Tender For supply of multipara monitor component parts adult bp cuff adult size , multipara monitor component parts adult bp cuff l size , multipara monitor component parts ecg cable for patient monitor slim 50 a , multipara monitor component parts adult bp cuff cable , multipara monitor component parts adult spo2 probe , multipara monitor component parts adult spo2 extension cable
Tender For corrigendum : annual supply of medicines, veterinary medicines, laboratory items (regent, container etc.) and x-ray items (films, ecd patient cable, ecg gel etc.) on credit basis to the brigade police hospital, riding school and dog squad of svspa, wb, barrackpore
Tender For supply of suction catheter 8fr comma min length 50cm , suction catheter size 5fr minimum lenth 50 cm , ventillator tubing disposable without water trap complete dash adult 22mm dia , ventillator tubing disposable without water trap set complete dash paediatric 10 mm dia , ventillator tubing disposable without water trap set complete dash paediatric 15 mm dia , radial arterial catheterisation set comma 2point 5fr oblique 5cm catheter , process challenge device for autoclave and plasma sterilizer soft lumen made up of teflon 10000mm , pediatric ecg electrode pkt of 50 , percutaneous tracheostomy kit dash set complete with forceps oblique dilators and tracheostomy tube assorted size , nibp cuff adult compaitable with philips patient monitor model mp40 oblique 20 , nibp cuff infant compaitable with philips patient monitor model mp40 oblique 20 , nibp cuff neonatal compaitable with philips patient monitor model mp40 oblique 20 , nibp cuff paed compaitable with philips patient monitor model mp40 oblique 20 , spo2 probe adult compaitable with philips patient monitor model mp40 oblique 20 , spo2 probe infant compaitable with philips patient monitor model mp40 oblique 20 , spo2 probe neonatal compaitable with philips patient monitor model mp40 oblique 20 , spo2 probe paed compaitable with philips patient monitor model mp40 oblique 20 , spo2 probe extension cable compaitable with philips patient monitor model mp40 oblique 20 , central line triple lumen catheter with cannula comma guidewire 5 point 0 fr , central line triple lumen catheter with cannula comma guidewire 4 point 5 fr comma 8 cm , central line triple lumen catheter with cannula comma guide wire comma dilator and introducer needle comma 4 point 5fr comma 6 cm , arterial catheter polyurethane l6cm 3fr