Tender For ca no. ge af no.1/gur-74/2024-25 repair to joinery, ac sheet roofing, galvalume sheet roofing etc. in otm accn ge office at af stn. gurgaon under ge (af) gurgaon no 1
Tender For annual repair m/o to various residential buildings under division no-iii shimla. (sh replacement of cgi sheet into preprinted sheet in roofing at oak over shimla).
Tender For special repair to roofing sheet, bird net & mosquatto net & construction of new bath (3 nos) invidhyabhavan building at srptc campus chowky(sorath) dist. junagadh.
Tender For providing sheet roofing with truss to godown and clearing jungle, removal of silt & special repair improvement in selected reaches from ch 156.000 to 174.000 km & direct minor -25 to 29, distributory-3 from km-1 to 23 and its minor-1 to 15 , sub distributory from km-1 to 14 and its minor-1 to 7 under utp main canal for the year 2024-25