Tender For construction successful testing and commissioning of 02 no pump house cum operators quarter, 02 no 0.25 lac gln sr with sluice chambers, providing and laying pipe network, chainlink fencing around structures and electro - mechanical works for wss kawari jagerpora under ut capex.
Tender For corrigendum : certain repairs to wall, leakage/ seepage, external services like, soil west pipe, drain, fencing, footpath, etc and other miscellaneous repairs in building of cell no. 02 at nofra under ge (nw) nofra, colaba, mumbai
Tender For providing water supply facilities by way of providing an f ixing of g .i pipes ,construction of 0.30 lac gallons special repair ,sluice chamber,pump house cum operator quater,chain link fencing,retaining wall and p f of regulatory system of pipe specials for ws
Tender For corrigendum : repairs to drain, sewage lines, cleaning lines, manholes, septic tank, replacement of soil/ waste/ vent pipe, repair to chain link fencing and other miscellaneous works at army land under ge(i) campbell bay
Tender For schedule(1) - (a) nashik road - outward and inward office under one roof, floor tiling and repair of doors, windows and ceiling in parcel office, repair and levelling up of surface at parcel shed.(b)nashik road - provision of pathway from pf-1 to pf-2/3 and 4.(c) nashik road - covered shed and parcel cage at csmt end parcel transit office on pf-2/3. (id no. sch(2):- mmr-provision of pathway to pf-1 & provision of parcel cage,cabins on pf1/2,3/4,5/6 (id no. sch(3):- csn(c&w)- a)provision of homing shed of 9 m length x 5 m width x 6m height for customized road mobile unusual & restoration. b)provision of supervisor/engineer room size 5m x 5m with toilet block 1.5m x 2m. = 28 sq.m cum staff room size 5mx 5m with toilet block 1.5m x 2m. = 28 sqg.m cum store room size 4mx 5m. c)provision of b/wall with with barbed wire fencing on top approx. length 70m. d)approach road- 5 x 20 m length @ csn in connection with chalisgaon & khandwa - customised road mobile unusual & restoration units at chalisgaon & khandwa of bsl division. (id- sch(4):-manmad- upgradation of loco inspection pit of manmad depot. (project id- sch(5):- repairs to staff quarters and pipe line under sse(w)mmr jurisdiction under aden mmr.(zbb-2024-25)