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Rotor Shaft Repair Tenders

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Bid Submission Date Range
Tender Value

Central Government/Public Sector

CTN :39420476 Due date: 12 Mar, 202512 Mar, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of 100249290_ 10_ m5502436003n_ hub for fix plough arm , 100249290_ 20_ m5502436006_ axle shaft carrge wheel as , 100249290_ 30_ m5502436015n_ rotar arm cw with liners , 100249290_ 40_ m5502436016n_ rotor arm ccw with liners

Central Government And Public Sector

CTN :39420384 Due date: 06 Mar, 202506 Mar, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of radiator and tc cooler assy p n 376ec02027 , front axle beml bl 200 1 , lift cyl seal kit k5 p n 375hc00025 , prop shaft tor conv trans p n 376pz02011 , joy stick pt no 376cv02013 , torque converter pt no 376tc02005 , transmission oil filter p n 375tm02115 , prop shaft trans plum block 376pz02036 , brake assy p n 376ax91623 for beml pl , hyd pump pt no 950hm01009 , hose to lift cylinder 375 ph 02192 , prop shaft plum block f a p n 376pz02044

Central Government/Public Sector

CTN :39403936 Due date: 11 Mar, 202511 Mar, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of uj cross , knuckle bush , thrust bearing , axle roller bearing , knuckle post lower , sleeve cylinder assy , sleeve cylinder kit , clutch cylinder kit , tie rod end , brake booster pipe , fuel feed pump , gear box oil seal , turbo charger core , front shaft propeller toke spline , door mechanisem , axle oil seal , agb oil seal , drive belt , kit asm pad brake , cv joint , tandem master cylinder

Central Government/Public Sector

CTN :39402793 Due date: 01 Mar, 202501 Mar, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of tilt cyln rh dc6805 pt no mh797614253 , tilt cylinder lh pn mh796614243 , combination switch for forklifts , yoke pin pn mh796403014 , bush pn mh09186 , gas spring dvx pt no mh797412523 , fuel gauge pricol no 5026 bar 5052 mh785761600 , brake tube pn mh799805154 for forklift 5t voltas , clutch rel brg sleeve 5t mc part no mh08498f for forklifts , thrust bearing pn mh01938600 , yoke end pn 016548400 for 5t voltas forklift , lever knob pn 016483600 for forklift fc voltas , hex jam nut 5by16inch_16 pn 014972700 for 5t voltasforklift , hex jam nut pn 014973100 for 5t voltas forklift , hydraulic hose pn mh08002 , valve cup pn 02point022point11point0point00 for kirloskar 4r1040na engine , overhaul kit grou pn 4hpoint246point10point0point00 for kirloskar 4r1040na engine , bearing main kir h pn fpoint073point4point00point003 for kirloskar 4r1040na engine , bearing cbarr kir h pn hpoint073point4point00point003 for kirloskar 4r1040na engine , valve tappet pn 02point024point01point0point00 for kirloskar 4r1040na engine , cap assembly pn 34point036point60point0point00 for kirloskar 4r1040na engine , washer for crank pn 03point016point03point0point00 for kirloskar 4r1040na engine , bearing bush sbare pn spoint074point5point00point003 for kirloskar 4r1040na engine , con rod bolt pn 02point021point04point0point00 for kirloskar4r1040na engine , worm drive hose cl pn 50point519point08point000 for kirloskar 4r1040na engine , piano switch for forklifts , reverse horn pt no mh11929 , tail lamp glass , limit switch for forklift , hydraulic pump dvx 506 pt no mh17805 , hydraulic pump coupling part no mh18129 , weld t trail axle pn 08966 for 5t forklift 506fc , fuel tank cap assembly pn mh870001084 dvx max , water pump assy mh99sg4126 , lower radiator hose part no mh796607233 for 5t forklifts , upper radiator hose part no mh12445 for 5t forklifts , chain assy for hvm pn mh09438 , chain sheave bearing asy pn 12682 , drive rim stud pt no mh786295700 , disc wear plug pn mh02428 for voltas make 5t forklift , drive shaft short pn mh796602109 , drive shaft long pn mh796602079 , drive axle with sleeve pn mh796602139

