Tender For supply of weld trimmer with power pack rdso version specification no.tm/sm/9 dt.16.08.1991 (rdso specification attached in document) [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of double action rail weld trimmer power pack version for a.t. welding rdso specificati on no.: tm/sm/9 dt. 16.08. 1991(second revision, 2022). suitable for 52kg and 60kg rails, shear blade for 52kg and 60kg each one set. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of weld trimmer power pack version for at welding as per rdso spec. no. tm/sm/9 dt. 16.08. 1991 (second revision, 2022) with latest alteration with 02 years warranty. [ warranty period: 24 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of weld trimmer with power pack engine & trolley as per rdso specification no. tm/sm /9 ( second revision, 2022 ) dt. 01.06.2022 or latest. [ warranty period: 12 months after the date of deli very ]
Tender For supply of glycel herbicide gilphosate 41 percentage si , light weight alloy spanner double end size 36mm x 41mm , mechanical track jack 15 ton capacity non infringing type , weld trimmer machine , rake ballast , rail profile gauge cum recorder detailed description as per item 6 of the attached specification document , rail profile gauge cum recorder detailed description as per item 7 of the attached specification document , rail profile gauge cum recorder detailed description as per item 8 of the attached specification document , digital gauge cum level as per rdso specification no tm-58 third revision of 2023 for pwi hill lmg , digital gauge cum level as per rdso specification no tm-58 third revision of 2023 for pwi hill nhgj , digital gauge cum level as per rdso specification no tm-58 third revision of 2023 for pwi hill nhlg