Tender For providing of custom bid for services - shifting of feeder no2 feeder no8 from fs4 near main sump to fs5 face sump of gondegaon open cast mine
Tender For replacement of gravimentric feeder belts, replacement of head and tail pulley bearings of main drive pulley, opening of rc feeder doors and closing of rc feeder doors, replacement and overhauling of main bear box of rc feeder and replacement/repairing of feeder outlet gates and chutes of rc feeder, patch welding of 22" coal pipes from all corners and servicing of esp gates as and when required of unit-6/stage-iv/dr.mvr rtpp during the year 2025-26.
Tender For corrigendum : supplying and laying of 25 sqm cable from main feeder near ticket counter to tiger enclosure via lion enclosure at harinalaya zoo, new town.
Tender For corrigendum : supply of main switchboard msb-1 with control section distributionsection and complete power management system pms facility as per tsp section ii para 1.1 2.1 , main switchboard msb-2 with control section distribution section and complete power management system pms facility as per tsp section ii para 1.1 2.1 3.1 , switchboard for emergency diesel alternator 135kw consisting of control section and feeder section as per tsp section ii para 1.1 2.1 3.1 , power distribution boards pdbs 415vac mccb type 3 ph in 3 ph out 12 output with auto changeover facility as per tsp section ii para 2.3 3.3 , power distribution boards pdbs 415vac mccb type 3 ph in 3 ph out 4 output as per tsp section ii para 2.3 3.3 , power distribution boards pdbs 415vac mccb type 3 ph in 3 ph out 10 output as per tsp section ii para 2.3 3.3 , power distribution boards pdbs 415vac mccb type 3 ph in 3 ph out 8 output as per tsp section ii para 2.3 3.3 , power distribution boards pdbs 230vac mcb type 3 ph in 3 ph out 8 output with manual changeover switch as per tsp section ii para 2.3 3.3 , power distribution boards pdbs 230vac mcb type 3 ph in 1 ph out 12 output as per tsp section ii para 2.3 3.3 , power distribution boards pdbs 24vdc mcb type 8 output as per tsp section ii para 2.3 3.3 , power distribution boards pdbs 24vdc mcb type 8 output with interlock circuit as per tsp section ii para 2.3 3.3 , lighting distribution boards ldbs 230vac mcb type 1 ph in 1 ph out 8 output as per tsp section ii para 2.3 3.3 , shore supply connection box sscb as per tsp para 2.4 3.4 , external supply panel of 800a as per tsp para 2.5 3.5 , rectifier cum battery chargers with batteries 60a 1.5kw24vdc as per tsp para 2.6 3.6 , rectifier cum battery chargers with batteries 130a 3kw24vdc as per tsp para 2.6 3.6 , on board spares separate list for msb, esb pdbs esp scb , documentation separate list for msb esb pdbs esp scb , installation material as per tsp separate list for msb esb pdbs esp scb , services of engineers installation and stw , services of engineers for hats , services of engineers for sats , training , monthlywarranty extension charges for 12 months beyond december 2026 , represervation of charges 06 months for msbesb apms rectifier cum battery charger if required , extra man-days for 1st year , extra man- days for 2nd year
Tender For corrigendum : replacement of gravimetric feeder belts, replacement of head pulley bearings, coupling halves, studs, bronze and rubber bushes of main drive pulley coupling, opening and closing of r.c. feeder doors, replacement and overhauling of main reducer gear box of r.c.feeders and patch welding of 22" coal pipes from all corners of boiler to classifier outlet gate, dismantling /replacing and repairing of feeder out let gates, dismantling of damaged feeder out let chutes, replacement of new /recondition chutes, replacement of damaged center feed pipe of 36"gravimet feeder of out let of unit-3 and 4, stage-ii, dr. m.v.r. rtpp as and when required during the year 2025-26
Tender For corrigendum : replacement of gravimetric feeder belts replacement of head pulley bearings coupling halves studs bronze and rubber bushes of main drive pulley coupling take up pulley bearings opening and closing of r c feeder doors replacement and overhauling of main reducer gearbox repairing of 22 inch coal pipes from classifier outlet gates to all corners of boiler and rectification of coal leaks in critical areas of in service 22inch coal pipes (36 nos) from mill outlet bends to fuel inlet bends clearing of coal jam at bunker chute or bunker raw coal gate clearing pulverised coal powder jam in coal pipes connecting from mill classifier outlet elbow to boiler coal nozzle of unit 1 and 2 as and when required during the year 2025-26
Tender For construction of pdn works of pingali feeder canal ch- 0/030 to 0/320 m and ch 7/450 m to 7/580 m on pingali feeder canal starting from ch-0/450 m of man main canal
Tender For corrigendum : repair/maint of lt feeder pillar box, mccbs,security light control panel, cable, high mast dist system for security light, earthing,lightning arrester service conntn,distri board,building sub main and allied work at afs khills under ge af thane
Tender For construction of feeder main cwr and other appurtenance works under tingarh water supply scheme including confirmatory survey design supply of all materials labour testing and commissioning of the scheme