Tender For corrigendum : tender for supply of b7b1x60678 and b7b1x60679 lop and eop kcil maa1032 - hor cen lo pump assy 180cumh 9 ksc ie3 motor , mech seal for lube oil pump 180cumh , set of bearings lop 180cumh , set wearrings(imp and casing)lop180cumh s5 , sp set of gasket ando ring for lop 180cumh , spareie3 sq cage ind motor 90kw 2900rpm , spare bearings for ac motor 90kw , hor cen eop 40cumh two and half ksc 220vdc s5 , pump bearing set for 40cumh two and half bar , sp set mech seal for eop 40cumh , set of sp gasket for eop 40cumh , sp bearings ac motor of 40 cumh pump , set sp wearrings (imp and casing)eop 40cumh
Tender For supply of self alinged double row spherical rollerbearing(steel cage)no.22210bdi o f ntn/ 22210e1 of fag/ 22210e of skf make only.note:1}relevant catalogue of the offere d bearing shall accompany the offer 2)acceptance of the special conditions/deviations if any from the special conditions shall be clearly brought out in the offer. ]
Tender For double row rollerbearing 21312e tvpb of skf with steel cage straight bore. 60 i d x 130 od x 31 thick ; makes: skf, fag. ntn, ina, timken only note: 1) vendors are required to q uote only for the brands they are approved for. 2) the authorized agents shall supply bearings with original manufacturer tamper proof seal. 3) the authorized agents shall fur nish inspection certificate from manufactures or their authorised testing agents, preferably incorporating the details of traceability of the products proposed for supply. 4) non compliance of any of the conditions by the tenderer may result in their offer gettin g ignored. [ warranty period: 12 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of different assy of stone crusher akona - repair of eccentric shaft , repair of rollerbearing , repair of jaw plate mounting block , repair of toggle seat of rocker , repair of key way in eccentric shaft
Tender For tender for supply of pr 22456 bearings required for concentrator plant - ball bearing 6411 , 55x140x33 make , skf or fag or timken or ntn cage metallic , ball bearing 7210 make , skf or fag or ntn or timken , cage metallic , ball bearing , 3217 or 5217 make skf or fag or ntn or timken , cage metallic , ball bearing , 3217 or 5217 make skf or fag or ntn or timken , cage metallic , ball bearing double row 3309 make skf or fag or ntn or timken , cage metallic , bearing 7224 make skf or fag or ntn or timken , cage metallic , rollerbearing nu 2213 make skf or fag or ntn or timken , cage metallic , bearing nu 2322 make skf or fag or ntn or timken , cage metallic , bearing 22230 cc or w33 make skf or fag or ntn or timken , cage metallic , sph.rollerbearing 22320 cc or w33 make skf or fag or ntn or timken , cage metallic , dr.sph.rollerbearing 30312 steel cage , make skf or fag or ntn or timken , taper rollerbearing 30312 steel cage metallic , make skf or fag or timken or ntn , taper rollerbearing 30210 cage , metallic , make , skforfagortimkenorntn , taper rollerbearing skf , 32211 cage metallc , cup and cone 748 sor742 3 inch bore cage metallic , cup and cone bearing cup j90748 and cone j90354 make skforfabortimkenorntn cage , metallic