CTN :39402316 Due date: 12 Mar, 202512 Mar, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of spares of stln and re - chain sprocket set , kick shaft oil seal , air hose , seat stiching pin , knuckle brg , hub lock washer , fuel filter cloth , front hub oil seal , axle oil seal , side view mirror , convoy light , fuse box assy , fuse box cover , hood light , air dryer assy , cabin light assy , fuel flexible pipe benjo 19x19 13inch , fuel flexible pipe benjo 17x19 13inch , wire rope , door regulator assy

CTN :39100421 Due date: 22 Feb, 202522 Feb, 2025 NA
Tender For bid to ras repair of tractor hmt - repair of crone , repair of rear axle , repair of fuel injection pump , repair of engine shaft , repair of gear

CTN :39010405 Due date: 22 Feb, 202522 Feb, 2025 NA
Tender For bid to ras supply of spare parts of motor vehicle - rear inner bearing bolero , rear outer bearing bolero , clutch plate tata 1512 , rear hub oil seal bolero , front hub inner bearing bolero , front hub outer bearing bolero , pressure plate with release bearing tata 1512 , front hub oil seal bolero , rear shocker assy tata safari , flasher unit 8 pin 12 volt bolero , brake mcylinder bolero , rear main leaf bolero , centre bolt bolero , u bolt bolero , shackle pin leaf bolero , front brake caliper assy bolero , brake pipe rear l mgypsy , speedometer cable assy mgypsy , fuel pump motor denso mgypsy , fuel return vacuum valve mgypsy , rear seat complete mgypsy soft top , buffer pad lh rh sml truck , fuel filter 1 ltr sml truck , steering bush sml truck , rear bearing part no u 497 tata sumo gold , axle seal tata sumo gold , head light assy ls tata sumo gold , exhaust brake pipe tata 5xton , judgment rod tata 5 xton , steering gear box oil seal tata 1212 tc , front shock absorber lr tata 5xton , jumping rod bush kit force ambulance , engine oil filter new holland tractor , hydraulic oil filter new holland tractor , fuel filter set new holland tractor , cabin rubber buffer pad tata lpta 715 , helmet mcycle , air filter ashok leyland , front differential oil seal mandm scorpio , air filter mandm scorpio , oil filter mandm scorpio , disc pad front mandm scorpio , turbo charger tata sumo , split bulb 24 volts , wheel stud with nut mandm scorpio s10 , steering oil seal scorpio10 , throttle body mgypsy mpfi , throttle body packing , steering oil seal tata 713 lpta , idle speed motor actuator mgypsy mpfi , tps sensor mgypsy mpfi , propeller shaft centre bearing force ambulance , steering gear box oil seal tata 715 lpt , front hub with bearing scorpio s10 , u j cross mgypsy , disc pad front scorpio n , oil seal front tata 110 133 12 , axle oil seal tata 1212tc 4x4 , check nut lock washer front tata 1212 4x4 , check nut lock washer rear tata 1212 4x4 , check nut tata 1212 4x4 , steering gear box oil seal tata 1613 , kit shoe hold down tata sumo , flasher unit 12 volts sml 3500 , emery paper cloth type fine , cold patch solution , bulb 67 no 12 volt , bulb 2441 24 volt , bulb 67 no 24 volt , head light relay 12 volt , flasher unit 24volts tata , pull and push switch , head light bulb 24 volt , u bolt washer , bulb 1141 12 volt , wheel cylinder rear brake scorpio s10 , nut bolt tvs 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 no , grease nipple big , grease nipple small , welding rod 10 swg , welding rod 08 swg , tube less puncher kit , horn 12 volt minda , horn 24 volt minda , m seal , paint red , rim paint , brake adjuster kit scorpio , paint green , ana bond , red oxide primer , white paint , paint black , clamp small , side mirror l r side tata , banjo bolt 19 nos , solution sr 505 , steel screw 1 inch chinese , head light bulb 12 volt , retro reflective tape yellow , retro reflective tape red , retro reflective tape white , silicon tube , flexible pipe rubber 19 no dia , flexible pipe rubber 22 no dia , n c thinner , dash board polish , fuse small 10 15 20 25 , alloy wheel scorpio , oil seal front sml 4x2 , oil seal rear tata sumo , king pin lower tata 1212 4x4 , oil seal front tata 1613 , oil seal rear tata 1613 in out , oil seal rear tata 1212 in out , spring washer 12 17 no , fog light assy , fog light bulb 12v , fog light bulb 24v , t monogram , araldite , split pin various size , banjo washer 12 14 17 nos , shocker assy force ambulance , uj cross scorpio

