Tender For corrigendum : design, manufacture, supply, testing at manufacturers works and delivery at f.o.r. destination stations, of 145 kv, 1600 amp. sf6 gas insulated circuit breakers for various sub-stations in himachal pradesh
Tender For invitation to pre tender meeting for health check (ndt) of piping system of slug catchers i, ii and iii for revamping of sv stations, gas terminal and kribhco terminal of ongc, hazira
Tender For petroleum cutting gas in lieu of dissolved acetylene to be used with oxygen in cutting r ailway wheels hub at hub cutting stations. the hub size is 190 mm diameter and 200 mm thickness. p etroleum cutting gas is required in 19 kgs. cylinder. cutting gas in cylinders to be connected in cuttin g gas manifold of the size 72 +72 cylinders manifold room at rwp/bela from time to time based on co nsumption supply of filled cylinders will be taken and empty cylinder will be returned after use. [ warr anty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For corrigendum : providing of assets insurance service - mega risk insurance; renewal of mega risk insurance package policy for assets of ntpc stations coal gas hydro rgppl including terrorism insurance policy for 202526; mandatory
Tender For corrigendum : manufacture, testing and supply of 1,01,335 cu.m of compressed hydrogen gas (grade-ii) conforming to is: 1090/2002 (reaffirmed 2018) or its latest version with 99.6% purity (min) and pressure 130 kg/cm2 in 6.5 cu.m tggenco cylinders to various thermal power stations of tggenco
Tender For annual rate contract for repairing/maintenance of gas flooding system (svs/southern/novec make) installed at line-3 extn and 4 metro stations
Tender For design, supply, erection, testing and commissioning including comprehensive operation & maintenance of grid-connected renewable energy for coco cng stations and offices of gujarat gas ltd. operating in the state of gujarat location falling under control of utility company - mgvcl operation
Tender For design, supply, erection, testing and commissioning including comprehensive operation & maintenance of grid-connected renewable energy for coco cng stations and offices of gujarat gas ltd. operating in the state of gujarat location falling under control of utility company - pgvcl operation
Tender For design, supply, erection, testing and commissioning including comprehensive operation & maintenance of grid-connected renewable energy for coco cng stations and offices of gujarat gas ltd. operating in the state of gujarat for location falling under control of utility company - dgvcl operation