Tender For bid to ras providing of annual maintenance services for water purification and conditioning system (version 2) - potable water purification system reverseosmosis or uv based; upto 3; package-5 : water purifier and conditioning system maintenance involving basic servicing, ..
Tender For providing of annual maintenance services for water purification and conditioning system (version 2) - potable water purification system reverseosmosis or uv based; upto 3; package-3 : water purifier and conditioning system maintenance involving basic servicing p..
Tender For providing of annual maintenance services for water purification and conditioning system (version 2) - potable water purification system reverseosmosis or uv based; 3 to 5; package-4 : water purifier and conditioning system maintenance involving basic servicing, ..
Tender For providing of annual maintenance services for water purification and conditioning system (version 2) - potable water purification system reverseosmosis or uv based; 10 and above; package-4 : water purifier and conditioning system maintenance involving basic servi..
Tender For supply and fixing of new 1no of ro plant and maintenance of routine service of reverseosmosis system once in a month and twelve times in a year for 4 no.of. corporation schools various places (250 litre per hour) plants in div-76, u- 17 ,z-6.
Tender For corrigendum : providing of repair and overhauling service - potable water purification system reverseosmosis or uv based; kent; yes; buyer premises
Tender For bid to ras providing of annual maintenance services for water purification and conditioning system (version 2) - potable water purification system reverseosmosis or uv based; 3 to 5; package-5 : water purifier and conditioning system maintenance involving basic servicing, ..
Tender For corrigendum : supply of drinking water coolers with built in water purifiction system (uv or ro) (q3) , reverseosmosis based point of use water treatment system for drinking purposes (v2) as per is 16240 (q2)