CTN :39384861 Due date: 11 Mar, 202511 Mar, 2025 NA
Tender For tender for supply of front suspension bush kit , front disc rotor , front disc pad , front wind shiled glass , rear both side brake drum , rear brake adjuster kit , rear brake shoes set , rear both shock absorber lh and rh , air filter elements , fuel filter , turbo assy , uj cross , rear wipper with arm , rear yoke and teeth propeller shaft , water outlet pipe , stay rod hood , coolent reservoir , thermostate valve , oil filter , hla , valve inlet and exhaust , valve seal , valve guide , valve seat , head gaskit , front timing plate , packing kit compleate , piston ring set , timing chain primary and secondary , chain guide set fix guide 02 and cam guide , hydraulic tensioner primary and secondary , fuel return pipe , fuel pipe filter to fip , vaccume modulator , prv common rail , piston with pin lock set std excort , piston ring std excort , cylinder linner std tiger linner india , main bearing std , big end bearing std , thrust washer std bm , cr bush std kisholer , valve inlet and exhaust etn , valve guide inlet and exhaust , valve seat inlet and exhaust , engine gaskit set overhauling complete , hla rff assembly 16 nos , tensor long automatic fan belt , pilot bearing , oil pump assy with front plate , water pump assy , thermostate valve , fuel filter assy with filter , oil pressure switch , chain tensor sec and pri 02 chain sec and pri 02 fixed guide 02 arm tensor pri and sec 02 guide cam shaft 01 guide lock 02 , tensor lower ac , solenoide switch self , aramature self , copper brush gear plate self , copper brush set , gun metal bush set , bendix penion assy , alternator rotor assy , cut out plate alternator , rectifire plate alternator , sensor crank shaft , cam gear inlet and exhaust , trubo charger assy , cam sensor , o ring water hose , o ring air hose , o ring injector , crank sensor inner gear bolt , fuel pipe filter to fip , injector nozzle assy , fuel injection pump assy , seat cover set complete , rear bumper lock , uj cross , propeller shaft , front rotter disc , shockabsorber rear , tapper cover stud , gear bolt housing bolt big , gear bolt housing small big , rear brake shoe set , front brake pad set , hose pipe set water , benjo bolt turbocharger , bonnet shocker , engine mounting , fuel return pipe pump to tank , water outlet plastic pipe with o ring , wiper blade front , wiper blade rear , dumper pully crank shaft , rectifire plate alternator , fog lamp bulb with holder led , abs wire coupler , combination switch assy , tail light assy s 10 , tail light bulb 12 volt , wipper motor assy frt , relay 4 pin 12 volt , relay 5 pin 12 volt , cranck sensor 12 v , cam sensor 12 v , vss sensor , axle boot front , wipper motor rear , wipper blade rear , reverse light switch gear box , interior mirror , mud flap , 7 d foot mat scorpio s 10 , glove box , engine oh headgas kit set complete , cylinder linner , piston set , valve inlet and exhaust , piston ring set , main bearing , big end bearing , cr bush , cam bush , valve seat inlet and exhaust , valve guide inlet and exhaust , thrust washer , oil pump with timing plate , fly wheel bearing , arm tensioner primry , arm tensioner secondary , chain primary , chain secondary , hydraulic tensioner primary , hydraulic tensioner secondary , cam shaft guide , fixed guide , long tensioner automatic , ac tensioner lower , water pump assy , oil pressure switch , water temp sensor , thermostate valve comp assy , hla set , fan belt 4pk 1171 , fan belt 1115 , clutch plate , pressure plate , fuel return pipe fip to tank , fuel pipe fip to filter , crank gear , cam gear , pipe over flow injector with lock , fuel filter assy with filter , oil jet with packing , inlet manifold complete , water hose plastic with o ring , fip sprocket , self solonoid , oil filter , air filter , fuel filter with assy , ac filter , side mirror lh and rh , bendex pinion , gun metal bush , self carbon brush with plate , head gasket , transfer case switch 4x4 , fog light assy , air filter , fuel filter , whee

