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Salmonella Tenders

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Bid Submission Date Range
Tender Value

CTN :39402488 Due date: 12 Mar, 202512 Mar, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of biomerieux kits for vidas vitek and tempo - vidas salmonella 60t code 30702 packsize 60 strips with 3 vials of standards , sx2 broth 20 tubes 10ml code 42121 packsize 20 tubes , qcv-quality control vidas 60t code 30706 , tempo bags x 500 code 80015 packsize 500 bags , tempo ecoli 48t code 80004 packsize 48 tubes and 48 cards , tempo yeast mold 48t code 80001 packsize 48 tubes and 48 cards , tempo aerobic count 48t code 411113 packsize 48 tubes and 48 cards , gn test kit vtk2 20 cards code 21341 packsize 20 cards , chrom id salmonella code 43621 packsize 20 plates


CTN :39369719 Due date: 10 Mar, 202510 Mar, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of bacterial antisera - salmonella o2 antisera , salmonella o4 antisera , salmonella monovalent 09 antisera , salmonella monovalent ha antisera , salmonella monovalent hb antisera , salmonella monovalent hd antisera , salmonella monovalent hi antisera , salmonella vi antisera , salmonella poly o a g antisera , vibrio cholerae polyvalent antisera , vibrio cholerae ogawa antisera , vibrio cholerae inaba antisera , shigella polyvalent d sonnei antisera , shigella polyvalent b flexneri antisera , shigella polyvalent a dysenteriae antisera , shigella polyvalent c boydii antisera

CTN :38988784 Due date: 06 Mar, 202506 Mar, 2025 NA
Tender For corrigendum : supply of microbiology molecular biology reagents - acinetobacter selective medium with supplements - pack of500gm , camphylobacter selective medium bracket boold freeand with supplements bracket - pack of 500 gm , cary - blairtransport medium - pack of 500 gm , enterococcus selectivemedium - pack of 500 gm , macconkey agar - pack of 500 gm ,modified cary - blair medium - pack of 500gm , mrs medium -pack of 250gm , mrsa selective medium with or withoutchromogenic - pack of 500gm , pseudomonas selective agar -pack of 500gm , salmonella shigella agar- pack of 500gm ,selective , vibrio selective media with supplements - pack of500gm , xylose lysine deoxycholate- pack of 500gm , yersiniaselective agar - pack of 500gm , sim medium - pack of 250gm ,mrvp broth - pack of 250gm , kovac sindolereagent - pack of100ml , barritt s reagents a alpha - naphthol - pack of ml ,methyl red reagent oblique indicator - pack of 50ml , simmonscitrate agar - pack of 250ml , triple sugar iron agar - pack of100gm , mha medium - pack of 500gm , durham tubes length 25to 27 mm diameter 6 by 7 - pack of 100 , tryptone broth - pack of500gm , sucrose powder - pack of 100gm , mannitol sugar powder- pack of 100gm , lactose sugar powder - pack of 500gm , xylitolsugar powder- pack of 100 gm , adonitol sugar powder - pack of10 gm , sulfanilic acid - pack of 25 gm , amikacin bracke amkbracket - pack of 100 discs , amoxicillin bracket amx bracket-pack of 100 discs , ampicillin bracket amp racket- pack of 100discs , azithromycin bracket azm bracket- pack of 100 discs ,cefepime bracket fep bracket - pack of 100 discs , cefotaximebracket ctx bracket- pack of 100 discs , cefoxitin bracket foxbracket- pack of 100 discs , cefoxitin - cloxacillin - pack of 100discs , ceftazidime bracket caz bracket - pack of 100 discs ,ceftriaxone bracket cro bracket - pack of 100 discs , cephalothin- bracket cef bracket - pack of 100 discs , chloramphenicolbracket c bracket - pack of 100 discs , ciprofloxacin bracket cipbracket - pack of 100 discs , clarithromycin bracket cla bracket - bracket - pack of 100 discs , clarithromycin bracket cla bracket - norfloxacin bracket nor bracket - pack of 100 discs , ofloxacinbracket ofx bracket - pack of 100 discs , penicillin bracket pbracket -pack of 100 discs , rifampicin bracket rd bracket - packof 100 discs , teicoplanin bracket tec bracket - pack of 100 discs, tetracycline bracket tet bracket - pack of 100 discs ,tobramycin bracket tob bracket - pack of 100 discs , vancomycinbracket van bracket - pack of 100 discs , potassium chloride -pack of 500gm , sodium phosphate dibasic bracket mw 141 dart96 g oblique mol - pack of 500gm , potassium phosphatemonobasic bracket mw 136 dart 09 g oblique mol - pack of 500gm, 0.5m sodium edta - pack of 50 ml , 100percent acetic acid -pack of 50 ml , 10x te buffer- pack of 10 ml , agarose - pack of100 g , nuclease free water - pack of 500ml , potassiumdichromate - pack of 500g , stool dna purification kit - pack of 50pairs , qubit tm 4 system verification assay kit - pack of 50 assays, 1x te buffer, ph 8.0 - pack of 100ml , rnalater solution - packof 100ml , formaldehyde , glycerol - pack of 100ml , sybr tmgreen master mix - pack of 1x5 ml , first strand cdna synthesiskit - paco of 50 reactions , trizol reagent - pack of 100ml , 2propanol bracket isopropanol bracket moleculer biology grade -pack of 500ml , ecl western blotting substrate - pack of 250ml ,prestained protein ladder for western blot - pack of 500 microliter, tris hcl bracket 1 m bracket ph 8dart0 rnase free - pack of100ml , sodium chloride for molecular biology greater than orminus 99 percent bracket titration bracekt - pack of 500g ,sodium dodecyl sulfate - pack of 100g , ethyl alcohol formolecular biology greater than or minus 99 point 8 percentbracket bracket gc bracket - pack of 500ml , tris dash borateedta buffer 10x - pack of 1000ml , gel loading buffer - pack of5ml , hot start pcr master mix ready to ...

