Tender For repair and maintenance by replacement of old settled sewer line at 1/80,7-8 block main line,11-12 main line, sarpanch gali chilla in trilokpuri constituency ac-55 under ee(d)011.
Tender For one year operation and maintenance of haldwani sewerage scheme leakage blockage repair main hole cleaning sewerage bill distribution and 01 nos sewer jetting machine operation work under haldwani division haldwani
Tender For relaying the damage and chocked sewer line and repair the main hole near the rtc block fall under the jurisdiction of the sde w/s-12, chandigarh at police line, sector-26, chandigarh.
Tender For emergent repair work for underground sewer line from existing surface drain at two points sn block to main pit ob block to main pit including construction of pit repairing of drain and other allied works at paschim barisha rhe govt housing es