake panel : furnish p late, complaint book. window & ceiling: pull window glass inside, indication plate & stic ker for emergency window, emergency openable window the cardboard box shall carr y a qr code having details as listed below : 1 name of the manufacturer 2 purchase order number 3 purchase order date 4 unique serial number ( or lot number for bulk items) of the manufacturer or 5 date o f manufacture 6 delivery challan no. 7 delivery challan dat e the qr code shall be as per iso/iec18004 model2 and the data shall be av ailable as xml using the tags detailed above. incase the above details are not available , or the qr codes are not readable, the supplied material is liable to be rejected. [ warr anty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For bid to ras providing of paper-based printing services - printing with material; measurement book mb; offset,paper-based printing services - printing with material; attendance register; offset,paper-based printing services - printing with material; water meter bill book; offset,paper-based printing services - printing with material; electric meter bill book; offset,paper-based printing services - printing with material; prb register; offset,paper-based printing services - printing with material; km card both side colour printing; offset,paper-based printing services - printing with material; car dairy; offset,paper-based printing services - printing with material; cash book; offset,paper-based printing services - printing with material; baby indent book; offset,paper-based printing services - printing with material; acr jcos; digital,paper-based printing services - printing with material; acr hav nks; digital
Tender For corrigendum : maintenance of landscaping garden area in front of new integrated terminal building over car park area and on side of entry or exit road at nscbi airport, kolkata during the year 2024 25