Tender For desilting of drains from (1) malik music centre to manoj builder (2) manoj builder to nitish telecom center c-block bakkarwala jj colony (3) b-block to sewerage treatment plant bakkarwala jj colony
Tender For annual repair and operation and maintenance of sewerage treatment plant kunihar area in tehsil arki district solan hp sh deployment of labour or staff for operation running and maintenance of 0.90 mld capacity stp including sewerage network system t
Tender For a/r & m/o of sewerage scheme hamirpur town in tehsil hamirpur distt. hamirpur (sh:- real time monitoring of sewerage treatment plant 3.13 mld) job no.3 (sh:- providing and installation of real time monitoring of do of sewerage treatment plant)
Tender For a/r & m/o of sewerage scheme hamirpur town in tehsil hamirpur distt. hamirpur (sh:- real time monitoring of sewerage treatment plant 3.13 mld) job no.5 (shconstruction of shed (size 2.00mx2.0=4.00 sqm) and providing, supplying and installation of ups 2kva alongwith battery)
Tender For 15th cfc tied grant-2023-24-supply, delivery and installation of 75hp vertical turbine pump (water lubricated) and electronics flow meter at water supply head work 25hp panel board at sewerage treatment plant in chinnamanur municipality
Tender For development work for bsf klp choup at kalighati campuses, jaipur (raj.) (sh civil and electrical developments works and sewerage treatment plant 100 kld) of 39 bn bsf. (sh detail project report viz design of water supply system, sewerage system, road network, topographic survey and miscellaneous work).