Tender For supply of hmc thk fltr bpass 1526 for rs stars v mk ii , hmc thk fltr bpass bmc 1527 for rs stars v mk ii , gear belt for rrf , ic 82536 mga for rrf , ic 825123a for rrf , antenna 136 174 mhz vs wr 3 1 max omni for ecm jammer mk ii
Tender For tender for supply of machining and supply of parts - 7572325200 complete machining of holder to drg no y 7335478 for which casting to drg no b 23 ic 7335478 252 will be supplied by ofd , 7572307200 complete machining of holder to drg no y 7334605 for which casting to drg no b 23 ic 7334605 072m1 will be supplied by ofd , 7562322500 machining of guide to drg no y 6228376 for machining casting no b 23 ic 6228376 225 will be supplied by ofd , 7562314400 machining of holder to drg no y 7334364 for machining casting no b 23 ic 7334364 144m2 will be supplied by ofd , 7562320200 machining of body to drawing no y 7410670 for machining casting no b 23 ic 7410670 202m1 will be supplied by ofd , 7562307800 machining of bracket drawing no y 6478525 for machining casting no b 23 ic 6478525 78m1 will be supplied by ofd , 7562306400 machining of carriage to drg no y 6210458 for machining casting no b 23 ic 6210458 064m3 will be supplied by ofd , 7562306200 machining of bracket drawing no y 6089413 for machining casting no b 23 ic 6089413 062m1 will be supplied by ofd , 7411401127 machining of body drg no y 6212555 , 7562322300 machining of holder drawing no y 7334300 for machining casting no b 23 ic 7334300 223 will be supplied by ofd
Tender For supply of regulator 7812 , cap 100 mf , pc 123 , transmitter , cap 47uf 50v , cap 1000 mf 50v , ic dk 8085 , bty 3 point 9 v , ac dc convertor
Tender For supply of layout of interior notices (with braille script) for lwscz2 coaches (ref. dr g.no. lwscz2-6-4-001, alt-b, item nos. 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 11, 12, & 21) as per specn. icf/md/spec-253, r ev-00 with amd-01 to 03 consists of: 1)number plate for seats (in set) icf/sk3-6-4-052, alt-r col-7 = 1 set. 2)notice for door closes automatically, icf/sk3-6-4-051, alt-g, item-4 = 2 nos . 3)notice for western style, icf/sk3-6-4-051, alt-g, item-10 = 2 no. 4)notice for dust bin, ic f/sk3-6-4-051, alt-g, item-11 = 4 nos. 5)picture no drinking water, icf/sk3-6-4-051, alt-g, item- 2 = 7 nos. 6)press for flush, icf/sk3-6-4-051, alt-g, item-16 = 4 nos. 7)picture no waste into toilet,icf/sk3-6-4-051, alt-g, item-3 = 4 nos. 8)picture no smoking,icf/sk3-6-4-051,alt-g,item-1 5 = 5 nos please visit icf vendor portal for downloading drawing https:// vp.icf.gov.in/ vendtendordet new.php using key 0725d0rrgzs1500 [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of isolating cock with vent 1/ 2 inch left designed for motor coach and trailer coach as pe r escorts drg. no. kb 1080 or recon / ic - 4023 / 5 or wsf part no. ib / 101 / 5. [ warranty period: 3 0 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of dynamically balanced rotor fitted with shaft suitable for icepl make tmb of model type ic 25i m of rating 25kw of wag-9 locomotive. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of wearing piece for side bearer on bogie bolster suspension, to drawing / specification ic f's drg. no.t-0-5-649, alt-l (small l)/18 , item no.1, material specification as per drawing. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]