Corporations And Associations And Others

CTN :39315535 Due date: 27 Feb, 202527 Feb, 2025 NA
Tender For empanelment form for empanelment of pad items suppliers under category a special plus - food additives (synthetic food colour), synthetic food colors, heavy metals, arsenic, mercury, lead, cadmium, copper, tin, preservative test, benzoic acid, sorbic acid, sulphite, microbiological, total plate count, salmonella, e.coli, coliform, shigella, physiochemical, moisture %, acid insoluble ash, fat, insect, rodents hair etc.

Corporations And Associations And Others

CTN :39315536 Due date: 27 Feb, 202527 Feb, 2025 NA
Tender For empanelment form for empanelment of pad items suppliers under category a special plus - food additives (synthetic food colour), synthetic food colors, heavy metals, arsenic, mercury, lead, cadmium, copper, tin, preservative test, benzoic acid, sorbic acid, sulphite, microbiological, total plate count, salmonella, e.coli, coliform, shigella, physiochemical, moisture %, acid insoluble ash, fat, insect, rodents hair etc.

Corporations And Associations And Others

CTN :39315537 Due date: 27 Feb, 202527 Feb, 2025 NA
Tender For empanelment form for empanelment of pad items suppliers under category a special plus - food additives (synthetic food colour), synthetic food colors, heavy metals, arsenic, mercury, lead, cadmium, copper, tin, preservative test, benzoic acid, sorbic acid, sulphite, microbiological, total plate count, salmonella, e.coli, coliform, shigella, physiochemical, moisture %, acid insoluble ash, fat, insect, rodents hair etc.

Corporations And Associations And Others

CTN :39315538 Due date: 27 Feb, 202527 Feb, 2025 NA
Tender For empanelment form for empanelment of pad items suppliers under category a. - food additives (synthetic food colour), synthetic food colors, heavy metals, arsenic, mercury, lead, cadmium, copper, tin, preservative test, benzoic acid, sorbic acid, sulphite, microbiological, total plate count, salmonella, e.coli, coliform, shigella, physiochemical, moisture %, acid insoluble ash, fat, insect, rodents hair etc.

Corporations And Associations And Others

CTN :39315539 Due date: 27 Feb, 202527 Feb, 2025 NA
Tender For empanelment form for empanelment of pad items suppliers under category a. - food additives (synthetic food colour), synthetic food colors, heavy metals, arsenic, mercury, lead, cadmium, copper, tin, preservative test, benzoic acid, sorbic acid, sulphite, microbiological, total plate count, salmonella, e.coli, coliform, shigella, physiochemical, moisture %, acid insoluble ash, fat, insect, rodents hair etc.

Corporations And Associations And Others

CTN :39315540 Due date: 27 Feb, 202527 Feb, 2025 NA
Tender For empanelment form for empanelment of pad items suppliers under category a. - food additives (synthetic food colour), synthetic food colors, heavy metals, arsenic, mercury, lead, cadmium, copper, tin, preservative test, benzoic acid, sorbic acid, sulphite, microbiological, total plate count, salmonella, e.coli, coliform, shigella, physiochemical, moisture %, acid insoluble ash, fat, insect, rodents hair etc.

Corporations And Associations And Others

CTN :39315541 Due date: 27 Feb, 202527 Feb, 2025 NA
Tender For empanelment form for empanelment of pad items suppliers under category a special - food additives (synthetic food colour), synthetic food colors, heavy metals, arsenic, mercury, lead, cadmium, copper, tin, preservative test, benzoic acid, sorbic acid, sulphite, microbiological, total plate count, salmonella, e.coli, coliform, shigella, physiochemical, moisture %, acid insoluble ash, fat, insect, rodents hair etc.
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