Tender For bid to ras providing of annual maintenance services for water purification and conditioning system (version 2) - eureka forbes aquagaurd 200 water purifier 15 ltr; 5 to 7; package-4 : water purifier and conditioning system maintenance involving basic servicing, filters, mem..,annual maintenance services for water purification and conditioning system (version 2) - peakmountstar 50 liter per hour with ro uv uf alkaline treatment; 3 to 5; package-4 : water purifier and conditioning system maintenance involving basic servici..
Tender For construction of 50m cisr of 10 lanes including installation of target system bullet proofing and anti ricochet treatment, ventilation, acoustical works, sanitary works, water supply at site-c of svp npa hyderabad.sh: providing services of computer operator and semi skilled person for the year 2024-25 and 2025-26 for period of 7 months.
Tender For dg - lote parshuram...m and r to wss for lote parshuram and kherdi khadpoli industrial area. providing operation and monitoring services for pumphouse, water treatment plant at lote,kherdi, khadpoli and dapoli.
Tender For corrigendum : sucessful testing and commissioing of construction of rapid sandfiltrationplant with pre-settling tank, constt of sluice chamber, constt of pump house cum operator quarter, consst of intake channle stage ist , constt of clear water sump stage 2nd and providing and fixing various dia of pipe for wss khanu babagund under ut capex
Tender For custom bid for services - hiring of o and m services for 3 years for the low saline water plant installed at the new water injection south r wis r platform complex-ongc intends to hire services for comprehensive operation and maintenance (o&m) of complete low saline water reverse osmosis plant (125,000 bwpd) at mumbai high offshore wis-r platform (approx. 150 km away from shore) through skilled technical manpower to be deployed by the contractor. to provide uninterrupted operation and system availability, the contractor shall offer for comprehensive operation and maintenance of low saline water reverse osmosis plant (lswro pant) the design capacity of the low saline ro plant is 125,000 bwpd (approx. 830 m 3 /hr) of net treated water production on continuous basis with a maximum salinity of 8000 mg/l. the primary feed stream to the desalination plant shall be filtered seawater which shall be made available at the battery limit of the lswro plant at a pressure of 5 bar. treatment scheme and facilities the major components present in the low salinity water package are: 1. swro feed pumps 2. ultra-filtration system 3. uf backwash & ceb system 4. swro feed pumps 5. sea water reverse osmosis system (swro) 6. energy recovery system and booster pumps 7. swro permeate/treated water storage tank and transfer pumps 8. uf & swro cip and chemical handling system
Tender For corrigendum : providing of custom bid for services - hiring of services of four 4 units of compact effluent treatment plants etp for treatment of produced formation water of oil india limited assam with a provision of framework agreement
Tender For supply of maintenance and repairing - roof slab plaster , water storage tank , window glass , roof top treatment , ceiling fan , pump , bond coating on roof surface , stair iron made circular , electric services , plumbing services , carpenter services