Tender For repair replacement of sewage lines manholes septic tank gully trap and allied br works under age br i area and repair cleaning of mh sewage line bathroom toilet floor trap under age br ii at ina ezhimala
Tender For desludging to various st/sw cleaning and repair to sewage line, soakage well/septic tank and certain miscellaneous b/r work in (zone i to iii) at baramulla under ge 969 ews
Tender For corrigendum : special repair to drainage sewage line and septic tank at dbn and corroded gi pipe lines at navdeep and manekshaw enclave under ge gurdaspur.
Tender For corrigendum : cleaning of sewage line, septic tank, soak well and repair of maint of drains fencing footpath etc in zone a area of age b/r-i under ge (west) lucknow
Tender For corrigendum : repair / maint of manhole, sewage line, septic tank, pathway, boundry wall, drain and other miscellaneous b/r items at 222 asc bn, ashok vihar, krimchi and adjoining area under ge (north) udhampur
Tender For repair/maint and cleaning of sewage line, manholes, traps, septic tank, soak well in technical and residential area of irde under ge (i) rnd dehradun
Tender For repair/maint of cleaning of manhole, sewage line, septic tank, soakage well and miscellaneous br works in technical and residential area of itm mussoorie under ge (i) rnd dehradun