Tender For doubling of track between trivandrum and kanniyakumari- manufacturing, supply and stacking of machine crushed track ballast conforming to rdso specification (irs-ge-1) with latest correction slips for new track between neyyatinkara (excl.) to parassala (incl.) stations.
Tender For koraput -singapur road doubling project:- crushing, transportation and stacking of contractor's machine crushed hard stone ballast in between bhalumaska - singapur road stations on kr line of waltair division, east coast railway
Tender For supplying and stacking machine crushed stone ballast in stacks in station yards or on cess/finished formation including station yards along the track at stations between sawai madhopur-isarda stations of swm-jp doubling project and sawai madhopur bypass line project of north western railway
Tender For electrification of s&t goomties, lc gate goomties,track machine siding store room & rest room, service building, platform lighting, power supply arrangement in connection with 3rd & 4th line between jarpada -budhapank section & mcrl inner corridor phase-i angul-balram siding doubling of east coast railway.