CTN :39419597 Due date: 07 Mar, 202507 Mar, 2025 NA
Tender For tender for supply of intermediate shaft 1104abc00241n , steering wheel assy 1106abc00071y , belt power steering 0306gam00381n , horn pad steering wheel airbag 2502au300021n , stabilizer bar kit 0401eaa03250n , upper arm bush 0028911 , lower arm bush 0028853 , shaft upper arm 0028912 , stabilizer link assy 0028990 , steering knuckle lh 0401daa03600n , steering knuckle rh 0401daa03590n , assy upper arm lh 0028988 , assy upper arm rh 0028989 , assy lower arm lh 0028843 , assy lower arm lh 0028844 , kit front suspension bushing 0401baa05560n , pipe pressure 1102cbc00441n , return pipe 1102cbc00431n , front shock absorber 0403aaa04041n , rear shock absorber 0403aaa04051n , coil spring front 0401aaa03711n , seat spring 0028889 , rear suspension buffer 0097946 , rear leaf spring bush 0084777 , stopper rebound 0028897 , kit shock absorber bushing front s0403a000131n , bushing stab bar 0028869 , sprg.clip plt rr.rh. 0084835 , sprg.clip plt rr.lh. 0084836 , engine bed insulator , front 0099828 , radiator top hose 0304dam05920n , radiator bootm hose0304dam08100n , radiator assy 0304aam02561n , water pump assy0311dam00581n , ac evaporator coil s1203c001591n , ac condensor coil 1203baa03441n , ac compressor1203aaa01681n , ac blower motor s1203c001611n , egr 0309dam02781n , actuator gas recirculations0309d000121n , turbocharger0305gam0006kt , ac compressor belt0306gam00381n , engine speed sensor 0305cb0041n , propeller shaft assy 0501aaa05131n , accelerator pedal 0317aaz00051n , door outer handle rh0114dn0120c , door latch assy rh0114dan00471n , door latch assy lh0114dan00461n , assy window regulator frt door lh 0111cn0031n , assy window regulator frt door rh 0111cn0021n , assy window regulator frt bottom channel lh0074554 , assy window regulator frt bottom channel rh0074553 , handle window regulator 0111cg0650d , assy window regulator rear lh 0111can00220n , assy window regulator rear rh 0111can00230n , assy ret glass run chanel bottom rear rh0067783 , assy ret glass run chanel bottom rear lh 0067784 , handle assy door outer lh0114dn0130c , axle inboard seal0502laa01071n , axle outboard seal0502ca0180n , wheel bearing 0502ca0340n , shock absorber bush frts0403a000131n , bush 0028113 , lower arm nut sf0301078 , lower arm bolt sf0101223 , shackle pad rear0028893 , leaf spring assy 0402aa0310n

CTN :39402270 Due date: 12 Mar, 202512 Mar, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of bearing , gear , housing differential , shaft rear wheel , gear, driven , housing,half axle,lh , housing wheel reduction lh and rh , differential complete assy , air dryer , cone bearing , cup , cone , spherical plain bearing , snap ring
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